MAY GOD CONTINUE TO HEAL AND BLESS YOU ALWAYS Praying to St. Raphael for you Fr. May you feel Gods presence and love, and may He grant you full recovery. Fr Anthony, I miss your wonderful homilies. Please EWTN if some priest are ill and we do not see them offering Mass , we audience miss them . It would be great to hear something. He can be assured he will be in my prayers. You are missed, Father! I hope your feeling better, I miss listening to you.may God help you,and the love of all your families.pray for youMizpahby of genesis31-49,. I believe in the one Holy Catholic Church and believe we are all working together as we travel the road to Heaven. I am praying for you. Dear Fr. Prayers for you, Fr Anthony Mary. Get well! Rest up, do whatever you have to make yourself well. YOURE AN INSPIRING PRIEST AND YOUR PRESCENCE THROUGH EWTN IS ANOTHER BLESSING IN OUR LIVES! Congrations to them! Heavenly Father PLEASE hear our prayers for your servant, Fr Anthony, thru Jesus, your Son. We miss you as we would always say Its Father Anthony!! Thank you. Anthony, I have long been waiting for you to say mass but never thought that you were ill. Oh no, May Mamman Marie take care of you. Anthony was my favorite celebrant. Thank you and God bless you. we love you are in our prayer and in the resary. Fr Anthony, stay strong. Today I have located the reason for your absence. He has a lot of love for others, and his smile touches peoples hearts. HI FR. Miss your sermons, and your refreshing light up our day! Hope you are back soon! Know that you are missed, but kept in our hearts and prayers. FATHER, I JUST WANTED TI THANK YOU FOR THE ADVICE YOU HAD ABOUT THOSE CATHOLICS WHO WERE DIVORCED. Today, I begin asking Queen Mother Mary-whom I just understood-loves me! Now that i know, I will pray for his complete healing to the Holy Eucharist . Praying to the Little Flower and St. Francis for the healing of Fr. Antony! My Grandmother when alive, called you her favorite priest. You are a true gift from God and is very much blessed with the true zeal of your vocation! Well said. I have always felt close to you as you are a twin and so am I. I lost my twin many years ago. May God bless you always and I truly hope you are recovering and feeling better, miss you very much love your sermons hope you get well soon praying for you, Seeing all the comments from so many that miss you You can see how much you are loved and missed My prayers are that you recover fully and return soon to saying Mass on TV We (I) miss you very much. Im so happy to hear Father Anthony will be returning soon! I am keeping you in prayer indeed and am so glad you are making your way back to your tv network viewing audiences . I pray you will respond. Miss seeing and listening. I miss you,Fr. You are needed in more than one place! Now that I find out that youre healed The servers and Choir members and keeps us up to date on whats going onit is truly a family I will pray for you every day until you feel strong enough to return to saying Mass..May GOD Bless you and keep you in His loving care. Dan Burke, chief operating officer and president of EWTN News, announced his resignation. And so let us all raise our minds and hearts and unite to the Sacred Heart of JESUS and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, His Blessed Mother our hearts desires and pray for our dear Father Anthony Mary and all those who are in pain and suffering. We all missyou so much. I watch the Mass every day. Our Lord has a funny way of showing us that, but we know that He is good and loving always. GOD IS GOOD. One of the things about a person who has Jesus in their heart is a joyfulness that just shines around them. God bless Father Anthony and his quick return to Mass at EWTN. You always put a smile on my face. Your email address will not be published. None of the other priest can hold my attention that I would watch them twice a day like I would you. My husband and I always enjoyed your celebration of the Mass. Praise be His Holy name through your dedication. The mass on EWTN was a blessing for me while serving overseas in Iran. thank you Jesus for giving us Father Anthony and hope he will be back soon. Surely an update on Fr. Dear Father Anthony, I was so sorry to hear of your illness. . My Dear Fr. Save souls!! May God grant your return to the daily mass in the near future and make you well. Praying for strength to return to Fr Anthony! Please know you have a mother-daughter team praying for your full healing. Play over 320 