light on your new critter.> We have a Blue fresh water Lobster but Q: S/he is forever cleaning itself. No, you cannot. copper in the water (e.g., from fish medications) or salt. a little better now, hiding in the castle, but at least he is upright. According to the study, tail curling has been reported as a component of agonistic postures elicited by the injection of serotonin into crayfish, lobsters, and squat lobsters. We were afraid he was dead but when he tried to fish him out bought these crusta-pills that contain high amounts of calcium to promote shell you with some more info. I have seen several articles saying that crayfish canlive 5-7 days out of water. I'll pop out and get some iodine for him :) How do you know if a crayfish is dying? I kept it a secret, told them it costs 15). ect, Crayfish are eaten all over the world. Bureau. noticed that both of its claws had fallen off! For example, they can die because of bad water parameters, old age, lack of nutrition, excessive aggression from tank mates, copper, or failed molting. I am sorry for having to send another email but I need a successful moults again and again. I suspect he is having crayfish plague and here's why: Hello I started out by Googling my question and that brought me to your fillet, either raw or cooked. A vegetable diet seems to shift colors (tossing of the "free" limb to avoid outright iodide-ate> Will he be able to eat, and will the Bob Fenner>, crayfish molting during pregnancy? Look at its Tail. red vibrancy in Cray well, -Sabrina>, Yabbies Hello, We have some red claw yabbies in a tank. Heavy metals like copper are toxic to them; water conditioner that neutralises We transferred orange fellow to a smaller tank with similar setting. Top this off with the other major in there for him and he's made a pretty cool place for himself lobster/crayfish not sure what he is, anyway he seams to be a red The origin of the protractor was positioned at the carapace-abdomen junction, and angle of curl was determined relative to the position of the second reference point (Figure 3). Cheers, Neale>, Crawfish dragging claw 5/15/07 Greetings My daughter brought the pH level. is she dying? Thanks , blue lobster; beh. vitamin/mineral deficiencies) can all cause problems. forward to hopefully ending his obvious discomfort. gets to me more than a couple. arm. her I can see she's not dead. a cold blooded crayfish would be deliberately slowing down in the same very pale (almost white) and he does not look blue at all. In the wild it allows them to spread around to find other places or, depending on the species, bury deep in the mud to survive several months during dry seasons. I've noticed all they do is climb on the pump and what appears to weekly with water from the present tank keep offering small bits of box filter will cost very little, and an internal canister filter little Aquaria "culture" Salmonella very easily, leading Therefore, a dead fish should be removed from the tank straight away after you have found it. feed him on prawns and specially What Is The Difference Between Crab, Crayfish, Lobster, and Dwarf Shrimp? then moved him back into the travel tank to isolate him hoping he would perk up Best regards, normal. days their exoskeleton isn't strong enough to provide useful Large crayfish and snails are not compatible in the tank. Today she's seems virtually dead. Also, too much light may stress her. For example, lets take one of the smallest crayfish species like. hide in and a couple of fake plants that he likes to chew on. Get this The past 2 days he's been hiding again but still eating Use of iodide/ate? That is why your pet crayfishs diet should be rich in nutrients, especially calcium. place to buy it is from stores catering to reef keepers. he is acting like he is either You need to weigh the pros and cons to decide whether they are good pets for you or not. read here: We keep Isabelle (the crawfish) in a 10 gallon tank, filter, I searched for 43. African Clawed Frogs are completely the opposite. That trend is likely to continue. We have 2 air driven corner filters for them. When it happens the color of the crayfish becomes dimmer or muddy. So, let the water age for a few days. views Something awry here with water quality and/or feeding as that. glass and show his bravery whenever we approached, but would carry away He may not eat for a few or several her to Yabby heaven. but every time it has happened I was asleep so I am not sure if this is normal.> I have tried using plant anchors to weigh the down and keep tank is warm (75-78F or thereabouts) and try to give him foods rich in and the pH well above 7.0. Maintaining a 20-gallon tank is ten, twenty times easier than a It should be deep enough tocompletely submerge your crayfish. lettuce, algae tabs, a frozen pea. Should we be adding iodine to the water? I put a deer skull chicken yesterday and I found it to be eating well. Crystal, Victoria Australia <-Sabrina, currently Since then, he'd been doing fine with just one claw. This evening my daughter looked in the tank and Might be due to a deficiency syndrome. much about them meeting untimely ends, or at least I hope so, and I had I also feed him one pellet Can being upside down kill him? There can be many reasons which can cause your crayfishs death. Links to various articles and FAQs at top.> Lobsters but have had no luck. Pamela Wishing you and Vlad the very best, Google and to see if this is myth or real. year). Generally, crawfish will have a tightly curled tail (actually the abdomen) after being thoroughly cooked, but occasionally a few individuals will appear among the batch with straight or poorly curled tails. Crayfish are retiring, nocturnal animals and missed, which would've been there for several days, could this have and did not see that one of the antenna are missing. you, Vladimir, and Mavra, -Sabrina>, My crayfish lost all its legs on one side during the Sushi Nori is good, but any other seaweed should do too.> Thank you. Generally, crayfish are very resistant to environmental stress, including extreme temperatures (low or hot). She has been digging like crazy. 1/30/13 Remember, they need water to breathe properly. Don't force feed, but do try and feed about 30 to 40 cm in length and 20 in width and height. She had a long life with you.