We discover that Henry seduced his much-younger wife when she was still a teenager. Press J to jump to the feed. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. killer was!!! UNDER SUSPICION is a relentless examination of a tragic marriage under the spotlight of an intense police investigation about a couple murdered young girls. Because sometimes, your TiVo timer didnt get it quite right, and cut off the crucial final minutes of something that wont get shown again for six months. He broke and confessed just to get her away. In the end when he finally realizes that she actually believes in his guilt and helped to find the "evidence" against him, he finally realizes and accepts that she will never overcome her jealousy and come back. he had nowhere to run, Victor (Morgan) had Henry by the neck. things. Whatever trust had remained in their marriage is gone, and there is no repairing the damage that the interrogation has done. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? She thought his confession meant real guilt. Why did Hackman confess to tHe killings in under suspicion? Gene Hackman is a great actor however I think that he was a poor choice for Lex Luther. He is called to the police station to be questioned about his finding of a raped and murdered young girl the day before. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from thestaff@tvtropes.org. It seems that Henry recently discovered the body of a murdered child while he was out on his morning run, and Victor wants to resolve some details about Henry's statement. View history Under Suspicion is a 2000 American-French thriller film directed by Stephen Hopkins and starring Gene Hackman, Morgan Freeman, Monica Bellucci and Thomas Jane. Is it that Tony and Stassio's first wife screwed up everyone, framed Angelina, and got away, or I missed something? He knew exactly which file to open amongst the seemingly randomly placed folders and various somewhat lengthy titles. he confesses everything in detail. Is something's right to be free more important than the best interest for its own species according to deontology? Under Suspicion is a 2000 film directed by Stephen Hopkins. Under Suspicion. In a study that illustrates the point, some subjects but not others were assigned to commit a mock theft of Because sometimes, you fall asleep watching a mediocre rental, and would rather return it on time than pay two more bucks just to see the end. Tituba's confession, however, did ignite a "spark" in the court, especially when she named the other accused witches, Good and Osborne, as her accomplices. As Victor's belligerent assistant, the handsome, rather feral Thomas Jane plays a key supporting role, pursuing every available red herring and muddying the waters at every turn. Movies & TV Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for movie and TV enthusiasts. Synopsis Henry Hearst (Gene Hackman) is about to give the main speech in an exclusive party in Puerto Rico. at the last part of the movie, Henry was there in the interrogation room, he's tired and he just wanted everything to end, and what does he do? The interrogation starts out with his lies coming to the fore. If only things ended where they did, but no, they had to keep beating a horse that had died many scenes ago. Ordinarily, this kind of setup will produce a talky, stagy film that depends largely on generating an air of claustrophobia; indeed, "Garde ` Vue," the 1981 French thriller on which "Under Suspicion" is based, fits that description. A more immediate cause of John's accusation of witchcraft occurs two weeks after his wife's arrest when Proctor goes to the court with the intention of proving that Elizabeth, Rebecca Nurse, Martha . Either it was was straight false confession. Lions Gate Releasing Post it here! Now Available: Tech Talk Podcast with Scott Wilkinson, Episode 19 Click here for details. Fundamentally, I still think the gospel this tightly packaged entertainment preaches -- that we never know what we think we know -- is kind of trite. It keeps moving back and forth to refute and then support his innocence, making us question if we can trust his claims or the judgment of a seasoned police officer. Is Hearst finally at the breaking point? Chantal maybe felt the same regret for contributing. Benezet is under pressure from his boss (Miguel ngel Surez) to free Hearst so that he can give his speech. The movie makes it a point about emotional abuse and the effects it has. Overall the film is thrilling, exciting and makes the audience question their own assumptions of the characters. It was him being done and over with her and everything about it. What did Vera and Rogers discover in the dining room right after General MacArthur is found on the beach? But just because he likes young girls doesnt automatically make him a criminal. The cast of Under Suspicion - 1912 includes: Patrick Carson If you havent seen the film yet, come back to this article later. they don't a horse that had died many scenes ago. Under Suspicion is a snappy thriller with a great twist that handles some disturbing subject matter in a sensitive way without ever allowing the power of the crimes to become diluted. Henry (Gene Hackman) finally gives in and confesses to raping and murdering the young girls. All the cops have is circumstantial evidence. As Henry cruises the street hookers of La Perla, a rowdy seaside neighborhood, drunk on booze and self-hatred, Victor stands there expressionless amid the junkies and thugs watching him go by. You are wondering about the question under suspicion why did henry confess but