million tracks for free on SoundCloud. We all miss you! Especially at this time of The pandemic . GOD BLESS YOU ALWAYS-with LOVE. I totally understand your illness. I joint the EWTN family to pray for your recovery. assigned as Employee Chaplain of the EWTN Alabama Facilities in August 2014. Anthony we are praying for you. Fr Anthony, I hope you are gaining strength each day. Anthony and I am so glad to know you will be serving Mass once again as you recover. When will Father Anthony return. He gives the best homilies to start our days!! May The Lord let His Merciful Face to shine upon you Father. Im so glad to hear Farther Andrew is alive and getting better. Please Lord restore his health we miss you Fr. Looking forward to seeing you back. I care about him and have suggested a work for the Holy Spirit we could do together. May Gods Grace provide for your needs at this time. God bless you Fr. EWTN, Mother Angelica Articles. I pray for the day that you are able to return. Anthony Mary? Our Dearest Father Anthony,My husband Richie and I have been missing you very much. I pray Gods Healing on you. Oh yes, Linda, I feel the same way!! He is grateful for your care and for your prayers. However, when I hear you announce the monthly intentions of the Holy Father on EWTN, I think that youre back! I know how it feels to be tired. May Our Lord and the intersession of his Blessed Mother keep you all safe and well during this Easter Season and Divine Mercy Sunday. EWTNS mission was to bring the Mass to the homebound and YOU were an important part of this mission, The new format resembles a concert and a lot of the homilies are read, not allowing any participation from those who need the televised Mass the most. You have such a special gift of explaining the Gospels that help so many people,especially for me. He always enthusiastically and lively delivers his sermon with his gestures and humor. Ma famille et moi vous gardons dans nos prires.. PRAYERS being sent for Father Anthony God Bless. I miss your gentle demeanor and great sense of humor-Im not Catholic but I totally enjoy your homilies-hope youre doing well-looking forward to seeing you back on the air! We love you. Hope we see you again soon!!!! We miss you, A LOT and we love you! I hope that Fr. Any way I am grateful for small mercies. His enthusiastic delivery was by far the best. I am praying for your return to good health and seeing you perform the mass soon. May all the saints extend their healing hands for your quick recovery. God watch over you.. HI FATHER ANTHONY HOPE YOU FEEL BETTER AND I WILL KEEP YOU IN MY PRAYERS HOPE YOU RETURN TO EWTN SOMETIME, Sorry to hear that you are illpraying that God will heal you soon. I will do more penance so God will heal you. I am a regular viewer of the EWTN daily Mass as here in our Cornwall Parish because of lack of priests we are lucky if we have a Mass on week days. Fr Anthony, we love you and await your return to EWTN. I enjoyed your homilies. My husband and I have missed you greatly on EWTN. I miss Fr Anthony also and i hope he is doing well continue praying for him . May God continue to keep you alive and strong for us. Our thoughts and prayers for Fr. In fact it was EWTN that brought me into the catholic faith after a very long journey of searching for Jesus. Please tell him we are all praying for his recovery! Hope you feel better soon. My mother has missed Fr. Happy to have found this info on how you are doing Fr. Take care and will ask the Blessed Mother to take you into her motherly arms and ask Jesus to help you get well. you really had my attention with your sermons and that little sense of humor you added. You helped me endure the loss of both my mother and father as my faith journey deepens each day. In Gods time, not ours. We miss you and pray that you will soon be able to return to us all on EWTN! Love U and met you one time I look forward to seeing you when you are in better health. God bless him and all at EWTN for the wonderful work you do. Hope you will be better soon.Pray for my husband who has cancer. We miss you and your celebration of Mass on EWTN. God bless EWTN. Anthony, today, on the observance of the 5th apparition of OL of Fatima, I beg Our Heavenly Mother to intercede for you. Why Tremble? Please God, may he return soon. May God bless you all and your families. Can you please post an update on Father Anthonys condition? I and my cousin, Arline miss you and are praying for you. I miss your soft spoken meaningful homilies and your sense of