I will be the loved kid here, not you. Peter breathed caught in his chest, mind tripping over the words like a broken record. Her whole body froze, a gasp escaping her lips as her heart dropped like ice in her chest. Peter is having doubts and thinks Tony Regrets bringing him back from the dead. But its okay, because his hero Tony Stark will get him home. Peter begins to think the worst. Peter forgets him stuffed animal at the Tower and races to get it before anyone can find it. I'm spider man and he's not! Peter thought loud again. Tell me no one saw.. Peter had been able to sense the tension that had been brewing in the compound. Tony scowled at the messages coming through the group chat and pocketed his phone without replying to them. Keeps the spiders out of the branches as they hate peppermint.. Feed-The-Spider? MJ asked, giving Peter an amused look. Prompts are welcome. "It's my birthday." Its like he sees only remembers half the picture. Romance Avengers Lokiandreader. Happy was here in his apartment with his aunt May. What are we doing up here? Peter asked, watching as she went to the table. Peter has a fight with Tony and storms off, forgetting that he has to go to a launch party with the man. I deviated slightly from the prompt, but only to make it more interesting. As Tony looked down at the human-shaped furnace that was currently sticking to him, he had forgotten how clingy (literally Tony couldnt peel Peter away no matter how hard he tried) Peter could be when he was sick. Protracted by me.. Jep can't get enough of the Hurt today I'm looking for a Neglected Peter Parker fanfiction. That was the deal Tony had made when Peter was 15 so his kid wouldn't be attacked. Especially when his father figure's response was that he would keep that in mind. But there was something about the way he shoved the pizza in his mouth, sauce smeared at the corner of his lips and some on his cheek that had Tony feeling suspicious. You have to help me with daddys surprise, Morgan said. Like the boy ate his pop tarts, which the boy did. What? "Friday, why didn't you inform us?" When Tony Stark had first added the role of picking Peter Parker up from Midtown Highschool of Science and Technology to his list of duties, Happy had grumbled. in which the black's finally find out what happened to their missing heiress whilst the avengers and the wizarding world watch the future and find out about their fate. I forgot that you changed it to two thirty and not three., Tony took a step towards Peter. Peter had a lot of things to be angry about but there was only one thing that held Peters ire. Clint Barton/ Hawkeye The first time Doctor Stephen Strange meets Peter Parker, the boy is ten years old. Go away! Yelena locked eyes with Natasha. He stumbled back, his mouth opening and closing but nothing coming out. He said he came with you to the expo., Peter Mrs. Leeds gasp and then Tony heard her frantic and hysterical yelling away from the phone. Peter was now at the age where basic dancing skills would be required school dances, house parties, billionaires weddings. Bruce forget to tell the Avenger's that Peter needs surgery while Tony is out of the country and everyone panics. The calculations the kid must do in everything that he did was outstanding. When the God of Thunder hands you a mug of hot chocolate, complete with whipped cream and peppermint shavings, you down it with no questions asked. It was all anyone could talk about for weeks, and the day had finally arrived. Hes in sooooo much trouble. Rock in his hands as he threw it on the water. avengers: To save the universe from completely imploding in on itself, peter had to sacrifice everything and everyone he loved. Well, not all of it. #bucky Tony knows there is something going on with Peter. Peter, Harley and Tony goes to a fair for Peters birthday, Tony ask Peter to adopt him. Something a little extra in that bottle you failed to mention?. Tony doesn't know whether to be proud or pissed. Problem is, they are nowhere to be found! Peter Parker has managed to keep his identity a secret until an afternoon with the Avengers has him blowing it all to hell. Peter's birthday is coming up and Ned is bad at lying. In the hype that surrounded the great capture of the mouse, Tony forgets to warn Peter Parker about the traps he set all around the tower, leading to the first casualty of war. Its not hard to forget that Peter Parker is an enhanced individual. Oh! It splashed up and over the lip of the pot, smattering across the stove top. It's Morgan's turn to look after the school pet and Peter forgets that he's allergic to them. Bucky lives in fear himself, hiding from his past, trying to get a grip on himself. Only, he travels back further than he thinks and has to opportunity to meet Ben Parker for the first and last time. #thor Tony should feel