God wasn't disappointed; I was disappointed in me. WebPsalm 103 NKJV 1 Bless the Lord, O my soul; And all that is within me, bless His holy name! Bibliographical Information Clarke, Adam. And forget not 53:5]; Jer. Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson. I haven't been down to Newport for a long time. 2 O my soul, come, praise the Etern Another unwarranted assumption that labels many psalms "liturgical" is also very untrustworthy. Partner with StudyLight.org as God uses us to make a difference for those displaced by Russia's war on Ukraine. 2. BibleGateway+ is less than $5/mo. I like God just removing completely my sins, my guilt from me. "And so I like all these new discoveries, though I think a lot of them are just fanciful kind of interpreting of the data that they have with their own limited knowledge. 103Bless (A)the Lord, O my soul;And all that is within me, bless His holy name!2Bless the Lord, O my soul,And forget not all His benefits:3(B)Who forgives all your iniquities,Who (C)heals all your diseases,4Who redeems your life from destruction,(D)Who crowns you with lovingkindness and tender mercies,5Who satisfies your mouth with good things,So that (E)your youth is renewed like the eagles. For he knows our frame; and he remembers that we are dust ( Psalms 103:13-14 ). By submitting your email address, you understand that you will receive email communications from Bible Gateway, a division of The Zondervan Corporation, 3900 Sparks Drive SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49546 USA, including commercial communications and messages from partners of Bible Gateway. Truly God is good to all (v. 6): He executes righteousness and judgment, not only for his own people, but for all that are oppressed; for even in common providence he is the patron of wronged innocency, and, one way or other, will plead the cause of those that are injured against their oppressors. 13 Like as a father pitieth his children, so the Lord pitieth them that fear him. Web1 O my soul, come, praise the Eternal with all that is in mebody, emotions, mind, and willevery part of who I am praise His holy name. Not content with calling upon his soul (by which he unquestionably means the seat of the understanding and affections) to bless God, the prophet expressly adds his inward parts, addressing as it were his own mind and heart, and all the faculties of both. Its terminology has entered into the speech of all generations. The word soul here is equivalent to mind or heart: my mental and moral powers, as capable of understanding and appreciating his favors. If we do not give thanks for them, we do forget them; and that is unjust as well as unkind, since in all God's favours there is so much that is memorable. Pardoned sin is, in our experience, one of the choicest boons of grace, one of the earliest gifts of mercy, - in fact, the needful preparation for enjoying all that follows it. In order to our return of praises to God, there must be a grateful remembrance of the mercies we have received from him: Forget not all his benefits. Psalm 103:1. The eagle is long-lived, and, as naturalists say, when she is nearly 100 years old, casts all her feathers (as indeed she changes them in a great measure every year at moulting time), and fresh ones come, so that she becomes young again. God's mercy is better than life, for it will out-live it. Copyright 2023, Bible Study Tools. All rights reserved. When God, by the graces and comforts of his Spirit, recovers his people from their decays, and fills them with new life and joy, which is to them an earnest of eternal life and joy, they may then be said to return to the days of their youth, Job 33:25. "He has cured thy sickness." David called on himself to bless the Lord wholeheartedly because of all His many blessings. WebPsalm 103 Bless the LORD, O My Soul This psalm is simply titled A Psalm of David. Psalm 103:12 New Living Translation (NLT) 12 He has removed our sins as far from us as the east is from the west. Such a thing is man: God considers this, and pities him; let him consider it himself, and be humble, dead to this world and thoughtful of another. II. The duty of universal praise inferred from it: if all are under God's dominion, all must do him homage. See Job 33:24; Job 33:28. (3.) The organization of this psalm appears to be: (1) a self-exhortation to praise God (Psalms 103:1-5); (2) Israel exhorted to bless God (Psalms 103:6-13); (3) God's consideration for man's frailty (Psalms 103:14-18); and (4) all in God's kingdom to bless Him (Psalms 103:19-22). 4. (3.) 11 As high as the sky is above the earth, Worshipping the body. Though it is of our own benefit, by the pardoning mercy of God, that we are to take the comfort, yet of the benefit others have by it we must give him the glory. WebHe touches the hills, and they smoke. No one of his faculties or powers should be exempt from the duty and the privilege of praise. I don't know how high the heaven is above the earth, but however it is, that's just how high God's mercy is towards me. 7 He made known his ways unto Moses, his acts unto the children of Israel. Have you ever been at the place where you didn't understand your own feelings? "O my soul! 22 Bless the Lord, all his works in all places of his dominion: bless the Lord, O my soul. "He has cured thy sickness." The distance of about 12,500 miles, that is, unless you are going straight through. 