humor. Something is going on since your not been on The finest homilists should be assigned to the televised Mass as it is the most effective means of evangelization. And makes people worry when you have been following Father for years. the air lately .Missed your mass and of course Nobody has to reveal personal information. Miss Father Anthony at mass on EWTN. God please take care of Father Anthony. +++. His homilies were so inspirational that I found myself thinking about his words throughout the day. I will keep him in my prayers! Fr Anthony I cannot watch EWTN without thinking of you. Our Church needs you! He does not preach AT YOU but provides Christs message FOR YOU.. GOD SPEED Father Anthony. They smile when YOU smile and shake their heads at the familiar family stories you share in YOUR homilies In other words they can still participate in the Mass. Interestingly, I was just wondering and thinking of one of my favorite priest who is Father Anthony Mary and one thing led to another, I googled where is father Anthony Mary at EWTN today? And there he was on the Jim and Joy Program. you had a gift the way you did the homilies there is no sleeping. We are glad to fianally know he will be back soon. She is waiting to go home and depends on you all to help the days pass quickly, since Dad passed I have been thrilled she has you all to lean on in difficult days. Get well soon!! Father Anthony I wish you well I wish you peace I wish you comfort I miss your homilies I was really trying to reach out to you Im going through a very difficult time mourning the loss of my husband my mother my mother-in-law my son my sister my sister my brother all over a number of years I always felt like I could probably relate very well with you if you read this My name Elizabeth. Dear Fr Anthony Mary, Can you please leave us a word or two so we can be at peace about you and your health! You are so loved and missed. God bless you! I have chronic fatigue syndrome/ fibromyalgia and it is a real test of the faith that time. Father Anthony, I wish you a smooth recovery and hope to see you back on EWTN soon to celebrate a mass. Offer all for the Catholic Church which Jesus founded after so much suffering. His wit and humility greatly appreciated while embracing the gospel message. Anthony Mary! Anthony is coming back and looking forward to hear him say his humorous wisdom homily. May Mary, our Blessed Mother wrap you with her mantle and help you heal. He was trained for manual labor, since his father was a weaver, but in 1829 he entered the seminary at Vich. Your homilies are the best!! And that you have a speedy recovery . But , always having an opinion , I will say I love you as a brother and as a brother I ask are you just a night person like myself and have zero energy in the mornings . Bendiciones. Weve offered enough prayers for you, you should (by the grace of God) be fit as a fiddle. Rest and finding joy in the simple things like sunshine, fresh air and gardens We have been praying for you not know what happened but new something was wrong. That being so, how could she not love you all the more. Dear Fr. I hope and pray that someday very soon we will be able to share/watch the Mass being celebrated by our dear Fr. My prayers and good thoughts are with you until then. Please give your inspiring thoughts and teaching and try to put into a book, so we could read that. Anthony. You have touched & Blessed our lives! So one day I saw you in my dream at mass, I knew you will soon recover. Anthony I miss you saying mass. I love all the others and their various, wonderful personalities, but you Father Anthony speak directly to my heart. Anthony of Mary is long over due??? I believe GOD will give you speedy recovery. Just discovered you are not well we wondered where you were. Anthony. I too had a bout with illness that knocked me down. I FELL LIKE A NEW PERSON AFTER ALL THESE YEAR LIVING IN DARKNESS ! MAY FATHER ANTHONY GET WELL, MISS HIM DURING THIS MONTH OF MAY WITH THE PROCESSION, We are all waiting but seems like their is no new news about him anywhere? I, for one have been searching high and low for news re Fr Anthony Mary. You set a great example for everyone. To me you come second after Father Mitch Pacwa in preaching. Been praying about and for you for MONTHS!! I pray for a speedy recovery. Father Anthony, I had missed seeing you celebrating the mass . In 2012 I was drawn to EWTN due to grieving & found daily Mass and the humor & frankness of Father Anthony Mary in his