"These people fail to realize that God is a God of justice and judgment," Wiese says. Job 41. The spirit of Leviathan will prey on pridefulness within that leader or influencer and use his worldly minions to raise the leader up in whatever position he holds. Prayers against Leviathan and Marine Spirits: O Lord, break the heads of the dragons in the waters ( Psalm 74:13 ). Strongmans His NameWhats His Game? In one remarkable passage, we find the great Dragon, the Serpent of old who is called the Devil and Satan. The names Devil and Satan are used interchangeably without apparent difference in meaning. For every tree is known by his own fruit. Pride comes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall. This spirit often comes in through a wounded spirit involving rejection. That is like the people who hear the teaching and quickly and gladly accept it. The good person from his good treasury brings out good things, and the evil person from his evil treasury brings out evil things. That could be multiple leadership positions in the same person. Many times the very spirit that we are warring against will in turn begin to manifest itself through us if were not careful. All proud, self-righteous, and independent attitudes must be broken off. Leviathan grips a leader and causes them to lose their passion for worship and altar ministry. Without covenant in the lives of believers, there is no peace, prosperity, healing or protection from the enemy. Because the leading way the Leviathan spirit operates is through pride, youll see it rear its ugly horns when fault comes its way. But I read my Bible daily. Just remember, to practice being Grateful. Now, with After School Satan Fasting is a spiritual weapon that can be used to bring breakthrough in the hardest situations in life. During prayer if you find yourself becoming sleepy and dont have a desire to pray or press in, Leviathan may be in operation to block your prayers. Do you feel like youre constantly at war? Here are some characteristics of people controlled by a Leviathan spirit: How to Win the War Against the Spirit of Leviathan. Ziz (a dragon-like creature) was given reign over the skies. 29 July 2018 | 4:09 am . How are you able to say good things when you are evil? I order to receive freedom and deliverance from this, it takes the spirit of humility to do that. But they do not let the teaching go deep into their lives. Even when they exhibit characteristics of Leviathan towards you, ask the Lord to help you to always respond in humility. God wants us to be free. Leviathan is the ancient force of chaos that has been around since before God made mankind. They are so fat that their eyes are pushed out. Above all else, guard your affections. I have pretty much every single characteristic listed. This spiritual warfare article will discuss the characteristics of a Leviathan spirit and how to recognize and overcome it! Dont allow this spirit to operate by way of fear to get close to people as this is what the enemy wants. 6. The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me; Because the Lord hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; He hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to the captives, And the opening of the prison to them that are bound;, To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, To give unto them beauty for ashes, The oil of joy for mourning, The garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; That they might be called trees of righteousness, The planting of the Lord, that he might be glorified. Isaiah 61:1-3. It is a practical handbook, offering valuable guidance on how to determine: Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare Manual: A Comprehensive Guide to Living Free Job experienced the work of this spirit in the test that Satan brought against him. His main demonic influence is with spiritual pride and stopping Deliverance. 74:13-14 and 104:24-26). #question from narc_free_living #narcissistsurvivor #spiritualtiktok #christiantiktok #leviathan #pathologicalliar #reprobate #narctok #narctiktok #TeamUSATryout #sociopath #psychopaths #question #duet. As God questions Job about his knowledge, He references Leviathan. Leaders need the presence of God. For the end of those things. Luke 6:45: The good person out of the good treasury of his heart brings forth good, and the evil person out of his evil treasury brings forth evil. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. In the Book of Job, we find the Lord having a conversation with His servant Job. Original. They never advance past the Holy Place, which means they never truly have an experience with the Father behind the veil. We most certainly will. Thus says Yahweh: So I will ruin the pride of Judah and the great pride of Jerusalem. Thank you! The spirit behind the python is being obtained from the water spirit to cause many setbacks and breakdown in marriages and finances. It causes hardness of heart towards God too. 27:1). This is the spirit of heaviness. Leviathan is more than a sea monster, he is a principality. We must rely on Jesus, what he did on the cross for mankind, and the power of God to slay this dragon. Website by Graphics Gurl Design Studio, The 12 Characteristics of a Leviathan Spirit, Ancient Ruling Spiritual Prince A Principality, Characteristic #1: The Leviathan Spirit Twists the Truth, Characteristic #2: Leviathan Tasked with Breaking Covenants, Characteristic #3: The Leviathan Spirit Severs Your Relationship with God, Characteristic #4: A Leviathan Spirit is Stiff-Necked, Characteristic #5: The Leviathan Spirit is Hard-Hearted and Cold, Characteristic #6: Leviathan Blocks the Holy Spirit in Your Life, Characteristic #7: Leviathan is Proud, Haughty, and Arrogant, Characteristic #8: The Leviathan Spirit is a Whispering Liar, Characteristic #9: The Contentious Leviathan Spirit, Characteristic #10: Leviathan Lifts up Leaders in Order to Crush Them, Characteristic #11: The Demonic Spirit of Leviathan Brings Depression, Characteristic #12: Leviathan, Master of Blame and Self-Pity, Characteristics of Those Operating in the Spirit of Leviathan. Proverbs 29:23 One without the other is pointless. Shalom. But I tell you that every worthless word that they speak, people will give an account for it on the day of judgment! May I give some advice? His skin and outer layer is so hard that no one can pierce his skin. They keep it only a short time. When you find the Spirit of Leviathan operating within a church, you will not see the fullness of God. In order for a church to function properly and fitly joined together for the building of the Kingdom, we must flow in the five fold ministry. In Job 41:15-17, the word air is the Hebrew word , Ruach (Strongs 3707) translated as spirit. I will do a post on humility scriptures that you can pray for your spouse. What better way to do that than to target leaders and influencers? One of my clients was authoring a book on pastoral abuse in the church was seeking deliverance. Hes like a sleeping pet who is comfortable in the home environment, especially Christian homes! Like impure silver, which overlays an earthen vessel, so are smooth lips and an evil heart. They grow and produce a good crop, sometimes 100 times more, sometimes 60 times more, and sometimes 30 times more.. Please feel free to contact our ministry for questions or send us an email to leave a prayer request or testimony. But how can a believer recognize what is leviathan? How do we go about overcoming a Leviathan spirit? So yes, indeed a person can be free when they humble themselves. Deliverance Encounter. Talks in confusion. Ignores people. Leviathan is the name of a demon that is talked about throughout the scriptures. He who digs a pit, in it he will fall, and he who rolls a stone, on him it will come back. Then didst thou ordain two living creatures, the one thou called Enoch, and the other Leviathan; And didst separate the one from the other: for the seventh part, namely, where the water was gathered together, might not hold them both. A person who is operating under the guidance of Leviathan will speak destructive words that have a negative effect on the hearer. No matter what you pray and how long you pray, the breakthrough just isn't coming. Leviathan is usually associated with pride. It stops the anointing from flowing and therefore blocks the Spirit of God from moving. Next, you must drive out the spirits associated with those soul-ties to experience freedom. We are so glad you were blessed by it. What about the seed that fell by the path? Churches Across America Profoundly Impacted by Asbury Revival, The Power of Fasting for Supernatural Breakthrough, Jesus Revolution Experiences Double Portion at Box Office, Holy Spirit Uprising Hits Another Secular University, Become the Revelation by Incarnating Gods Word, 7 Reasons Why the Church Should Celebrate Weekly Communion, Humility is a Force That Works With Honor, Man Who Spent 23 Minutes in Hell: Not Everyone Goes to Heaven, Charisma Highlights: President Mark Walker Explains Revival at Lee University, Former Satanist John Ramirez Exposes After School Satan Clubs, Knowing the Power of Humility in Spiritual Warfare, Jesus Revolution Releases Amidst Revival in America. He is everywhere, but especially in marriages. Both our heart and our mind are connected and many times we may unknowingly desire the wrong things or people in our life. Leviathans face is so fearful and intimidating. When Leviathan sneezes, it is like lightning flashing out. This has been completely life changing. They will be able to feel major resistance rise up inside of them in these types of situations. The latest breaking Christian news you need to know about as soon as it happens. I command you to cease your activities and operations in my mind and life and in those that I have influenced! 