2 Bless the Lord, O my soul, . WebPsalm 2 is the second psalm of the Book of Psalms, beginning in English in the King James Version: "Why do the heathen rage".In Latin, it is known as "Quare fremuerunt gentes".Psalm 2 does not identify its author with a superscription, but Acts 4:2426 in the New Testament attributes it to David. He bears long with those that are very provoking, defers punishing, that he may give space to repent, and does not speedily execute the sentence of his law; and he could not be thus slow to anger if he were not plenteous in mercy, the very Father of mercies. "He has given thee a prospect and pledge of long life: Thy youth is renewed like the eagle's." I trust that it wasn't so long ago that you have already forgotten how thankful you were. The Christian life is far from a negative experience and too many people are only emphasizing the negative aspects. 1. All rights reserved. If we do not give thanks for them, we do forget them; and that is unjust as well as unkind, since in all God's favours there is so much that is memorable. And the God of the New Testament is love, mercy, and grace." The body finds the melancholy consequences of Adam's offence, it is subject to many infirmities, and the soul also. Bless the LORD, O my soul ( Psalms 103:1 ): Now this is a command of David, or a command of David, the psalmist to himself. Then David lists several good things that God does for His people. God has not dealt with us according to our sins, nor rewarded us according to our iniquities. And forget not all His benefit s: . Thus fairly does God deal with us. Here is, I. Bless the LORD, all his works in all of the places of his dominion: bless the LORD, O my soul ( Psalms 103:17-22 ). "He has not only saved thee from death and ruin, but has made thee truly and completely happy, with honour, pleasure, and long life." What would become of us if God should deal so with us? 33 I will sing to the Lord as long as I live; I will sing praise to my God while I have my being. Memory is very treacherous about the best things; by a strange perversity, engendered by the fall, it treasures up the refuse of the past and permits priceless treasures to lie neglected, it is tenacious of grievances and holds benefits all too loosely. 10 He hath not dealt with us after our sins; nor rewarded us according to our iniquities. 3. Many-sided is the character of our heavenly Father, for, having forgiven as a judge, he then cures as a physician. Half-hearted, ill-conceived, unintelligent praises are not such as we should render to our loving Lord. The psalmist, I. Stirs up himself and his own soul to praise God (ver 1, 2) for his favour to him in particular (ver 3-5), to the church in general, and to all good men, to whom he is, and will be, just, and kind, and constant (ver 6-18), and for his government of the world, ver 19. And every once in awhile the scientists come along and say, "Oh, we've just discovered a new quasar, or galaxy that is beyond anything we've ever known before. However, nothing in the psalm or anywhere else enables us to determine the precise occasion on which it was written."[1]. WebMatthew Henry's Commentary on Psalm 103:1-4 Commentary on Psalm 103:1-5 (Read Psalm 103:1-5) By the pardon of sin, that is taken away which kept good things from us, and we are restored to the favor of God, who bestows good things on us. You may unsubscribe from Bible Gateways emails at any time. David often was talking to his inward man, talking to his soul. We think that we are the rock of Gibraltar. "He has rescued thee from danger." WebPsalms 103 COMMENTARY (Pulpit) < Go Back Bible Commentaries Psalm 103 Psalm 103:1 << Verse 1. They are such as fear God, such as are truly religious, from principle. Matthew Henry Bible Commentary (complete), California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. 2 O my soul, come, praise the Etern Those only shall have the benefit of God's promises that make conscience of his precepts. All Rights Reserved. Psalm 103, a masterful and well-loved composition, is classified as an Individual Hymn of Thanksgiving, a psalm in which a single voice praises God for Gods goodness to or on behalf of that individual, usually for deliverance from some trying situation. Under such a weight of obligation the lips can do little; the soul and all its powers must be engaged. 14 For he knoweth our frame; he remembereth that we are dust. 2. Observe, (1.) (2.) "So that thy youth is renewed like the eagle" (Psalms 103:5). csfa league table. When God, by the graces and comforts of his Spirit, recovers his people from their decays, and fills them with new life and joy, which is to them an earnest of eternal life and joy, then they may be said to return to the days of their youth, Job 33 25. 103:1-5 By the pardon of sin, that is taken away which kept good things from us, and we are restored to the favor of God, who bestows good things on us. If the law of justice demanded all our heart and soul and mind for the Creator, much more may the law of gratitude put in a comprehensive claim for the homage of our whole being to the God of grace. 