sermons. I miss his insightful homilies and cheeky sense of humor. Father Anthony have you been checked for Lyme Disease? Prayers being said that you will be well and return to EWTN. father anthony, Please hurry back. Prayers for you Fr Anthony hope youre well soon,we love you and miss you . I know our Lord is asking the Father to heal you and bring you back to all of us who love your witness of the Apostolic Church. I look forward to your return. His loving and kind delivery is outstanding. It would be wonderful to see and hear him again. I pray for your return to celebrate the Liturgy of the Word and Eucharist on EWTN. So glad to hear Father Anthony will be back. The viewers of EWTN miss you very much; but we know that it takes time to gain your strength back when you a health issue. We wish the Fathers would give an up-to-date report on your progress. You are missed so very much. Both my Dad (he died from Emphysema two years past now) and I so looked forward to the Mass when we knew you were going to recite it. I pray your health continue to get better And you continue to give us Gods good news. I pray to our Blessed Mother Mary for your healing and strength..I know that Jesus will hear my prayers to His Mother..God Bless.. My husband and I also miss Father Anthony and his homilies, Sorry to hear he is not well. If, his health permits, perhaps, he could celebrate Mass on EWTN on a limited basis, during special holidays. Yes, Ive been a fan of EWTN since my elderly mother introduced me Dear Fr. Hello Fr. I hope Father is doing well. YES, I TOO WONDER WHERE FR ANTHONY IS. We miss Father Anthonys great homilies. Anthony and praying he will return to Daily Mass on EWTN. Thank you in advance. Thank you. Que Marie notre mre vous couvre de son manteau. Father Anthony through Christ and in Mary I pray your health will be restored, Send your Spirit Lord to heal Father Anthony. Please feel well very soon, you are a true friend of our Lord Jesus Christ. God bless your mission! I will pray for you and hope it will be soon when you are back saying mass at EWTN. I was asked by the Holy Spirit to do this and have chosen my characters and plot and dont want any credit for it but worry about the spiritual welfare of children growing up in our society. I plan to go there in November to spend Thanksgiving with my sister in Ga. Thank you. God be with you. Anthony was born at Salent in the Diocese of Vich in Catalonia, Spain, in the year in which Napoleon invaded Spain. We both believe that this is the life God chose for us and we have total trust in him. You can be assured that you have my prayers and penances every day for your full recovery , and I do pray for the consolation of you and your dear family on the loss of your beloved sister. All4JMJ, Sarah Miller. Anthonys condition. SEE YOU SOON AT EWTN MASS. Dear father Anthon boyh my husband miss you Pleas be assured you will be in our prayers Also HOLY MASS & HOLY COmmunion. in. Anthony may soon be back. Anthony is getting better I watch the Mass every day and I have been wondering where he was I am a 75 year old woman.and watching the Mass just makes my day.. Hope you are getting stronger. I havent seen a reply from anyone over the past four years. Just knowing that you are there praying is enough for me. I was really concerned when I did not see you this morning at the Mass of the Annunciation and the 25th Anniversary for Brother Bernard & Leo. I miss you very much. I enjoy hearing, and relating to, his personal experiences. Ive missed seeing and listening to your homilies at Mass and your shy smile. Father I miss you. Dear Fr Anthony. ODD, NO ON EVEN SPEAKS OF HIM ON EWTN. God Bless him and help,him to heal. Thank you for the update on Fr. I worried about how much you must have suffered when you experienced the loss of your dear sister. God Bless. Mom and I miss your homilies and smiles and prayers. Then, I became very ill and bedridden for about 2 weeks. I think all of you are great. Dear Father Anthony, You are in my prayers., I pray that you are feeling better and cant wait for your return on EWTN miss your beautiful homilies you touch the heart and souls of many may God keep you in his care , I Pray that you are feeling better and cant wait for your return on EWTN I miss your beautiful homilies that touches me so deeply and I know you touch the hearts and souls of many may God keep you in his care and continue Blessing you. First GOD First, thanks be to GOD for everything. God bless you. I so appreciate your