currently there is no answer, so let kienthuctudonghoa.com summarize and list the top articles with the question. Early in the film the cocksure Henry jokingly urges Victor to "confess" that he dreams of destroying Henry in a last-ditch effort to save his career. This was referenced by the line he said "she would go to these lengths to make this kind of point". But the fact that Henry and Victor are outsiders in the island's Latino society only heightens the tangible sense that they're connected to each other even as they're disconnected from the life around them. I seriously cannot find anything on Google that explains it. Tony Aaron is revealed to be his wife's and Stasio's killer and planting the thumb in Angeline's house. Only this time, the cops caught the killer in the act and arrested him just when Henry had confessed to the crime. i have So what was Henry confessing? It's so bad he thought confessing to being a pedo and dying (because pedos are killed in prisons instantly) was better than living that life with her. Everyone found their way to convince themselves this man was guilty and each one had their own subtle selfish reasons for doing so. the. that's when somebody interrupted the interrogation, they found the REAL culprit in the act. At that point i was like "what. However, when a tuxedo-clad Henry shows up in Victor's office, it soon becomes clear that the police think Henry did itpartially because of some inconsistencies in his statement, but also because his car was seen not long ago near the location where another child was murdered. at the last part of the movie, Henry was there in the interrogation room, he's tired and he just wanted everything to end, and what does he do? As Hearst answers unconvincingly, Benezet reveals circumstantial evidence: the lawyer is under suspicion. It can't be underestimated how much such abuse can destroy someone's life. She really believed he was a threat and she was doing the right thing by helping taking him down in any possible way. This is the kind of moody, tense thriller that claims to have things on its mind, but like most thrillers, what it really has is atmosphere and trickery garnished with a little dime-store existentialism: There is no absolute truth, we're all guilty of something, etc. The ending is weak and unbelievable, even though it seems to be almost the whole reason behind making this movie. The acting by Gene Hackman and Morgan Freeman is strong in UNDER SUSPICION, but theres a twist at the end of the movie which is unbelievably weak. Then, it is discovered he likes cheap, very young prostitutes and visits pornography websites featuring barely legal-age women. What was the ending of Night Moves about? This starts to outline the case in his favor, where even Victors superior doesnt want to believe that Henry is the one they might be looking for. Henry Hearst ( Gene Hackman) is a wealthy Anglo tax attorney living in Puerto Rico, with a smoking hot and much younger wife Chantal ( Monica Bellucci ). The interrogation strips away Hearst's dignity, public persona, and even his toupee, exposing a breech with his beautiful and much younger wife, questionable sexual predilections and a damning hobby. We don't know, and it's not at all clear that he knows either. Tituba, also known as Tituba Indian, was an enslaved person and servant whose birth and death dates are unknown. Bit by bit, his worst secrets and thoughts are dug out and while Victor pushes to prove his guilt, Henry claims that he is completely innocent. Updated on January 31, 2020. Charles Clary as Frank Weston - the Foster Father Thomas Commerford Little by little, the story that each of them tells changes, always casting Hearst in a worse light. Of course, deep down, she was just insecure and jealous of her own niece, which Victor said to her earlier. 2 2.Under Suspicion Ending, Explained | Who's the Killer? the cinematography is great, those rewind/reversing shots and dialogue repetition in Henry's (Gene) memory really gives it the late 90's crime thriller vibe. But what do I know? Like Hackman, Freeman does not resist playing to type, and Benezet's cavernous eyes and doleful demeanor make him a close cousin to the detective Freeman played in "Seven": a defeated pro, refusing to let the defeat interfere with his professionalism. Police Captain Victor Benezet, played by Morgan Freeman, pulls Henry away from an important fund-raising speech. There are only seven little Indian figures on the table. He is called to the police station to be questioned about his finding of a raped and murdered young girl the day before. Still, put together two cagey stars who never overplay their hands, one showy young director eager to strut his stuff and the ever-so-slightly oppressive atmosphere of Puerto Rico during Carnival week, and you've got an engrossing, gem-hard little popcorn-cruncher. All rights reserved. Which may explain why certain scenes insinuated some sort of underlying relationship between Chantal and Owen's. My interpretation of the ending was that Chantal went on to great lengths to set up her husband by taking the pictures and hiring a perverted killer. Oh my, where do i start? Hearst adamantly denies molesting Camille, but admits that he has a fondness for younger women. Then figure out what the total cost of the trip would be.? Margot Kidder who plays Lois Lane, was also angry over the release of Donner and was limited to a cameo in Superman III. Yet the complex blend of loyalty and loathing her Chantal feels for her husband eventually feeds into the narrative Victor and Henry gradually construct, which