3:9; Heb. It is the Lord that is to be blessed and spoken well of; for he is the fountain of all good, whatever are the channels or cisterns; it is to his name, his holy name, that we are to consecrate our praise, giving thanks at the remembrance of his holiness. This writer remembers from the prayers of his grandfather the employment of Psalms 103:10 verbatim as it appears in the King James Bible, and also an exclamation that, "The time and place that know us now, shall soon know us no more for ever," founded upon Psalms 103:16. The scripture says a great deal of the mercy of God, and we may all set to our seal that it is true, that we have experienced it. Or was he now doubly sensible of the importance, the imperative necessity of adoration? Oh God, I am so sorry I disappointed You." And all that is within me - All my powers and faculties; all that can be employed in his praise: the heart, the will, the affections, the emotions. WebAny other use of the NKJV must be in conformity with the Quotation Policy for the New King James Version. It is a continued act; he is still forgiving, as we are still sinning and repenting. It is his honour to humble the proud and help the helpless. And we are challenging so oftentimes Satan to do battle with us. 1 Bless a the LORD, O my soul; And all that is within me, bless His holy name! The God of the Old Testament is vengeful and wrathful and murderous and so forth. I'm so excited with all of the positive aspects of serving the Lord that the negative doesn't really come into mind much. These two go together; for, as for God, his work is perfect and not done by halves; if God take away the guilt of sin by pardoning mercy, he will break the power of it by renewing grace. Why do I feel blue? He that made all rules all, and both by a word of power: He has prepared his throne, has fixed and established it that it cannot be shaken; he has afore-ordained all the measures of his government and does all according to the counsel of his own will. 4 Ways the Parable of the Sower Encourages Spiritual Growth. Think of the provocation; it was sin, and yet pardoned: how many the WebPsalm 103:15 The New King James Version 1 Bless athe Lord, O my soul; And all that is within me, bless His holy name! This is cured in sanctification; when sin is mortified, the disease is healed; though complicated, it is all healed. (2.) Think of the provocation; it was sin, and yet pardoned: how many the provocations, yet all pardoned! WebMatthew Henry's Commentary on Psalm 103:1-4 Commentary on Psalm 103:1-5 (Read Psalm 103:1-5) By the pardon of sin, that is taken away which kept good things from us, and we are restored to the favor of God, who bestows good things on us. He has never been rigorous and severe with us, but always tender, full of compassion, and ready to forgive. "For He crowns thee with loving-kindness and tender mercies. 9 He will not always chide: neither will he keep his anger for ever. Under such a weight of obligation the lips can do little; the soul and all its powers must be engaged. 10 He has not punished us as our sins should be punished; he has not repaid us for the evil we have done. to those that reverence him ( Psalms 103:17 ). 4 Who redeems your life from destruction, . Realizing how easily people forget God, David reminds himself of the many blessings, physical and spiritual, that God ; Psalm 103:2 tn Or his benefits (see 2 Chr 32:25, where the noun is also used of kind deeds performed by the Lord). And God looks down upon us and He is, number one, merciful, because we reverence Him. He concludes by invoking all creatures to unite in his song. Bless Jehovah, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits. Because the north is only about 12,500 miles from the south. But in the midst of this universal praise, each individual has special cause to praise him (22). ". Nor do they delay, but fly swiftly: They do his commandments at hearing, or as soon as they hear the voice of his word; so Dr. Hammond. Nothing but divine wisdom can undertake to fill its treasures (Prov 8 21); other things will surfeit, but not satiate, Eccl 6 7; Isa 55 2. [1.] ], This popular Davidic psalm of individual thanksgiving reviews Gods mercies and expresses confident hope in His covenant promises. Verse 1. Observe, God's mercy is thus great towards those that fear him, not towards those that trifle with him. 2 Bless the Lord, O my soul, And forget not all His benefits: 3 Who forgives all We are not to forget them. He will not keep his anger for ever against his own people, but will gather them with everlasting mercies, Isa 54 8; 57 16. Think of the provocation; it was sin, and yet pardoned: how many the provocations, yet all pardoned! 2. The inscription in the Hebrew, and in all the Versions, gives this Psalm to David; and yet many of the ancients believed it to refer to the times of the captivity, or rather to its conclusion, in which the redeemed Jews give thanks to God for their restoration. And all that is within me, bless His holy name! 11For as the heavens are high above the earth,So great is His mercy toward those who fear Him;12As far as the east is from the west,So far has He (J)removed our transgressions from us.13(K)As a father pities his children,So the Lord pities those who fear Him.14For He [a]knows our frame;He remembers that we are dust. Psalm 103:12 King James Version (KJV 1900) 12 As far as the east is from the west, So far hath he removed our transgressions from us. WebMatthew Henry's Concise Commentary 103:1-5 By the pardon of sin, that is taken away which kept good things from us, and we are restored to the favor of God, who bestows good things on us. Why do I feel despondent? But the mercy of