guilty about it afterwards. Or are they?? Peter hadnt seen anyone drop the bag, nor did anyone seem interested in it. Now he's missing and nobody can find him to tell him that Tony survived. Peter nodded firmly, the action causing bile to rise in his throat. He was gentle, cheeky, and overall, a very loyal pet. He felt ashamed of the brief flicker of thought that rushed through him forgotten. Peter invites the Avengers to come and meet his girlfriend, MJ. The Universe. Tonys body froze. Y/n grew up as most children do. So enjoy your ending happy days. And he went out of the lab. Hes not sure when the dreams started but he knows that he is over them. What if shes an Avenger? He worked in secret. Tony held up his hands, chargers charged and ready to fire without hesitation. And all these cards look the same!, Tony blinked at Peter, his grip slowly loosening. He probably should have been a little more persistent about that. No sooner had the words left Peppers mouth did a wave come crashing down onto the beach. Peter Had A Present For Her At His Apartment. Peter cringed at the smell that was coming from him, gagging. Peter wakes up in an alley way with a throbbing head and no idea who is. Tony dropped the wooden spoon he had been using to stir the sauce he was making. He blinked, turning his attention back to the small human who was sitting beside him. He needs them, especially when he discovers he has super-powers. It was a clusterfuck of a day and that was putting it lightly. You are badass. The good news was that Peter was now hydrated and (though he would never admit it to Tony or May) he was feeling better than he had in a while. Forgotten to be assigned for group projects, forgotten to be assigned a team in PE and on one memorable occasion in the third grade he had been forgotten on a field trip. All the emptiness, the cries. Explore the latest videos from hashtags: #forgottenbirthday, #theforgottenbirthday, #avengersfanfiction . He looked up and saw the starry night sky. ** Sequel to True Obliviousness, Unadulterated Lust **. I wish you would just stop! Peter choked on a sob, his nails digging into his palms so hard he drew blood. The first installment of the 'Made of Iron' series, but can be read alone . #peter But nobody shows up. He wakes up to the news that Spider-Man is dead. And why exactly did you need to help him get home? Tony asked, his tone deadly. This fic Until the Heart Stops Beating by inkinmyheartandonthepage is a great example, any like this are awesome!!!! He didnt want anyone to stop him or talk him out of it. Rock in his hands as he threw it on the water. May forgot to tell Happy and Tony that Peter wasn't at school and Happy gets worried. Youre going?, Tony heart plummeted in his chest. Morgan forget that Peter's isn't really her brother and Father's Day dredges up some complicated feelings for Peter. Germany was a shit show. We had to draw our personal hero. Tony didn't need to know. . It's my vanishing act." Peter Parker travels back in time to change the future only to find when he returns that nobody remembers who he is. He had, momentarily forgotten that he had a whole team of trained professionals at his command. She had loving parents, a roof over her head, and enough food to always satisfy her hunger. I thought you were getting ready at Tonys., May rolled her eyes fondly. His aunt just died. Peter hadnt cared where they were going eat, as long as MJ was happy. [ watching the movies ] I wish you would leave me alone, Peter gasped out, staring up at the sky from his perch on the edge of a building. He should have known that Doctor Stephen Strange would have made a loophole. Forgotten Valentines do not.. Tonys heart stopped; the breath knocked out of him. So, Peter reluctantly agrees. "Before I forget, did you remind Peter that Morgan cant swim? Hi guys! A short drabble about Peter's 18th birthday and his trauma from skip. Yeah right, the guard scoffed under his breath in a whisper that Peter clearly wasnt supposed to hear. He should have benched his kid as soon as he saw him. Good to know, Tony said. The Avengers are kidnapped, intent to never let them see the light of day again. May chewed her lip, glancing at Tony before looking away. Bucky Barnes is a modern-day Atlas, carrying the weight of his sins on his back like the heavens. NO! Morgan screamed, clinging tighter to Tony as she kicked her legs out at Peter. It was all a lie. forgotten or left out peter recomendations. Now, sitting on Happys uncomfortable, probably very expensive, modern couch, with Peter on one side of her pressed up close and holding her hand, and Ned on the other end slumped in the corner as they watch Mean Girls (MJs pick, sue her, they needed something more light hearted to watch after the week they had) MJ wouldnt want to be anywhere else. Tony forgets that Peter Parker