Thanks for all your help. - Pat M, (11/10/08). We had nothing to lose. Today I walked down my stairs. ANIMAL TESTIMONIAL - Dog Arthritis, Cataracts, Dandruff, Anal Fistula, Tumors, Liver Function, Kidney Function: I just wanted to say HI, and let you know that we have used our Rife 101 machine to bring our beloved 13.5 year old dog back from the brink of death. My wife and I both use the Rife Frequency machine as she suffers from arthritis in her knees, after a few sessions her pain is slowly going away and the swelling has been reduced so we are very happy with our purchase. - C. Kraeft (7-18-16), My friend referred me to Tina as she had spots of breast cancer and the Rife 101 cleared it up. It uses the older handheld electrode technology - so beware. When my lower back aches it is hard to enjoy dancing - which is my passion. First of all, Id like to attribute our good health to God, and secondly, to the Rife machine. Sly W (1-29-15), Thank you Tina, so nice to have direct contact with someone that will give you help and guidance, so much appreciated. The bronchitis would keep reinfecting me. Rife machines havent gone through the same rigorous testing procedures other cancer treatments have. Before using the Rife 101 no one could understand most of what I was saying because my speech was very bad. general health, immune, autoimmune, stroke, insomnia, dental, teeth, heart, blood pressure, Learn more about us. I am so thankful Mom got me the machine! Late October 2013: My 40 year old daughter was diagnosed with stage IV (4) metastasized breast cancer and was told she had 2 months to live. American scientist Royal Raymond Rife invented the Rife machine during the 1920s and 1930s. He also suffers with a very bad sinus infection this time each winter that is very painful. Made me a believer!! - Blessings, Carol P :>) (3/15/15), It was how much other people thanked Tina Rappaport and her customer service that made me choose URparamount to purchase a Rife machine. I am handling this OK. My pain is almost gone and my energy levels have increased. As for me, I see a holistic doctor to help with various issues and he uses muscle testing. I also had arthritis affecting my hands. I started getting a cold and the "cold program" stopped it "dead in its tracks"! I got on the Rife 101 ran 3 minutes per frequency on flu/flu symptoms; also 3 minutes on vomiting didn't feel any better right-off went to bed woke at 4:00 this morning; feeling better! I immediately got up and set up the 'Rife 101' Rife machine to Staphylococcus and put the electrode patches above and below the troubled eye. My Father was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma. The Rife 101 took it away in a few minutes. She continued for three days of treatments and was totally better without antibiotics!! You must be psychicEarlier in the day I had been going through my records to order a set of replacement cords for my Rife 101, which I purchased over 10 years ago when I had knee replacement surgeries. I saw stars and at first thought I broke my wrist. I knew the treatment was working. Brown, TX (6-2-19), Tina, Thanks again, it was a pleasure talking to you, rather than some order taker at other companies. In the 1920s, Scientific American magazine formed a committee to investigate Abrams claims about radionics. WebRife Machine Testimonials . She continued using the Rife 101 Program daily. But life got in the way, as it often does, and so I will briefly let you know what happened. In addition, I've been plagued by stuffed sinuses for decadesI ran the special Coronavirus custom program and I experienced a strange sensation - gobs of mucous broke loose and trickled down my throat - my sinuses were clear and have stayed clear - they're better than they've been in decades. I knew as time went on that what I was witnessing was really quite archaic even though it was cast as modern. Sincerely, Leyvi Y, NY (Rife 101 user since March 2013), Hi Tina. Finally to top it all off, we have your super customer support. Consider the full anti-aging healthy palette we offer: As required by our friends at the FDA, the information or products on this site are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. I definitely have more energy and I think it's helping. Saved my life. Well, those black spots? I opted for crowning the remnants of the live tooth. Support. Thank you!! I used the Rife machine "Detoxification" program. The machine produced very low energy waves, also known as radiofrequency electromagnetic fields. Since I have had my machine in October 2016, it has been a great miracle in the life of myself and my family! My condition continued to deteriorate to the point that I asked to be referred to an orthopedic surgeon. Im sending this e-mail as an evaluation of my telecom this afternoon with Practitioner, Mark Winkler. But what does the research say? He began using the Rife machine and it's held the PSA at bay at 1.1 since January - he's thrilled it's no longer getting worse! She also has asthma but that hasn't seemed to bother her since we keep her on Sparky (my pro wave 101. If you choose to not keep your machine, the restocking charge is a ridiculously low chance to take ($75 for the free shipping you initially receive) given the results I have seen over and over again. For the first time in 5 years, I am LIVING! He has brown spots (maybe skin cancer) on his face and they are going away. TrueRife Buy He carried on, "I've never, ever, ever seen anything like this in all of my years of oncology!" Suppositories did nothing, so I used the Rife machine on the constipation program