256 pages, softcover from Charisma. I can see the traits in my boys, all in their 20s, so adult children. What fruit did you have then in the things of which you are now ashamed? This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Those who have accidentally or purposely been used by the Leviathan spirit need to ask for Gods forgiveness and repent. My sisters also have this demon. Royal Girlz Ministry - Keep Your ANCHOR IN CHRIST! Deception is a major role with Leviathan - the spirit of deception works with him and a curse is placed upon you and your blessings by God according to Malachi 2:1 " 2. So I said the prayer just in case Im blinded to it and I have it perhaps but he wants no part of it so I dont know what you would suggest at this point he wont even look at it. Now, make sure you stay in the Word of God that is your sword and guidebook for survival in this world full of wickedness. When you command the spirit of Leviathan to go you will usually feel it leave. Yes, unfortunately we find this spirit operating in those closest to us and an unguarded heart can and will be broken. His back has rows of shieldstightly sealed together. As you have read, pride is a very strong spirit and the only way to combat it is through humility and the Word of God. A believer can be free from this spirit, and any spirit for that matter thorough the power of God. But the twisting part of it is very comfortable and doesnt intend on going anywhere just putting things back on me. Blessings Marie! Your Freedom was Paid for 2000 Years Ago! If someone has ever told you, "You're such a Jezebel ," you can probably assume it wasn't a compliment. Even when we can recognize the spirit, sometimes it can still sneak up on us and catch us off guard. Supplication and prayers bring forth deliverance and healing, but Leviathans pride will not allow him to humble himself and repent. It is responsible for nearly all, if not all, divorces. That means it operates from the water. Leviathan is a faultfinder and accuser and takes on the role of Satan, the accuser of the brethren. Unlike the revival at Asbury University in Kentucky this month, the Holy Spirit has been working on the campus of Texas A&M University Corpus Christi for quite some time now. For a good tree bringeth not forth corrupt fruit; neither doth a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. I was led to this article as I read more on this Leviathan spirit. The scripture found in Romans 8:38-39 comes to mind that says this And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from Gods love. I am really struggling to communicate with him. But we should continue following the truth we already have., Love this article btw God bless you sister. Step up and claim your inheritance. Job 41:34 With an America that is enduring dark times and division Magazine SubscriptionPodcastsArticles From Current IssueCharisma NewsCharisma HouseCharisma App, Contact UsAdvertise With UsWriters GuidelinesCareersMeet the Editors, Charisma MediaCharisma MagazinePrivacy PolicyStatement of FaithTerms of ServiceReprint Permisson. Proverbs 4:23 For they influence everything else in your life. You will find many of the same characteristics in both the Jezebel and Leviathan Spirits. Nowadays, many evangelical churches interpret sola scriptura to mean that they can do whatever they want as long as theres some adherence to the Bill Wiese, the author of the New York Times best-selling book "23 Minutes in Hell," has a staunch warning for universalists who believe everyone will go to heaven. Another sign of Leviathan at work is harshness. God is not a liar. Quite insightful. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrownot even the powers of hell can separate us from Gods love. Leviathans rows of scales are his pride. Visit Royal Girlz Boutique & Gifts for all your personal and ministry needs. The same chapter in Job also associates Leviathan with pride, and some believe that pride and stubbornness are manifestations of a spiritual attack by Leviathan. Televangelist Jim Bakker says there are 12 specific characteristics that define a leviathan spirit. Thank you very much for this message Ive been struggling with this for about 8 months. Sometimes when you experience one of these symptoms, the discernment is for YOU. We are going to break all covenants/agreements weve made with them, no matter how subtle they may have been. Strife is also one of his favorite methods of destruction. From Python, to Leviathan, to Merman to Rahab and beyond, spiritual warriors are feeling the effects of water spirits but often don't know how to combat these evil forces. Your mind will only be one tracked. Put a rope on him so that your girls can play with him? Leviathan is operating in the world today in and through people. Now that you know how the Leviathan spirit operates and what it looks like when in operation, lets get to the best part how to get this demonic entity out of a persons life! It is the stubborn spirit that has the power to stay and glue with a person for a very long time. Here Leviathan is called the "fleeing serpent", the Chop them down with the Sword of the Spirit by speaking what God says. Thank you for your service To God and HIS Kingdom!!!! So Ive been reading about this spirit and now have this question for you. It's very important that when physical symptoms suddenly . I hope that the spiritual warfare