was his very first intern - once forgotten on a field trip to Stark Industries. I think Peter would appreciate the heads up so he can prepare. She had forgotten that thermoregulation went both ways. Youre grounded., Peter bit back a whimper. She had no interest in whatever Stark was up to now and she didnt trust him. Tony worries about Peter and wonders why the kid hasn't taken up his offer to live in the tower only to forget he didn't actually offer. He brought it to his lips when a tingle ran down his spine. Everything comes to head when he forgets that a time was changed in his busy schedule leading to a meltdown. She had absolutely had not forgotten her nephews birthday. It turns out it was so much worse. Infiltrate the Avengers Compound and kill Iron Man. We did art today! Morgan beamed. Only to turn around and kill the purple giant with his bare hands. Who is this?. Peter isn't coping after Titan and has been doing everything to keep busy and to not think about it. Spiderman has been spotted entering Sister Margarets.. Not following, walking you home. Peter sulked his way to the comic book store, hands in his pockets and feet dragging on the old broken concrete of New York streets. It was raining hard. He had watched the YouTube videos of Peter before getting involved. Tony Stark had made it possible. On his fourteenth birthday he lost his uncle. "If Peter isn't joining us, I'm gonna go back to the tower. The Avengers have been keeping tabs on a mysterious kid who the believe to be a terrorist. Then, he brushed his teeth and then he took shower. It struck Steve suddenly how much control the teenager had. Tony Stark/ Iron Man. And there is a prize if you can solve the final problem.. He could totally handle this. This fic Until the Heart Stops Beating by inkinmyheartandonthepage is a great example, any like this are awesome!!!! But that couldnt be right. Thats all I can type so far Ill fix this description eventually. Tony forgets to give Peter a badge and a security guard get rough with Peter. No. He had told her this. ,,Okay, I'll go okay? ,,Peter, show him your lab, I have to do. Peter breaks into Tony's workshop, just wanting to be Spiderman again. "Oh, Parker? I forgot to call the dad.. Can I please try on one of your suits? Peter had begged, his eyes wide and pleading. Why? Tony and Pepper get a little hot and heavy one night and forget that Peter is staying with them for the summer. Hmmm. He said bitterly and he rolled his eyes. When Morgan gets sick they rush off to the hospital, forgetting about Peter who is in his own misery. Too bad they forgot about Spider-Man. Y/n lives and works at hydra. Boss, FIRDAY voice infiltrated through the kitchen. Tony forgets that Peter is having a games night but he swears Peter never said with who. . Maria looked curious as she gazed at Peter. Too bad the Avenger's forgot Peter was on a date. "Is Peter Parker here?" He had been so stupid. Peter was now cooped up in an art way, near the dumpsters. These are just a few instances. Tony pursed his lips together. Judging by Mr. Starks smirk, he hadnt succeeded. It's been a year, Peter is now eighteenth years old. For how long?. the door opened to an old lady. Steve forgets that Peter is a teenager and not a secret super villain. Oh no, Natasha frowned as she approached the group with Carol. As the group gathered around the apartment door, Ned reached out and knocked. And he remembered that Sam and T'Challa fought. He was tired and in pain. We have to hurry or Mr. Stark will be mad at you for being late again." His phone was ringing, it was Ned. Guardians: Preferences/Imagines/x Readers *Book 2*(Requests open), Avengers X Reader Preferences & One-Shots, Half Truths Lead to Misunderstandings (Not Dead, Update Coming Soon). He looked back to Thor, back to the screen and then back to Thor. The happy mood was infectious but Peter's senses are telling him that something is up. Ned, Peter slurred out. Plus, it isn't even a family outing when Peter isn't here." Angrily. My name is Makayla Ross and this is my story. Shout out to @chars._.penguin please follow them pls #fyp #marvelpov #avengers #peterparker, All your friends forget that its your birthday #pov #yn #avengers #tfatws #wandavision #peterparkerpov #tonystark #thorodison #ned #mj #spiderman, #pov the avengers forgot your birthday #the_scarlet_witch10 #ynpov #mcupov, Hailey Bieber and Selena Gomez drama origin. Adrenaline had Steve whipping his shield off and flinging it towards the intruder before his brain had time to process the action. Tony? Natasha asked, lowering her gun but her body was still tense. See you later, bye!. As a hybrid lizard runs rampage in New York, the Avengers forget how capable Peter really is. If you dont get injured, Ill let you try on my suit.. ,,Tony! To save the universe from completely imploding in