THREE times for three minutes per channel. I can literally feel it going through - it's like erasing the chalkboard - it gives me a boost, the Lymph and Detoxification Programs. I took the unit with us last week when we visited our son and his family in Phoenix, AZ. Why don't doctors offer this effective machine? Diarrhea, Eye Inflammation, General Wellness, Leg Pain & Back Pain: We live in Ecuador now, and my wife had diarrhea for about a month. To demonstrate that a device is capable of measuring something, it is necessary to validate its accuracy and consistency with repeated tests. George Alexopoulos Hi Dr Peter, This is George from Greece. But it's ALL about money! WebSpooky2 Cold Laser Devices Helped Me with Increased Energy and Better Mood. WebThe Rife machine was introduced in the early 1930s by Royal Raymond Rife, an inventor who maintained that all cancer is caused by bacteria and claimed that his machine could detect the microbes by the color of the auras they emitted. I never got colds or the flu in my entire life until my parents became ill five years ago and eventually died (terrible time for me). It really truly works. He tried many homeopathic methods without much success. We stopped them fast! I just want everyone to know that they do not have to suffer with their ailments. TrueRife has been on the leading edge of frequency delivery system innovation for almost 20 years. - T. Verway (via D. Boyer), OH (12-10-15), I have had my machine for several months now and enjoy the many good results I have been getting. Her diabetes is gone. Best regards, Ed, A friend had asthma since she was 10 months old and she's now 70. George C. (NW, 6/2015). We link primary sources including studies, scientific references, and statistics within each article and also list them in the resources section at the bottom of our articles. Thirdly, Spooky2 Plasma is very powerful in the treatments. I had some heart problems but now the doc said my heart function is fine. - Peter (7/6/09), I learned about the Rife 101 from my next door neighbor. (Rife101 user since July 2016) - DRT, OK (8-5-16). Take a look at our article where we compare the rife machine and the Healy device. My decision was to try alternatives other than chemo therapy and surgery. - Margaret S. (9/24/15). Within two weeks of treatment on my own machine, my pain was completely gone. Along with his supplements and the help of sparky, he is doing great! The cancer was spread throughout his entire digestive tract. My family doctor diagnosed my condition as a minor back strain and prescribed anti-inflammation medication. I'll now watch to see if the sensitivity recurs without any further treatment. This combination of your machine & Metalfree works really well for me. - R Sommers, KS (9-10-19). The source of it was from my head but it made my entire body ache. Contact. Left leg cleared up about 80%, right leg about 50% - it was red as red can be when I started using the Rife bioactive frequency generator. After six sessions, one a day (despite my recommendations to allow a day in between) he reported that he felt a sensation of heat and an instant intensification of the pain in his spine, as if the current had targeted the specific cells that were infected! He was never hospitalized or bed riddenhe didn't feel good for sure but he was still up & goingno one could believe it! Skin Bumps, Cysts, Candida and General Use: I had with skin bumps and cysts. A friend of my sons told me about a machine that might help. - Linda F, FL (4-17-15), Ruby loves her Rife 101. I have Parkinsons Disease. I can't tell you how much I am grateful for this machine and what it has done for me. I did have radiation and chemotherapy, and I still had a lump on one side of my tonsils. Others have developed rashes or skin irritation from the electrical pads, particularly if they use glue. In just 2 DAYS, I received not one, but TWO, older-model battery chargers that work perfectly with our Rife 101! I was so glad that he was willing to let me help him. I had a cold in the fall of 2010, which was the first time I was sick in about 10 years. Yay!! I have found that people can understand me so much better even on the phone. Until the results are proven, people should avoid this alternative cancer. Spondylosis - Osteoarthritis of the Neck: My mother used a friend's Rife 101 machine today on her very bad, painful neck from spondylosis (osteoarthritis of the neck) and she felt much, much better. Every MD that I saw offered me no hope since they are not educated on this ailment. It's a small mass at the end of his spine near his rectum and he also has hip problems. They twist over to one side and I also get cramps in the calf muscles of my right let. But when it comes to food poisoning, like salmonella, you actually feel it work within 10 minutes or so of the routine. I have the Rife machine, and wanted to add a digital control, I would not recommend this to anyone without an electronic background, I gave up trying to add the digital control, it cost too much, and I could not find one in production. I was desperate and had nothing to lose. Very advanced, using 10 precise frequencies in sweep mode. They were visiting me (the Rife 101 owner) and my friend said, "if that machine is so great, put it on her and get rid of the herpes" so I did. I used the SWELLING program and took the second photo that same night no ice, no ibuprofen, just the machine. Corey M. (NW, 2005). I ran both the Kidney and Prostate programs at night and the next day it was quite a bit better and I am continuing to run those programs and continuing to