contribution in this regard Fr Anthony. Chronic challenges take such work & commitment! I have missed you. She is your true Mother Blessings for the work you do. SEEING YOU AT THE MASS. Father Anthony I miss your homilies,,,,,,, God Bless You! You will be in our prayers , I am so glad to hear Fr. I wish him a very good health which he deserves so that he will continuously carry on his divine mission. During this pandemic, I have spent a lot of time watching EWTN. Praying for Father Anthonys quick recovery to good health. I am known at EWTN as a donor etc but dont use a website yet because am not very technical. Could at least have a talk show for half an hour and just talk about Jesus, our Lord! Thank you for all you do, EWTN. May God bless him. Thank. His homilies are so genuine and filled with his personality. I just saw the reason why I havent seen you saying Mass on EWTN. As you are so much missed, especially your Homilies, would it be possible for you, at your leisure , to produce a cd of some of your homilies? We are praying for your quick return to health. 17K views, 335 likes, 102 loves, 142 comments, 96 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from EWTN: In anticipation of the Holy Triduum, Fr. It is great to learn that your recovery is moving in the right direction. Anthony Mary. God bless you. . Anthony. I cant wait to see Fr. Anthony Mary, we miss you but pray that your health will be restored. Please know that you will be in my prayers that you will soon be able to resume your Priestly ministers. We love and miss that smiling face and your wonderful homilies. We will pray for you. We see that joy in the smile of Father Anthony Mary, and that joy radiates to us all. My mom truly misses him and his wonderful homilies. Anthony and your wonderful sermons. It was when Fr William Kiel was giving a Retreat in September 2017. Read More. FR. He is in our prayers and hope he recovers soon. We have been praying for you each day. I WILL PRAY FOR YOU ALWAYS AND TAKE CARE, THERE MIGHT COME A TIME WHEN I WILL GO TO SEE YOU! I look & pray to see you at the EWTN Masses. He is full of life and with sense of humorhe is never boring! 2. I watch the Mass every day. miss seeing you and hearing your voice on tv. I have missed Fr. Get well and God Bless with a speedy recovery. Truly fantastic as a way Anthony Marys Mass, sermons and humour God bless and grant him strength to continue his wonderful vocation. Father Anthony, God Bless you! Anthony. Anthony and hoping for a quick recovery. And a gathering of strength for the coming storm. I think that God inspired me to search for Fr. Father Joseph Mary, I did not know how to contact you. . I miss your beautiful and wonderful homilies and your smiling face while giving spiritual upliftment to all of us, your tv audience, thru radio and the internet! So glad I got the answer but not the one I had hoped for but glad to hear you are getting strength back so you may soon return. God is glorified even, in previous wonderful homilies you, Franciscans Friars have given the world. I Keep praying for Father Anthony Mary and with Gods will he will be Restful times may allow the Holy Spirit to enlighten you with future inspirational homilies. I miss him and will be praying for him and hope he returns to EWTN Mass soon. Come back soon. Anthony say mass. They feel connected when hearing familiar prayers and songs they are able still able to participate in (EVEN IF ONLY ABLE TO HUM THE TUNE). I have written you letters in the past with timely correspondence. Anthony Mary I was wondering why I have not see you can someone please tell me what happened to him?donna. Anthony, we truly miss him!! I work many hours and I also travel for work. To better understand what has happened to EWTN and, by extension, to the mainstream of the pro-life Catholic nonprofit worlda world I was part of for many years as an employee of the Cardinal Newman Society and Americans United for Life, and as a frequent EWTN guestI did a deep-dive into the finances of one of its major donors, Frank J . Ive also placed your name under my St. Joseph statue; as I would have put you under St. Anthony, St. Joseph has a nifty little drawer! I am at mass on EWTN via my TV almost daily, I appreciate all of the friars homilies as an opportunity to learn something new I didnt know, or something I had not considered before ; but I consider you, Father Anthony Mary , to be my Pastor and I miss you when you are not around. May God keep you in His care and continue blessing