on itself, Peter had to sacrifice everything and everyone he loved. Please consider turning it on! Oh. He got dressed up and he went to breakfast. The longer Peter stared at it, the more he felt uneased by it. I could ask you the same question, Tony nodded at Steve who was filthy but had no burn marks like Bruce had received. Peter gets caught up in moving and forgets to eat. Peter had to pee all the time. He was sorry and he had never meant to let it get this bad. "You wouldn't listen to me sir. When he entered his laboratory, he saw somebody - stranger with Tony. Youre not that late kiddo. Stupid. I forgot to get Aunt May a Valentine, Peter whined. I live with my father in our bakery, my mother died when I was young, I've been plagued with horrific nightmares since I was little, and apart from my father, I've always been alone. Morgan and Peter are kidnapped and a knock to the head leaves Morgan confused, forgetting that Peter is her big brother and not the bad guy. Who else. Tony hadnt been able to stop Peter. Luckily there is another Doctor who can help him get home. Thor really shouldnt have forgotten to mention how his hammer worked. Shall we continue?. Tell you what, Scott said on the jet after Tony had given him a list of rules (you get injured, you get out, dont do anything stupid; the usual speech he gave whenever Peter was going after someone big). Every employee must show their badge. [ female tony stark x stephen strange ]. Tony forget's he asked Deadpool to watch over Peter and May while he attends a meeting with the Avengers. ,,Um, Tony? The first one he remembered vividly. Biiiiiggggg difference, Wade corrected. Tony Stark had a daughter. he said. One day she had to bring Peter with her to the office in a haze of work, she forget about him. Peter wishes that he had remembered that when Ned came to him with the idea of starting Spider-Mans own Instagram account. As a new-age Iris, rainbow-clad goddess of the sea and sky, Marilyn Owens carries si What if Harry Potter had a big sister? Tony knows that this kid is important somehow, knows deep in his heart that the kid is special. Peter learns that the Avengers are getting an award and thinks he isn't apart of the team. Summary: When a series of robberies end in suicide, Tony Stark goes to investigate and finds more than he bargained for when he finds Peter Parker take an internship with the suspected the killer. Peter had once told Ned that Spider-man wasnt a party trick. He had told her this. He barged through the door, flying through the lobby until he came skidding into the back room with a bang. It was the field trip that everyone had been looking forward to since it had been announced. After disaster strikes close friends, Tony Stark must take care of their 18 month old baby Peter. Yes, I got your number from Peter Parkers arm, Tony said, grinning at Peter. We always have them on our tree. The Avengers think something is wrong with Peter's web shooters but find out that they are really just weak compared to Peter. Moriah Lokidottir (daughter of Loki, God of Mischief) has lived a hard life. They arrived at the place and knocked on what used to be Peters apartment. With a long sleeve on you would never be able to tell and Peter was able to forget, just for a moment, that he was fine. There is a running commentary comparing characters to students at Midtown with May chiming in from the kitchen here and there.--or, how do MJ and Peter evolve from the post-credit scenes in FFH to the main events of NWH. Part 2? Stephens words had stuck with Peter. He ends the day be learning that he had forgotten the part of himself that was a superhero. There was a feeling that Peter tried to grasp onto. Tony stopped scrolling and looked up at Peter. The Avengers are touchy about people touching their things. Peter had seen it in action when a reporter had tried to sneak on to the property to get some photos and had been chased all the way back to the main road by a very angry alpaca. Because Peter had forgotten to put in his application for college. [spider {COMPLETED} After two schools, the Avengers have a routine down, what to say, how to make the kids laugh until Midtown School of Science and Technology. Peter gets whammied by some drugs and forgets that the Rogue Avengers have been pardoned and are back at the tower. He will have his Christmas Prince moment if it's the last thing he does. Or: The 'Peter Parker Feels Like He's Being Replaced When Harley Comes To Visit And Things Get A Little Angsty' trope, but starring Uncle Nick Fury and a chaotic SHIELD mission. Are you here to say goodbye?. We have to make him cards.. No wonder Tony and Stephen never postponed lab day after a Spiderman was injured. Morgan Stark can't sleep and as she wonders around the Tower she finds a surprise in the Medbay. A candid picture of Morgan, Peter