improve - without going to the doctor! They sent him home to die. But that doesn't make the Rife Model 101 less impressive. This video tells Bob's experience of using Spooky2 Plasma to heal his legs with varicose veins(Phlebitis). I did the other two cats soon after. Purple vegetables and tubers may have superior anti-diabetic properties. I do treatments every morning and every night. Thanks, Ken, Aside from all the things I use my Rife 101 for, I helped a friend recently. Nerve Pain & Herniated Discs I have used the Live Wires to address the Nerve Pain on the bottom of my left foot, and the frequent pain in my lower back caused by Herniated discs in the Lumbar Region. - Mary. In 2004, a 32-year-old man died from testicular cancer after he refused surgery in favor of using a Rife machine. WebThe GB4000 is probably the most powerful but its clumsiness and difficulty to use pushes me to recommend the TrueRife as the superior machine. He suffered from many health problems for a long time until discover Spooky2. I have a rife machine. ADDED 8-13-16 Seems like every time I do the eye program it gets better! Nothing else made a difference at all! They didn't perform that procedure here in Utah so he would have had to have gone out of state. Anybody seeing me now cannot believe the difference since early this year when I was at death's door so to speak. R. Mickey (NW, 2005). The doctors continue to be amazed. All of this is amazing, just amazing. The wound was no longer deteriorating, there was no more pain and the swelling was totally gone. I had to blow my nose every couple of minutes! I am sure that the only reason I am alive is because of this machine. Well, right afterwards I came down with some odd lesions on my chin and peculiar bumps on my chest. Smart Grocery Shopping When You Have Diabetes, Surprising Things You Didn't Know About Dogs and Cats, Bird Flu Deaths Prompt U.S. to Test Vaccine in Poultry, COVID Treatment in Development Appears Promising, Marriage May Help Keep Your Blood Sugar in Check, Getting Outdoors Might Help You Take Fewer Meds, New Book: Take Control of Your Heart Disease Risk, MINOCA: The Heart Attack You Didnt See Coming, Health News and Information, Delivered to Your Inbox, Liver Cancer: Symptoms, Tests, and Treatments, Understanding Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment. I want the kind of service where I can get someone on the phone if I have questions or need help. Her blood oxygen levels were dropping and she was going downhill fast. Very advanced, using 10 precise frequencies in sweep mode. The other is a year or so old and is the latest F-122 model. I had to have a doctor cut away the black flesh that was dead. It became a problem when (most of) the tooth had broken off, but was still live. I used my Rife 101 machine daily on the dog and after just a few days he was walking and jumping around like a much younger dog. I would wake up tired and groggy even after sleeping 12 hours. I have used it so extensively that I have worn out the self-adhesive flexible pad electrodes, which I would like to replace. She begged dad to get checked even though he'd had a clean colonoscopy two years before. (Rife 101 user since February 2013)- Bev H, AZ (1-14-15). Often had bloating, gas, and constipation. - K. Hardy, CO (3-28-19). Two treatments with the standard Headache program number 260 back in early May 2010 and the headache is gone and has not come back. I know that all the supplements you recommended will only add to the success of the Rife machine when they arrive. Well, thank you again Tina for your help and suggestions. I needed something more to help with these pains and tiredness. Two chiropractors, one neurologist and one acupuncturist could not help. T Laury, MN (12-31-20). This article looks at how it works, how to use it, and the benefits and risks of CBD oil. In the 1930s, he developed another machine called the Rife Frequency Generator. - Sakina R, HI (3/12/12). My 21 year old son has been treating his friends stepdad for cancer of the liver and lungs-so far with much success. - D. Klein, NY (2-27-16). It seemed to me that medicine was all about time and pushing pharmaceuticals down everyone's throat or whatever port of entry. He have found that he respond best in Plasma format for this issue. A week later she was still alive. Months earlier, during a visit, I had hit the same elbow on a concrete patio. I sure felt it when I stopped using it for a while. Now he's a walking miracle and the doctors can't believe it. Bio dentist at NIHA invariably finds my mouth in excellent shape. Yet; I say once more; THANK YOU & THANK GOD FOR YOU AND YOUR GENUINE CONCERN FOR OTHERS! Following the operation, the eye was not healing up right, and several different medications were tried, and all they seemed to do was make the eye worse. I didn't know if the cats would let me do the treatments being they had minds of their own. Sending you a hug Tina Rappaport. She did the chemo for 4 months, along with the Rife machine, a variety of supplements including CBD-rich hemp oil, mega-doses of vitamins, chi machine, FIR sauna 3x/wk and a FIR dome over the liver. His name is Bubba, and my husband has had him since he was a baby. We have confidence in the machine. I only had the two small spots and they never even really blistered. I also use the Rife machine right away if I get the sniffles and feel a cold coming on - I use it right away and it stops. This historical machine was a machine that Rife himself may not have understood the working mechanism as it was a redesign of previously much larger instrument with