the LORD ( Psalms 103:16-17 ). God understands human weakness and he is kind to those who fear him (13-14).Life is short and uncertain, but people can enjoy the everlasting blessings of Gods steadfast love if they are faithfully obedient (15-18). Bless, &c.when God is the object, praise. The transcendent riches of God's mercy (v. 11): As the heaven is high above the earth (so high that the earth is but a point to the vast expanse), so God's mercy is above the merits of those that fear him most, so much above and beyond them that there is no proportion at all between them; the greatest performances of man's duty cannot demand the least tokens of God's favour as a debt, and therefore all the seed of Jacob will join with him in owning themselves less than the least of all God's mercies, Gen 32 10. He has pardoned our sins, not only my iniquity (v. 3), but our transgressions, v. 12. This psalm calls more for devotion than exposition; it is a most excellent psalm of praise, and of general use. 2 Bless the Lord, O my soul, And forget not all His benefits: 3 Who forgives all your iniquities, "Bless the Lord, O my soul." As far as the east is from the west, So far has He removed our transgressions from us. In short, the blessed angels are glorious attendants upon the blessed God. WebPsalm 103 . To "bless" is more than to The pardon granted is a present one - forgiveth; it is continual, for he still forgiveth; it is divine, for God gives it; it is far reaching, for it removes all our sins; it takes in omissions as well as commissions, for both of these are in-equities; and it is most effectual, for it is as real as the healing, and the rest of the mercies with which it is placed. And so science is changing. It is as the apple tree among the trees of the wood, and its golden fruit has a flavour such as no fruit ever bears unless it has been ripened in the full suushine of mercy. Like as a father pitieth his children, so the LORD pitieth them that reverence him. God remembers that.Man has a tendency to magnify his body. The LORD is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and plenteous in mercy ( Psalms 103:5-8 ). Sicknesses of body and soul came into the world by sin, and as sin is eradicated, diseases bodily, mental, and spiritual will vanish, till "the inhabitant shall no more say, I am sick." It is the soul that is to be employed in blessing God, and all that is within us. When God, by the graces and comforts of his Spirit, recovers his people from their decays, and fills them with new life and joy, which is to them an earnest of eternal life and joy, then they may be said to return to the days of their youth,Job 33:23. The soul of man was made to praise and bless God; to enjoy his friendship; to delight in his favor; to contemplate his perfections. Compare Numbers 6:23-27. The Lord has a throne of his own, a throne of glory, a throne of government. The work requires the inward man, the whole man, and all little enough. He desires the assistance of the holy angels, and all the works of God, in praising him, ver 20-22. God has been merciful to us. The redemption of the soul is precious; we cannot compass it, and therefore are the more indebted to divine grace that has wrought it out, to him who has obtained eternal redemption for us. Christ alone forgives all our sins; it is he alone who heals all our infirmities. 1 Bless the Lord, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name. 19 The Lord hath prepared his throne in the heavens; and his kingdom ruleth over all. "[3] This, of course, knocks the keystone out of the arch of critical devices for late-dating Old Testament writings. WebPsalms 103 1 A Psalm of David. and his righteousness to the children's children [that's my grandkids]; And to such as keep his covenant, and to those that remember his commandments to do them. We think, "Man, I can stand, you know. WebThis one hundred and third Psalm has ever seemed to us to be the Monte Rosa of the divine chain of mountains of praise, glowing with a ruddier light than any of the rest. d Who crowns you with lovingkindness and tender 9:17; Ps. Handed down. "For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so high is His mercy over those that reverence Him. A Psalm of David.. 1 Bless a the Lord, O my soul; . The father pities his children that are weak in knowledge and instructs them, pities them when they are froward and bears with them, pities them when they are sick and comforts them (Isa 66 13), pities them when they have fallen and helps them up again, pities them when they have offended, and, upon their submission, forgives them, pities them when they are wronged and gives them redress; thus the Lord pities those that fear him. Then all of his works, all of the places of God's dominion. The Lord has saved us with a great salvation, shall we render no recompense? Had he been very sleepy before? We must fear the Lord and his goodness. "O my soul! How well qualified they are for the post they are in. 4:2; James 5:11, [Ps. 1. As far as our days, we are as the grass: or like a flower in the field ( Psalms 103:15 ). 20(Q)Bless the Lord, you His angels,Who excel in strength, who (R)do His word,Heeding the voice of His word.21Bless the Lord, all you His hosts,(S)You [c]ministers of His, who do His pleasure.22Bless the Lord, all His works,In all places of His dominion. High as the heaven is above the earth. Nor punished us according to our iniquities. If he had not been a God of patience, we should have been in hell long ago; but he has not rewarded us after our iniquities; so those will say who know what sin deserves. Scripture taken from the New King James Version. WebFootnotes. 