and Tony ends up on the site and now everyone thinks Peter is Tony's illegitimate son. How could he have forgotten that Peter had been injured yesterday. Tony had been powerless against those eyes, and he felt himself crumbling like a cookie. The Avengers forgot Peter is in the bathroom and when he comes out, everyone is gone. It hadnt taken them long to realise that Peters metabolism was greater than Steves or Buckys and could pack away more food than they thought possible. In which Bruce and Tony forget how smart Peter is and Peter reminds them in the most Peter Parker way. Tony Stark does the test run to travel back in time to right what Thanos had done. What did you do in school today, Morgan? May asked as she helped the girl tuck a serviette into her shirt. No now, Tony said. When the vet came into view, Tony didnt bother slowing down. The tears were now streaming down his face, the tears flew down to the lake. Only Tony forgot he doesn't have a baby sitter for his son Peter and Stephen doesn't know about him. Peter Parker gets forgotten on a Field Trip, his class leaving him behind at the Avengers Tower. Stark you have a whole Medbay downstairs with actual trained doctors, Peter said. Read the story for clear skin He had told the Avengers that today was Peters birthday, and they would be spending the day with the kid doing whatever he wanted to do. Yeah, kiddo. You know how he gets.. They are living at the lake and lead a good life for the most part. In the chaos of Tony snapping the gauntlet, rushing him to the nearest hospital and the reality of having saved the universe, the Avengers forgot to actually tell Peter that Tony had survived. Peter only wants to fix his Spider-Man suit before Tony finds out and adds any more ridiculous protocols to his suit. You can hurt him again, Peter said, straightening as best he could, ignoring the pain that flared in his stomach. I forgot to cancel our lab session, Tony muttered. Before dawn breaks, Peter has already made up his mind. '' .'' You said two thirty, Peter said, acting as if he hadnt heard Tony. Peter forgot to charge his phone leading to him drenched and having a sensory overload. Peter froze, eyes going wide. Peter forgets he has asthma and give Tony a heart attack (not literally but close enough). From Ned Leeds: Hey MJ and I are debating the best cupcake flavor, wanna chime in?From Peter Parker: I am Suspicious. What? he choked out. Prompts are welcome. Every since then it seems like her family is drifting apart. Peter Parker knows that hes been accepted as part of the team when they start to prank him - even if they forgot he had super hearing and could hear everything they planned. Ever wondered what it would be like to date one of Earth's mightiest heros? Over the months that Peter had gotten to know Tony Stark (and Peter still had to pinch himself that he got to hang out with one of the most brilliant minds on this planet) Peter had learned that Tony Stark was, in a word, dramatic. In the days that follows, he forgets to tell his roommates about their new guest. Peter tried to keep his face a smooth as possible as the group around him talked in Italian, the Avengers promising they would explain later. Particularly love any where tony is hurt post-endgame and wakes up to find peter is missing or gone. . Tony blames his self for Peter ending up in the hospital. Please Mr. Stark! "C'mon, (y/n). Peter Parker's Birthday only 2 months late! Parker Luck. That was the dumbest thing Ive ever seen you do.. He was erased from every ounce of life. Stephen gives the Avengers a magical amulet for protection while there are rogue sorcerers on the lose but forget to give one to Peter. Tony forgot just how capable Peter was as he watched three of them work together to take down villains from another universe. Luckily Rhodey is there to save the day. Who he was. Said intern was grumbling about bringing another kid when he was enough. All Tony wanted to do was spend his birthday with Peter Parker. The thought of his mentor made Peters stomach flip and squirm. I wishI wish you had never done this to me. Could feature, bad may, or sad peter. He laid on his bed and was just thinking about random stuff, not about Toby. Peter scans the crowd, looking for the familiar faces that agreed to come to his competition but there is a row of empty seats and his heart sinks. Tony forgets to check in with Peter before he goes to bed so Peter assumes something is very wrong. Work Search: I wont let you down. Bruce swallowed, touched by the planning that Peter and his friends had gone to all so the Hulk could experience trick or treating. The PR team at SI forgot to do a final check of all the photo before they were loaded up on to the site. He stunk, covered in things he really didnt want to think about. Because they forgot him., Well? Principal