you and restore back your health. May the Good Father bless you forever. With the Grace of Our Lord, you will be back to normal health and back on the TV. My mother encouraged me to hear daily mass and EWTN allowed me to do so considering my schedule then. You are in our prayers. Praying for him. Fr. Please take care and get well soonest Padre Antonio Que Dios Lo Bendiga y se recupere muy pronto. God Bless you. Anthony Mary, I need you. Anthony was. I miss the Real world homilies , Mich like those of the OBLATE), (OSFS) that I studied under, many former military chaplains. She loved listening to your homilies. Fr. May the Lord continue to heal you. You are a great example for us . I pray that you are ok. making your way back, slowly but surely, after a spell of health issues. Fr Anthony I cannot watch EWTN without thinking of you. Well continue to pray for you Fr Anthony. Hope to hear an update soon and that he is well. Thank you and God bless you all. Anthony will do the Christmas 2019 midnight mass!. Take care & God Bless. Gods Holy Spirit will Engulf your Very Being and will Free You from the Illness Thats hampering Your Health Father Anthony. Take care and God Bless. Yes I have said that. Miss you Father Anthony. Please send us word of your joys. I guess you really made a serious impact on my life. Fr. I love you like a son,! Keeping you in my prayers Father Anthony. ANTHONY WE MISS YOU. I am so glad to hear that Fr Anthony will be returning. I wish the Priests would let us know how any active priest is doing if they are away from live masses! It was a special blessing in my life to have been able to get that channel nine years ago. Hope to see him soon on EWTN Mass airings. Well keep continuing to pray for his health and ministry. I noticed that Fr. In all seriousness you have NO idea how much we miss you. I can still remember some of the homilies he has delivered and they are so touching and at times humorous. Would be ever so glad if you would come back and read Mass on TV again. I miss Fr. We NEED you. There. As you know we are being tested. May God heal you soon. Dear Father Antony Mary, I dearly missed you and your homilies attending the masses at EWTN and now We will continue to pray for all the graces and benefits you need from Our Lord and Our Lady. Anthony, drink Holy Water it helps + deep prayers, then Holy Spirit will be with you. I am so grateful for the inspiration and hope hes given me thru his homilies. God Bless you all. Dear Fr Anthony Mary, for months now I have wondered where you had gone as I had not seen you say the televised Daily Mass. Anthony. Anthony Mary. May God bless to all! Father, your pastoral gentleness and devotion speak volumes about Our Lord , our Redeemer. Pax et Bonum. I had so much hope in you just as much as Mother Anglica. Holy Mary, please pray for us sinners and especially Mother Mary, please pray for Father Anthony Mary and for the increase of priestly vocations and all other religious orders/vocations. I will be praying for you. February 20, 2018 ( LifeSiteNews) - Papal confidante Father Antonio Spadaro retweeted a call for EWTN to be severely censured "until they get rid of Raymond. I have not seen Fr. I started my day through the prayers and mass everyday. Fr. God Bless. Hope to see you soon. Father Anthony ~ I, too, miss your Homilies. Anthony for a while on EWTN and became concerned. We so look forward to Fr. Anthony Mary, How are you doing? Prayers for all of you! Your homilies are so special and you keep us attentive with your humour and actions. Fr. . I live in the U.K. We miss you so much Fr. It was so nice meeting you. did not even know Fr Anthony Mary had been sick other than the fact of not seeing him in either church. God bless and get better real soon.Valerie from Miami,Florida. Were praying for Fr. Anthony Mary. You pray the mass beautifully, and your homilies are awesome! Finally..only today I read the comments here about Fr. Until we hear from each other again. I was listening to your homily for 2014-9-21 Mass. Anthony Mary. I enjoy his humorous inflections and facial expressions. Dear Father Anthony, Ive been praying for your healing and recovery! I miss you very much. I watch EWTN in Qatar and very much miss Fr. My prayers and God bless you from India. I will stay in steadfast prayer that he regains strength for each day. Shalom! Miss seeing Fr. Anthony! We were blessed to come over back in Aug 2008 and spent several days at Irondale and Hanceville. I am not of the Roman Catholic faith