seems to explain who all three of them are and what they're doing. You could feel tue devastation, guilt and turmoil he felt those 2 long years. What was under the sink in A Tale of Two Sisters? He was set free as he was innocent, but he could not fathom looking her in the eyes. Then an undisputable circumstance rears it's head and suddenly everyone pulls the weight of suspicion away from Henry. Henry Hearst (Gene Hackman) is about to give the main speech in an exclusive party in Puerto Rico. show the killer, i am not even sure they mention his name. SPOILERS AHEAD. Overall, at the end I think we're left with a completely broken man who truly is all alone at this point and any hope he had of repairing a marriage to someone he genuinely loved was completely dead and gone at that point. This does put him in a suspicion whenever he would be found around young girls; for example, because Chantal is aware of this inclination of his, she doesnt think twice before assuming that he is trying to seduce Camille. I was wondering if anyone would be interested in discussing the ending. almost got away with it! Apparently, Tony was in cahoots with Stasio's . Aristocrat Constance Marten and her partner, Mark Gordon, were found by Hearst changes his version of events several times; Captain Victor Benezet (Freeman) and Detective Felix Owens (Jane) question him about inconsistencies in his story. Tweet: 0 replies, 806 views. unique intro music choice, feels like they wanted to try something different as it's the start of 2000s. Confession is what the judges were looking for, and Tituba's "evidence" of a conspiracy of witches in Salem Village stimulated the court and the girls to find and convict more people. Patriotism and Sticking Up For Your Fellow Man Are What Matter In Devotion, Finding Romance in Italy | A Chance Encounter Review, Is Disneys Legacy In Jeopardy? Without his sister's testimony, the evidence is not as strong. This chat, of course, gradually becomes a confrontation and a mutual interrogation, with the tuxedo-clad Henry trying to get out of the police station before he suffers a personality meltdown and the dogged, guarded Victor trying to force his longtime adversary into an indefensible psychological foxhole. What conclusion does Justice Wargrave come to concerning Mr. Owen? This means that Henry had been telling the truth all along, and this makes us reconsider our thought process regarding the compartmentalization of morality and guilt when it comes to solving a crime. Reply to this thread. maybe his wife knows something we don't, i don't know" then the evidence against him comes piling and piling unto him. [3] The film was also given limited release internationally, grossing $752,783 in Mexico, $17,222 in Taiwan and $277,675 in the United Kingdom.[2]. They get the confession from Henry, who realizes that his wife hates him so much that she helped the cops come up with the evidence to prove that he is the murderer. Based on the John Wainwright novel, UNDER SUSPICION is the Hollywoodian remake of Claude Miller's "Garde Vue" (1981), directed by Stephen Hopkins in 2000. Heres what the ending means. Was the suspicion that fell on The Counselor really a coincidence? On December 22, 1978, John Wayne Gacy confesses to police to killing over two dozen boys and young men and burying their bodies under his suburban Chicago home. Then, Hearst's wife volunteers information that confirms police suspicions. And, lets be frank, because sometimes that guy in Marketing whos such a jerk to everyone needs to be put in his placeand how better than to ruin the ending of the movie hes been looking forward to seeing for the past three weeks. His lack of self-knowledge is total, and you can just about see the uncontrollable rage coursing through his body like some exotic parasite. SALON is registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office as a trademark of Salon.com, LLC. Chantal, the legal owner of the mansion where they live, permits the police to search the premises for hard evidence linking her husband to the murders. This will only take ten minutes, they say, but it turns out to be one loose end after another, and the ten minutes he is away from his speech become longer and longer Henry Hearst is on his way to a charity event when he receives a call from Victor to come down to the police station and talk over his statement regarding a murder investigation. I assumed it was meant to portray that he (Gene Hackman) thought that his wife hated him so much that she was framing him for the murders or committed the murders and that is why Hackman's character begins to confess to a crime he did not commit. This film is a remake of 1981 French film Garde vue. Life, woman, life is God's most precious gift; no principle, however glorious, may justify the taking of it. Thomas Jane appears as Detective Owens, the other investigating officer. Through her, it is revealed that the reason she might as well file for divorce is that she found him seducing her niece, a teenager. Henry lies to himself, his wife and the world; dimly, somewhere inside, he's aware of his own duplicity and corruption. 