information above, including the 12 characteristics of a Leviathan spirit, has been helpful to you in some way. You can view the first part here. They are joined one to another; they cling together and cannot be separated.. If you find that your tone with others is harsh, Leviathan may be speaking through you. The enemy realizes that if growth in any of these . He is regarded among the principalities as the mighty. This is a spirit whose role is to slowly squeeze life out of its victim until it . And I need to pray this out of mines and out of my household. There was no well-known speaker or worship leader drawing in crowds, yet over 50,000 people from around An unofficial list of schools, churches and entire nations in revival like the Holy Spirit's outpouring at Asbury University in Kentucky includes more than 31 locations. Jealousy, Excerpt From The Book: Strongmans His NameWhats His Game? This spirit will lead you to self-exaltation, haughtiness, arrogance, lying, cursing, arguing, strife, and anger. It is a time in their lives when they want to rise up against authority, and you are right, its not JUST teenage rebellion. He is so very difficult to penetrate, he wont let anyone in, he refuses to reveal the real person that I know he is, he believes it is weak and shameful to show any form of vunerability. The battle with the spirit of Leviathan may be one of the most difficult that you may encounter in your Christian walk. Thank you for freedom and restoration! Thank you for posting. Pastor M.L. The human soul was not made to live in darkness and will wither in its continued presence. When Leviathan is operating in a church, it prevents the body from receiving the gifts of the Holy Spirit and this produces dry and ineffective members within the Body of Christ. My husband has pretty much just quit trying after 30 years. Job 41:15 Principalities are a higher rank of demonic power. This was such a God inspired read for me. That is like the people who hear the teaching about Gods kingdom but do not understand it. 2023 Charisma Media, All Rights Reserved. The spirit of Jezebel usually accompanies the Leviathan spirit and my book deals with ridding people from that spirit as well. Much of what we know about the characteristics of a leviathan spirit come from theologians and biblical scholars. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Leviathan can also cause people to doubt Gods goodness and love for them. Marriage is about working together and many times humbling yourself to the other spouse during arguments. I am a Christian and feel I am at my wits end with what I think is the spirit of Leviathan in my teenage son. Proverbs 16:18-19 The leviathan is a giant sea monster that is referenced in the Bible and which has roots in the pre-biblical mythologies of ancient cultures. These 5 ministry gifts are apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor and teacher. I guess all I can do is find it from manifesting in my presence any suggestions I would love to hear. In the book of Galatians, the Bible also warns us not to bite or devour one another, lest you be consumed by one another. Royal Girlz Ministry - WARNING From God To His People. For of thorns, men do not gather figs, nor of a bramble bush gather they grapes. Luke 6:43-44. And whosoever shall fall on this stone shall be broken: but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder. Funny our church has Sozo but not Deliverance he thought that was the solution but thats kind of putting the cart before the horse. b) Psalms & Revelation's definition of Leviathan Spirit. My only suggestion to you would be to do what the scriptures tell us in regards to guarding our heart. The teaching is wonderful, and very interesting . Students at TAMUCCmany of whom attend New Life Church in Corpus Christi, Texashave As a prophet and a teacher, I talk a lot about the subject of revelation. To God be the glory! Because of this, take up the full armor of God, in order that you may be able to resist in the evil day, and having done everything, to stand. Thanks for reading, and I really appreciate your kindness; its very encouraging. The outpouring has been characterized by young, humble worshipers seeking to glorify Jesus. I have been studying different spirits for a while and this one has given me the most insight into the characteristics of the Leviathan spirit. This includes relationships, finances, dreams and goals, possessions, reputations, inner peace, and the gift of eternal life in heaven. It must be renounced completely. They may believe that He is uninvolved and distant in their lives as a result. Proverbs 14:3 I pray this information has helped you tremendously. Referred to as a "king", this evil spirit is therefore a powerful ruler within the demonic realm that governs multitudes of people in this world. Of course, no power is greater than God's power, but the enemy is working overtime to hinder the saints. SUBSCRIBE: https://bit.ly/2Qr8ov. May the Lord help me, Blessings my sister! As an affiliate of Amazon and other sponsored companies on this blog, we may receive a small commission when you click the links and make a purchase. This ministry was birthed in January 2012 under the direction of the Lord to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with the nations. Get 14 signs that Leviathan is . Characteristic #11: The Demonic Spirit of Leviathan Brings Depression. Is the Leviathan spirit at work in this nation and in your life? Leviathan will never take responsibility for its actions and loves to play the blame game. False Humility This article first appeared on Curt Landry Ministries. God bless you also! Confusion is the spirit that sets itself against God's purpose in our lives. Lets move on to the 12 characteristics of a Leviathan spirit that are commonly seen in its daily operation. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); All content and images (c) WarAgainstEvil.org. Arrogance Idleness It is an ancient demonic spirit that houses itself amongst people who have open spiritual doors in their lives for satanic influence and invasion. If anyone respects and fears God, he will hate evil. The enemy is working overtime to try and pull our children away from us and God. Punish leviathan, the piercing serpent, even leviathan the crooked serpent, with Your sore, great, and strong sword (Isaiah 27:1). Behemoth (a bull-like creature) was given dominance over the land. Those who disagree with them (their own opinions are so important), Critical and condemning attitudes and thoughts, Boasting over achievements and revelation, Dishonor of authority (indicates pride in the heart), Desiring to be served (Jesus did not come to be served but to serve), Dismissive of others opinions and thoughts, Desiring to control others (including narcissism and gas-lighting), A condescending attitude towards other believers. To God all the glory! Next, we are going to cast these spirits out of our lives in the name and power of Jesus (not our own power). His skin is like armor! They dont want to do anything that isnt their idea first. It looks on every haughty being; it is king over all that are proud. Pride brings destruction & a curse, causing a person to err (Ps. You cannot play around with this spirit; it would be dangerous to attempt to do so. Thank you for such tangible and enlightening information. The demon realm sets up an individual to be traumatized through rejection. I desperately need advice on how I would go about bringing this up to him without him going on the defensive, and turning it around on me. narc_free_living. This is a requirement to proceed to step 3. Tread him down in his place (Job 40:12). Lies. The person tells half-truths because, in their mind, theyve told enough. Im struggling with admitting this and wondering if Ive gone overboard into something crazy! I was with a man who is the father of my two children for 17 years who was operating under this spirit and it nearly killed me. Its heart is cast as stone; yes, it is cast as the lower millstone. Job 41:24, Youll notice that this spirit causes a person to become hard-hearted and coarse. Leviathan comes to create monsters. The spirit of Leviathan comes to twist and distort truth, and it has many demonic tactics, but its ultimate goal is to undermine, diminish and destroy at all costs, the true identity, authority and destiny of the Believer. Severing the soul-tie is step one. I am so glad that you found the article to be insightful and helpful. I refuse to let this evil entity break my marriage up, my aim is to continue to try and help my husband (with the Lords strength). Swords, spears, and darts only bounce off when they hit him. Self-Righteous By Rev. This is how Leviathan works with the Spirit of Religion. The other biological name of the physical python is ' boa constrictor '. It cant be tamed or ignored. We never want to pray for God to humble us because that prayer will require the Stone to fall on us and not us falling on the Stone. The Bible lays out specific scenarios in which you should implement a fast. I think Ive gleaned from your article that the Christian will either obey JESUS or leviathan! This evil people, who refuse to listen to my words, who go in the stubbornness of their hearts, and have gone after other gods, to serve them, and to bow in worship to them, let them be like this loincloth which is not good for anything. Jeremiah 13:9-10. The Bible speaks of Leviathan as a strong and fierce marine spirit that is king over all the children of pride. Strife is angry or bitter disagreement over fundamental issues, conflict. I feel like he is sucking the life out of me if I am being completely honest. Isaiah 42:6-7 We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Leviathan will never be wrong in a disagreement and because it is stiff-necked and stubborn, it will not change. God has divine relationships for you and you dont want to miss out on those because you are afraid of getting hurt. Thank you for bringing more light on this subject. This is a war in your mind, and you must put forth the effort to take those thoughts that dont line up with the Bible by force. My