86:15; Jer. thou hast blessed the Lord, sit down, and rest thee, but, Bless the Lord, O my soul! What is the crown of glory but God's favour? A Psalm of David.. 1 Bless a the Lord, O my soul; . God looks down and says, "O man, just a bit of dust." Matthew Henry Commentary on the Whole Bible (Complete). Where Christ is made righteousness to any soul he is made sanctification, 1 Corinthians 1:30. This psalm calls more for devotion than exposition; it is a most excellent psalm of praise, and of general use. The LORD executes righteousness and judgment for all that are oppressed. 1031A Psalm of David. 2 Bless the Lord, O He has revealed himself and his grace to us (v. 7): He made known his ways unto Moses, and by him his acts to the children of Israel, not only by his rod to those who then lived, but by his pen to succeeding ages. He has revealed himself and his grace to them. Now we don't remember that ourselves often. He considers the frailty of our bodies and the folly of our souls, how little we can do, and expects accordingly from us, how little we can bear, and lays accordingly upon us, in all which appears the tenderness of his compassion. 1. All his works, that is, all the children of men, in all parts of the world, let them all praise God; yea, and the inferior creatures too, which are God's works also; let them praise him objectively, though they cannot praise him actually, Ps 145 10. [Ex. 6 The Lord executeth righteousness and judgment for all that are oppressed. For our task our energies should be suitably called out. 2023 Christianity.com. And doubtless our slothfulness in this matter has need of continual incitement. Our crimes were capital, but God saves our lives by pardoning them; our diseases were mortal, but God saves our lives by healing them. How true that is. It is the Lord that is to be blessed and spoken well of; for he is the fountain of all good, whatever are the channels or cisterns; it is to his name, his holy name, that we are to consecrate our praise, giving thanks at the remembrance of his holiness. 147:3; [Is. (1.) - Bless the Lord, O my soul. 1. WebPsalm 103 New King James Version Praise for the Lords Mercies A Psalm of David. WebPsalm 103. Hitherto the psalmist had only looked back upon his own experiences and thence fetched matter for praise; here he looks abroad and takes notice of his favour to others also; for in them we should rejoice and give thanks for them, all the saints being fed at a common table and sharing in the same blessings. He began with Bless the Lord, O my soul! [Note: Wiersbe, The . Observe that he calls all that is within him to remember all the Lord's benefits. Let others bless themselves and their idols, but do thou bless the Lord. 15:26]; Ps. Not so much as one of the divine dealings should be forgotten, they are all really beneficial to us, all worthy of himself, and all subjects for praise. Who crowneth thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies; Who satisfieth thy desire with good things, So that thy youth is renewed like the eagle.". Web1 O my soul, come, praise the Eternal with all that is in mebody, emotions, mind, and willevery part of who I am praise His holy name. 103:1-5 By the pardon of sin, that is He is in real earnest, and again calls upon himself to arise. II. Bless the Lord, O my soul,. His better part, his soul, which comes immediately from God, and returns to him, which is immaterial and immortal, and of more worth than the world: God is to be served with the best we have; as with the best of our substance, so with the best of our persons; and it is the heart, or soul, which he requires to be given him; and such service as is performed with the soul or spirit is most agreeable to him; he being a Spirit, and therefore must be worshipped in spirit and in truth: unless the spirit or soul of a man, is engaged in the service of God, it is of little avail; for bodily exercise profiteth not; preaching, hearing, praying, and praising, should be both with the spirit, and with the understanding: here the psalmist calls upon his soul to "bless" the Lord; not by invoking or conferring a blessing on him, which as it is impossible to be done, so he stands in no need of it, being God, all sufficient, and blessed for evermore; but by proclaiming and congratulating his blessedness, and by giving him thanks for all mercies, spiritual and temporal: and all that is within me, bless his holy name; meaning not only all within his body, his heart, reins, lungs, c. but all within his soul, all the powers and faculties of it his understanding, will, affections, and judgment; and all the grace that was wrought in him, faith, hope, love, joy, and the like; these he would have all concerned and employed in praising the name of the Lord; which is exalted above all blessing and praise; is great and glorious in all the earth, by reason of his works wrought, and blessings of goodness bestowed; and which appears to be holy in them all, as it does in the works of creation, providence, and redemption; at the remembrance of which holiness thanks should be given; for he that is glorious in holiness is fearful in praises, Psalms 97:12.