2. MOVIEGUIDE is the only organization that provides Christians with the tools they need to make informed decisions about the movies and television programs they watch. As the interrogation proceeds, Henry . Benezet and Owens free Hearst, who is still badly shaken by what he has gone through in the previous hours. Victor Benezet (Morgan Freeman) calls him into the office for "ten minutes" of questioning. Police Captain Victor Benezet, played by Morgan Freeman, pulls Henry away from an important fund-raising speech. How does a fan in a turbofan engine suck air in? Reading this thread makes the movie more complete. Mr. Owen is one of them. It was a key moment when he said "some of them have no talent other than being pretty" and that was a direct description of his wife Chantal, that's all she was, just a pretty face and empty on the inside. The 13th son of King Wilhelm III, Henry had been made a colonel at the age of 14 and proved himself to be an extremely talented commander as well as an enlightened leader like his older brother . Though the performances are strong and detailed, theres not enough here, ultimately, to really hold ones interest. Hearst says that Chantal and her brother-in-law, artist Paco Rodriguez (Luis Caballero), are lovers. In the story, set in Puerto Rico, Gene Hackman plays wealthy tax attorney Henry Hearst. Website: www.lionsgatefilms.com. Bellucci is mostly in the film as window dressing, and with her raven hair and Sophia Loren figure, she certainly fills the bill. Under Suspicion is a crime thriller that follows a murder investigation where the cops have locked down their suspect. We are only able to, Elon Musk Announces Plans to Combat Woke Artificial Intelligence By, Sony Affirm Announces Cast for Upcoming Nativity Musical By Movieguide, Chrissy Metz Shares Heart Behind New Album, Childrens Book at. Henry says "it happened like this", but Victor says "NO it happened like this and you know it!". I just finished watching "Under Suspicion" last night, with Gene Hackman and Morgan Freeman. He realizes that the people closest to him believe him to be a monster so he cofesses. She suspected he was a pervert based on nothing. at first, i thought "no, he didn't do it. Not to be confused with a 1991 British film starring Liam Neeson. While this washes all the accusations off of him, Henrys life has been changed forever. He is on his way to a fundraiser for hurricane victims one evening when the local police chief, Capt. He did not return to film extra scenes for the film when Richard Lester took over the film. I beg you, woman, prevail upon your husband to confess. After a fracas at the police station, Hearst arrives, disheveled, at the party, gives his speech, and is then escorted back to the police station. He acted the part alright but there's a physical type to the part that he just doesn't fit. I just watched Under Suspicion (1991) and I'm not sure I've understood the outcome of the movie. This suspicion combined with the hysteria that was running rampant in the town explains why Proctor would ultimately be accused of witchcraft. Did Tony post guys outside of Happy's hospital room and have them require badges to get in? In the story, set in Puerto Rico, Gene Hackman plays wealthy tax attorney Henry Hearst. She is crazy, accusing her husband of having sexual desires for her niece, something a twisted mind can come up with. After distinguishing between voluntary, com- . Because sometimes, youre not interested in seeing that movie everyones talking about but are dying to know what the hubbub is about anyway. And as to whether or not she could have kids, either Henry told the police she couldn't to save himself the embarrassment of letting everyone conclude she didn't want to have kids with HIM, or Chantal told him she couldn't have kids because again, she clearly didn't want to have his children. It's almost as they based the whole movie on this exact scene. Henry Hearst (Gene Hackman) is a wealthy Anglo tax attorney living in Puerto Rico, with a smoking hot and much younger wife Chantal (Monica Bellucci). Based on 45 reviews collected by Rotten Tomatoes, 49% of critics gave Under Suspicion a positive review, with an average rating of 5.3/10. More important, they carry what seems like the movie's central idea: Memories are only stories we tell ourselves and others about who we really are, and they're about as reliable as all other works of fiction. Why was the nose gear of Concorde located so far aft? How does the consumer pay for a company's environmentally responsible inventions. and other young girls. We believe that good media can inspire people to do great things, and by supporting MOVIEGUIDE, you are helping us change Hollywood for the better. The plot makes you think of the twist that may and/or will happen. Henry's doing his best to play the role of a happy man in paradise -- a filthy rich Anglo in the tropics with a gorgeous young Euro-Caribbean wife (Monica Bellucci) -- but his best isn't too good. But director Stephen Hopkins, whose cleverness and visual flair have mostly been expended, until now, on incoherent tripe like "Lost in Space" and "The Ghost and the Darkness," manages to stretch this film's use of time, space and memory in truly arresting fashion. But he is too dejected to forgive her now. I just watched Under Suspicion (2000) last night. Victor has a few questions for Henry about Henry's recent discovery of the body of a murdered young girl. Whoa - wait a tick - say what? The following article hopes to help you make more suitable choices and get more useful information Hearst, recalling the details revealed to him by Benezet, now confesses to the murder of both girls. Movieguide is a 501c3 non-profit and all donations are tax-deductible. 561 Broadway Just as we were . [5], The film was given limited release to only 19 theaters in North America, grossing a total of $334,245 during its theatrical run. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Film/UnderSuspicion. 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