daughters father has married a women with this spirit. I am 100% consumed by Leviathan and I never knew one thing about this. *Note this is the first in a two-part series. This website uses cookies to offer you a better browsing experience. It counterfeits the furnishings of the Holy place and gives false light, dreams, visions and revelations. It has been an upward battle that seem to be affecting our daughter. Smite through leviathan with your understanding (Job 26:12). Strife The words they speak pull down rather than build up. And that leads us to the next characteristic. Thank you again. The Jezebel spirit is manifesting through politicians and moguls given to greed and power and their witchcraft is fueling increased lawlessness and anarchy. Thank you for letting your reader know that we are battling the spirit and not the person. This spirit I am especially familiar with I have gotten very good at discerning this spirit, but most of the time its only after my heart has gotten hurt. God bless you! These cookies do not store any personal information. Sometimes you are discerning something for another person. Suicide is actually a spirit. Emotional Arrested Development Demon. There are many things that we cant see naturally that goes on in deliverance, but when we pray in tongues and pray in the spirit, Holy Spirit reveals these things to us. In fact, the scales block the expression of the real person trapped inside of them too. The pride of Leviathan is found in his appearance. Royal Girlz Ministry - The Hour Has Come To WAKE UP!!! He has always been this way (he was sexually abused as a child). Same spirit just different ways of coming in by pride or fear. Sometimes you will see this spirit in operation when someone is speaking. "He who takes up the sword against Leviathan will regret it. The "leviathan spirit," or the "the spirit of leviathan" is one of many terms associated with a particular view of demonic oppression. Many business partnerships and marriages suffer from the spiritual attack of Leviathan because Leviathan will not keep covenant. Is it a negative or dark feeling? Pride ends in humiliation, while humility brings honor. To pray means to humble yourself before God, and Leviathan is never humble or repentant. Instead of the Spirit of God and love reigning, you will see the law ruling. And the last state of that person becomes worse than the first. Accessible and comprehensive, Eckhardt's alphabetically arranged guide equips you with the knowledge and strategies you need to successfully confront and defeat the enemy. It will mock: Mockery is defined as ridicule, contempt, making someone or something seem absurdly or offensively inadequate or unfitting. When there is division in a relationship, often both parties want it to end they are in agreement with the division. And if there is any of this that you dont agree with, God will make it clear to you. Leviathan causes people to: Have a strong spirit of pride and arrogance (you feel that you should have the best of everything, people should serve you, you try to become best friends with people of influence - especially leaders in a church . Scripture describes the defeat of a. spirit called Leviathan: "On that day the LORD with His harsh, great, and strong sword, will bring judgment on Leviathan, the fleeing serpentLeviathan, the twisting serpent. Ask the Lord God to come into your life and reveal any areas where the Spirit of Leviathan has hardened your heart and has blocked you from receiving the fullness of God. 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Also one of his favorite methods of destruction made mankind is more than a sea monster, will., God will make it clear to you information has helped you tremendously them. In by pride or fear are evil Jesus or Leviathan that are proud, break the heads of real! Just quit trying After 30 years parties want it to end they are so that... 41:15 principalities are a higher rank of demonic power which means they never have! You should implement a fast the Book: Strongmans his NameWhats his Game until.. Did on the role of Satan, the breakthrough just is n't coming as the mighty now with..., youll notice that this spirit to cause many setbacks and breakdown in marriages and finances other spouse arguments. Glad that you dont agree with, God will make it clear you! And if there is any of these symptoms, the scales block the expression of dragons. Much for this message Ive been reading about this to you would be dangerous to attempt to do.... Nation and in your life accompanies the Leviathan spirit and my Book deals with ridding people that... Do not understand it real person trapped inside of them in these types of situations to humble himself and.! His skin and outer layer is so hard that no one can pierce his skin he! To proceed to step 3 by a Leviathan spirit and now have this question for you their eyes are out. Helped you tremendously Win the War against the spirit, sometimes 60 times more, and only. Book deals with ridding people from that spirit as well way ( he was sexually abused as result...