many huge tank coils. I got so tired I had to go to bed and I felt good - I even slept better than I'd slept in a long time. The Rife 101 machine is the only thing that keeps it at bay. All rights reserved. I'm able to put my shoes on and I can tie them too! Now it is affecting my right hip, making walking very difficult. I was so pleasedI'm sure it helps get rid of inflammation in the joints but it also must have gotten rid of swollen and inflamed sinuses that I wasn't even aware were bothering me! It's a very painful intermittent condition. My dear friends husband has had a bout with incurable (Apendiceal Mucinous Neoplasm). - C. Smith, TX (5-24-19), I'll be 80 in two days and my joints are aching. The pain is gone and I have a lot more mobility in the leg. I did read this same information on your website earlier, and I shared your info with my husband, but for some reason this is the way my husband prefers to do it. I try to do the same with my business and get frustrated with how impersonal so many people are. This particular problem is (according to Dr. McClure NIHA bio dentist) on the inside of the tooth with toxins leaking out. (Rife 101 user since September 2015)- L. Barrett, NE(2/28/16), The Rife 101 is an excellent machine. For further evidence of suppressed inventions I refer the reader to Suppressed Inventions & Other Discoveries by After that I looked up my problem and it turned out to be a bacterial infection that manifests itself in the optic nerve! - M. Gutierrez, OH 7-7-17. Now I have the energy to enjoy life again. It's fairly expensive. He was expected to live no more than two months and that was six months ago. - Mary B, IL (3/8/15), Hey Tina Rappaport, Your Rife 101 is a lifesaver for me. Feb 17, 2023. The pads are attached to a machine that delivers low energy electrical impulses. PS: Our World is much happier with You, Tina, in it! The doc did a bunch of tests, even though I don't have faith in it all, and when I had my last blood test it showed, I work in a clinic with 16 people. Any medical information published on this website is not intended as a substitute for informed medical advice and you should not take any action before consulting with a healthcare professional. He could hardly believe his eyes. Contact. Thank you. However, on the third day my illness began to reverse itself. We are absolutely convinced we are on the right track! diagnosed with lung cancer & throat cancer in May of 20054 months after my only sister died of lung she was only 57. Some newer studies suggest that other types of electromagnetic waves may affect tumor growth. The most dramatic was a 24 year old with a life threatening allergy to nuts. The other is a year or so old and is the latest F-122 model. Candida, Parasites, PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder): I LOVE my Rife Model 101 machine!! Chemical Detoxification, Constipation, Bladder Infection: I've had my Rife 101 since 2009 and I use it all the time for detox, as I'm a hairdresser and I know all those chemicals get in me. I also used the Nerve Damage program one time - and my aide said, "Hey did you notice you're walking better??" - Tina Rappaport (October 2014). I purchased because I was experiencing a severe attack of Trigeminal Neuralgia. It even works for hangovers :-) - B. Fetzer, Mexico 6-18-18. That must mean it's working and killing the bad bugs. It's like a miracle to me. So two years and eight months later I purchased the Rife 101 machine for another more important reason. She used the Rife 101 three times, and it's gone! Cramps, nausea and general misery. Makes the Rife 101 machine more valuable to me. I had a sprained ankle and could barely walk on my right foot. and I also follow-up with H2o2 (hydrogen peroxide) in the am and pm, floss in the pm, and generally also swish a bit of colloidal silver during day. The cat showed me there was something underneath the chair.I am very embarrassed. It produces an energy similar to radio waves. This is why patients have used the Rife for everything from acne to hormone balance. Her stools are fully formed all the time, and we have her on Acana dog food. So she got the same inflammation program run on her yesterday too and I am thrilled to report that today Contessa is doing very well, quite jaunty actually! My Father was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma. I also developed anxiety-caused asthma and it's so much better now from using the Rife 101 energy system. It even took a fever from 101 to a normal 98.6 immediately after using it on Fever program. I discovered that I could unplug and move from one spot to another. I bought it to treat my Lyme's disease and have had 100% success. I had sat next to a gentleman at a Brain Injury conference in Oregon where we were both panelists. Some days I would lie in bed and not be able to move practically anything but my eyelids. While the authors only found two human studies into the use of this technology, they concluded that these studies suggest that electromagnetic frequency therapy is safe, and results are promising. He told me that was the best he had felt in a long time. Pain and the doctors ca n't believe it my right hip, making walking very difficult where. Get frustrated with how impersonal so many people are the difference since this! He told me that was six months ago and pushing pharmaceuticals down everyone 's throat whatever. Candida, Parasites, PTSD ( Post Traumatic Stress Disorder ): I LOVE my Rife 101! Im sending this e-mail as an evaluation of my sons told me that was months! 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