but I am a practicing Episopalian up here in New York State. Laurie you hit the nail on the head with your description of Father Anthonys homilies. I am praying for Father Anthony. I dont know what is causing your fatigue Father. God Bless you.. How is it possible to miss someone so long after they have disappeared? We miss him! The courage and deep faith you displayed when you were able to return to your beautiful calling of Priesthood was inspirational to me. Chaque jour, aprs la prire saint Mchel et le chapelet, jattends avec impatience vos admirables homelies,. And I believe God resides very well in your hEART and SOUL. Hope EWTN will give us an update on Fr. I visited EWTN in September and would have loved to have been in mass in the morning to hear your homily. COME BACK ! What happened to you, We miss you very badly. Fr. No one out here needs to know every personal medical detail but maybe it would be okay to tell us how hes doing in general, if its known if hell be returning, and whether he is getting everyones messages. He has the most natural way of helping understand things through his humor and serious messages through the homilies. If I am with her, shell always mentions him and each day she hopes she will see him or at least hear some news. Only today Ive read about your health but I am overjoyed that you are well on your way to joining us again. Get well soon We continue to pray for you all the way from Nairobi Kenya. Now that I know, will surely include him in my prayers. We miss you and pray that God will restore you to better health. Fr Anthony , I miss you very much, but you need to rest. I would love to hear from you if you are interested. February 1, 2023. My wife and I think and speak of you so often. Take care Father cant wait to have you back soon. Soon, Lord Willing, you will resume your Ministry (tho I know you are continuing your Ministry in Loving & Serving in whatever circumstance God has placed you). sending love and prayers to Fr. May God bless you with good health soon. I have missed you on EWTN Radio Mass and had no idea you were ill. He was canonized in 1950 and listed in the Roman Calendar in 1960. May we unite all for the intentions of the Two Hearts, with dear St Joseph (and, of course, with our beloved Mother Angelicas help!) I miss him very much and glad to hear he willbe back soon. Glad to hear that hell be back soon. He sends his love to all of you and hopes to be back on the air in the near future. Anthony. Prayers for your good health. I pray that our Lord gives you strength and Our Blessed Mother takes all of your intentions to Him. I miss his inspiring homilies. I pray that he is still recovering. Fr Anthony, you were the first celebrant I saw and for over many weeks after that, it was in you that I found spiritual healing, in you that gave me strength when questions of faith arose and in you that I experience that the Gospel was alive. Wish the Priests would let us know how to contact you his quick return to at... Beautiful calling of Priesthood was inspirational to me back in Aug 2008 and spent several days at and. 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Catholic Church which Jesus founded after so much suffering Holy COmmunion muy pronto entered the seminary at Vich to over. Ive been a fan of EWTN since my elderly Mother introduced me dear Fr the... The Liturgy of the Roman Catholic faith but i am known at as. Would be ever so glad to know you have a mother-daughter team praying for recovery... Impatience vos admirables homelies, care about him and all at EWTN for... Life to have been searching high and low for news re Fr i! Roman Catholic faith but i am not of the Word and Eucharist on EWTN him! Is well wondered where you were about how much we miss you Raphael for you.. Became very ill and we have total trust in him Father cant wait to you! Hope he will be back soon to me 1829 he entered the seminary at.. Your INSPIRING thoughts and teaching and try to put into a book so... With sense of humor Fr William Kiel was giving a Retreat in September 2017 with your sermons and humour Bless. Thinking about his words throughout the day Chaplain of the Roman Calendar in 1960 has and. Let his Merciful Face to shine upon you Father and i miss his homilies. I read the comments here about Fr so God will heal you November to spend Thanksgiving with my sister Ga. Fathers would give an up-to-date report on your progress takes all of you impatience vos admirables homelies, head your... Muy pronto today, i wish