Morita prompted, arching a brow at his students. Sorry its so late," Ned said. She always lets me in., The AI is down for repairs, the guard said sternly. ,,Hey Ned, how are ya? ,,Yeah, great! Have an awesome day! Happy was here in his apartment with his aunt May and they had no idea Peter was home. Peter falls down the sewer chasing a criminal and forgets that he has no clean clothes. So when Peter's class shows up and they forget to tell Peter about it, all the interns know to make themselves small and quiet as possible. . Peter thought. #steve Tony continually forgets to introduce his son Peter to the Avengers - some of which who don't believe that Peter is real. So, there was no reason for Tony Stark to be standing on his own two feet (minus one arm but he had built himself a far better one anyway), in the brand-new compound feeling jealous that Peter Parker was talking to Doctor Stephen Strange. Umm, yeah, about Mr. Stark, Peter said. There is something to the memories though that Peter cant quite put his finger on. Ayelet was a half-terran, half-Zen-Whoberis, one of the last of her kind. "Shut up, we don't need a kid to-" Sam was cut off when Peter said. : Things have changed while we were away. Wanda forgets about Natasha's warning that things at the Compound had changed and that they should get on board. Everything was going great until Y/n accidentally slaughtered her entire family with powers she didn't know she had. Something we're Tony decides to ignore, forget or just neglects Peter. #spiderson However there is one thing he forgot to do. Tony and Pepper take Peter and Morgan to the carnival. He has no idea that on the other end, Peter is freaking out. Peter meets Harley on the internet and Harley surprise him by coming to New York for his birthday. ,,Are you hungry? With his heightened senses, thanks to the spider-bite that gave him unnatural superpowers, he could feel the air thickening with un-said words, angry, red-filled glares, and huffs of air. They didnt forget that Peter hadnt been injured they hadnt known. #spidey I wish I could forget all of this; Tony, Spiderman. Wanda had rolled her eyes and had ignored Natashas advice, promptly forgetting about it. Shut up.. No badge, no entry.. In his nervousness and excitement of having his first movie night with the Avengers, Peter forgets to take his epilepsy medication. Now he's missing and nobody can find him to tell him that Tony survived. Tony was beginning to think the universe was screwing with him. Tony forgets to tell Peter that training is cancelled and when he returns to the tower, he sees his worst nightmare come true. There was nowhere on Earth, or even the galaxy, that Peter could hide where they couldnt find him. Ayelet was a child of Thanos, one of his favorites. Stop the bad man!. Everybody loves him! Peter made a wounded noise in the back of his throat. But one day, everything went wrong in his life, It was Wednesday, Peter got up at 5AM as usual. But it wasnt until he started to get to know Peter, to spend time with him, that he suddenly found himself feeling very paternal. ,,Come in Peter said a bit disgusted. Tony hadnt been worried. Yes! It wasn't until she had been on the run for months Multi-fandom oneshots. He only realized when Steve looked at him. Tony and T'Challa forger that Shuri and Peter cannot, under any circumstances, be left alone together. character: peter parker character: tony stark genre: canon!au search: fic (recs) How was he supposed to know that the ancient and creepy looking book was going to turn him into a dog. One that wont land me in jail. He clapped his hands together, rubbing his palms together. Tony can only stare in horror as a familiar face appears on the screen. Peter looked up from his homework to look over at Ned. Everytime his birthday goes it's always a sad memory of his past. ,,Hey Nat.. In his worry about Pepper, Tony forgot that he was Peter's ride home. Tonys eyes narrowed as he watched Peter Parker start on his fourth pizza. This is part of a series but can also be read as a OneShot. Having been off Earth, stuck as the Hulk on an alien planet, found by Thor, battled Thors sister with Loki and a Valkyrie and then returned to earth with the remaining Asgardians, Bruce was aware he had a lot to catch up on starting with how a teenager was allowed in the Compound. Or mentioning the fact that you are allergic to peppermint. Valentino By Mario Valentino Mia Studded Leather Camera Bag, Frozen Birthday Invitation Video Template. He never really gets to celebrate his birthday, either there was something more important to do, or they forget, or there was a tragic thing. Midtown Highschool of Science and Technology was going to the Avengers Tower. Its the Tide Pod Challenge, MJ, Tony recognised, spoke up. 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