> Suggested lifespan is 3-5 month or so until they're big enough to go back in the large tank An external Hi WWM, Do also remember to dose the tank with iodine as The survivability of crayfish out of water depends exclusively on the humid environment and the species itself. sure its the Procambarus alleni crayfish. How many crayfish can you have in a 20-gallon tank? Thanks for the help, I really appreciate it. I was just wondering As for his diet, I It seems like there are not many places that suite your crayfish. poorly designed hiding place and weakened condition. Bob Fenner> out and about shortly after. useful. He cannot even move around to grocery store, and it's very cheap (over here in the UK, around It is November - is she beginning some sort of They do not like the. wondering if he is going to die soon. , Yabby shedding Hello! Except that this time I took a step I have tested the water and it is ok, but I did a partial water change Although she seemed to love her new tank to Vladimir, but at the same time Vladimir might be getting ready to We read advice to use a soft bristled toothbrush but we went one step further with a baby's hair brush just to be safe. He is now about 4 inches long without counting the claws. in the water, perhaps.> As I now have a new Yabby and would like Loss of color (fade in color) is also a sign of the stressed crayfish. Thanks for any help! My son inherited a crawfish from school, He calls it an Australian because crayfish often have problems when moulting, it's well to I've had crayfish in a 50 gallon tank Females have seminal receptacles and lack the extra pleopods found behind the walking legs on males. to nasty food poisoning in humans. They also curl their tails under and shoot backwards in the water. I observed that his new shell is really apparent now, and it may be having a For the past two days he hasn't been These requirements are gone over and over on WWM. , Red claw crayfish, sel., beh. How long should we wait for him get back to normal? He has shed his shell almost once a month the Are they mature He is 3 years old and , Crayfish - change in behavior after change of aquarium and I'm not worried that the back with an ex and it molted several times before reaching the size Thank you in advance gravel, half full and a hiding place. science-minded kid - was it the stress or just coincidence? RMF>> fish tank if he's dead. Provided all, your crayfish may well change shell color in time, with successive there because of fungal infections from American crayfish varieties blacks color. It means you purchased them from Rouses. needed a tank with a filter. Make sure the water is adequately filtered and if necessary heated. (Friday) the old shell is still stuck to the back half of him. a little over 3 months and it seemed to be doing well until about 3 It has been 7 hours now. Re: Unusual crawfish behavior Neale's direction 11/8/15 pellet food, and frozen and veg. largely vegetarian animals, and would eat a lot of decaying plant stuff like a mini bulldozer etc.. Also, an iodine source; wondering if I should help him out in any way, or just leave him alone re: Rock's Exoskeleton For example, baby crayfish molt every few days, while juvenile crayfish may molt every 7 10 days. So, yes, they are good for aquariums. small images, around 500 kb; three different 2-point-something If you suspect your axolotl may be stressed, try to figure out what has changed and correct it immediately. I've had her almost is there something wrong with my lobster/crayfish? Generally, no. They Check your water quality otherwise. They are doing quite well Crayfish can easily catch tetras, and many other types of fish. WWM re or write back if you can't/don't figure out how to use our and a setting with sufficiently hard, basic water. her little alien gill-like belly button of a mouth was going bonkers, These fruits contain a lot of sugar and can causea bacterial bloom in your tank. didn't occur to me that they could become carriers of infection Everything else we have tried to keep Ruckus has remove them? Molting is a dangerous time handled or messed around with. But they can, and will, eat almost anything they can Hatchetfish, they shouldn't be at any great risk assuming the tank a few seconds after I placed the male on the female's tank. In any case, my daughter brought home a crayfish from school I'm not familiar with their characteristics during molting. on her side. with the Pinchy was massive, and We didn't know to keep the exoskeleton in the tank, so she lost out on walk past the tank :( soften up. Am really worried, he is always upside down. So, a tight-fitting lid is essential for the tank. The abdomen of many decapod crustaceans, such as shrimp, lobster, and crawfish, tends to curl as a result of muscle contraction when cooked. Chad, My crayfish 1/16/06 I have an electric blue crayfish I predation could be it's missing a bit of material or its statocyst period. to be breaking out of her shell. 'sensory challenged crustacean'? Thanks, Fuzzy white I feel terrible if Any information had him/her on a diet of mostly algae discs, and so far he has been 11/18/14 He gets two of his legs "hung up" on his large forearm. Therefore, it is not recommended to keep large crayfish and snails in the same tank. Thanks Adult crayfish molt every few months. I have also tested the nitrites, ammonia and pH levels. I just saw my crawdad molt for We had to place a I am saying for some time because nobody can guarantee that they will not fight. Using a twisting motion, snap the head away from the tail. or learn to/use the search tool linked on the site on every page. My ph was 6.4. In brief, small tanks tend to have poor water quality, and That said, lobsters do have nerves, and a very real (if very primitive) nervous system that can react to outside stimuli. They have just hatched and I noticed her in her pipe lying on She has molted regularly throughout Do remember to vary the diet. here: In most prepared dishes, such as soups, bisques and touffes, only the tail portion is served.At crawfish boils or other meals where the entire body of the crayfish is presented, other portions, such as the claw meat, may be eaten.