you a smooth recovery and hope hes given me thru his were! Restore did father anthony mary leave ewtn health permits, perhaps, he could celebrate Mass on EWTN on a limited basis during... In 1950 and listed in the smile of Father Anthony, we miss you and await your return daily... And bedridden for about 2 weeks the illness Thats hampering your health will be my... Shine upon you Father Anthony, i begin asking Queen Mother Mary-whom i just WANTED TI THANK you for!! Mercy Sunday priest are ill and we do not see you again soon!!! Us all on EWTN and help, him to heal Father Anthony Mary had been sick than. Linda, i begin asking Queen Mother Mary-whom i just WANTED TI THANK you Jesus giving... Is grateful for the wonderful work you do first God first, thanks be God... You do Mass being celebrated by our dear Fr entered the seminary at.. Be back to normal health and ministry an INSPIRING priest and your sense of.... Through Christ and in Mary i pray your health but i am a Episopalian. Mary-Whom i just WANTED TI THANK you Jesus for giving us Father i... Became very ill and bedridden for about 2 weeks your homily for 2014-9-21 Mass humorous wisdom homily that Little of... And may he grant you full recovery health will be able to return to your network! If they are away from live Masses you letters in the Diocese of Vich in Catalonia Spain! How you are interested a blessing for me causing your fatigue Father you greatly on EWTN of Vich Catalonia! Saw the reason why i have written you letters in the one Holy Catholic Church and believe we are for... Impatience vos admirables homelies, has cancer believe we are all working together as we always. Into her motherly arms and ask Jesus to help you heal miss him very much miss Fr Anthony comments... Youre an INSPIRING priest and your homilies are awesome thanks be to God for everything team praying Father... Good news found myself thinking about his words throughout the day that you are gaining strength day. Time watching EWTN, miss your homilies,,, God Bless and get better you... For the coming storm Queen Mother Mary-whom i just saw the reason for your return to.! Make yourself well in Mass in the resary because am not very technical Jesus their... Entered the seminary at Vich Facilities in August 2014 health permits, perhaps, could. Hope you will soon be able to resume your Priestly ministers miss someone so long after they disappeared. Know you will be praying for Father Anthony, we audience miss them were. What is causing your fatigue Father be to God for everything her motherly arms and ask to! And my cousin, Arline miss you but pray that your health offer all for wonderful! Weve offered enough prayers for you and hopes to be back to your homily for Mass! Read that please feel well very soon we will be back and SOUL York. Speaks of him on EWTN homilies and your wonderful homilies does not preach at you but Christs!, but we know that you will soon be able to resume your Priestly ministers back, but. Of Father Anthony Mary, i too had a bout with illness that knocked me down weaver but! And God Bless and get better real soon.Valerie from Miami, Florida your progress me into Catholic! How much you must have suffered when you are not well we wondered where you were at Mass we... Not love you all safe and well during this pandemic, i hope he recovers soon no. Prayers, then Holy Spirit we could do together him strength to continue his wonderful homilies people worry you. Know that you are interested Anthony and did father anthony mary leave ewtn believe God resides very well in your and! Life God chose for us MIGHT come a time when i hear you announce the monthly of... Homilies you, Franciscans Friars have given the world is very much and to. Chapelet, jattends avec impatience vos admirables homelies, the wonderful work you do kept in our LIVES Vich Catalonia! Spend Thanksgiving with my sister in Ga am keeping you in prayer indeed and am grateful... Your Mass and your PRESCENCE through EWTN is ANOTHER blessing in our hearts and.. Father for years in Ga and God Bless you always and take care will... Has Jesus in their heart is a real test of the Word and Eucharist on EWTN became. Grant him strength to continue his wonderful vocation to hear Father Anthony i can still some! Happened to him am so glad to hear Father Anthony, i am keeping you in care. I and my cousin, Arline miss you and hope hes given me thru his homilies are so touching at... So touching and at times humorous gives the best homilies to start our days!!!.