Michael lives and works on Eden Hill in Stockbridge, Massachusetts, home of the National Shrine of The Divine Mercy. Steph and I recently accompanied our good friend, the Ecclesiastical Advisor to the Napa Institute, Archbishop Paul Coakley, to the dedication of the Blessed Stanley Rother shrine in Oklahoma City. Next, Father Gaitley transitioned to what he calls the Second Greatest Story Ever Told, which centers on Divine Mercy in the life of St. John Paul II. Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger said these words to me in Rome in Nov, For 20 years, Ive had a tradition of hosting a Catholic CEO mens group following Thanksgiving. She stands as a mirror of our mercy, and she should not stand there alone.I can only conclude that those who take a harsh, judgmental, and merciless measure of this priest, and find him unworthy of dignity and compassion, are people - some of our bishops and priests among them - who have thus far been spared the torment of real human suffering. After eucharistic adoration and a communal Divine Mercy Chaplet led by Father Gaitley, he concluded the retreat describing the Marian Missionaries of Divine Mercy, a group of young people who dedicate a year to service and companionship with the poor and homeless, based in Massachusetts near the National Shrine of Divine Mercy. Copyright Aleteia SAS all rights reserved. Lent transports Catholics to Jesus side as he prepares to glorify the Father on the cross. After Blanche graduated, she went back to France, and I didnt hear from her. It serves as an inspiration for all those who desire to bear witness to the mercy of God, focused on Christ and formed by Mary. Fr. He revealed the connection between Polands unique history of upholding the Catholic faith in Europe amidst tremendous persecution, as well as the importance of St. Faustina, Our Lady of Fatima, Marian Consecration, and the witness of many 20, Mackenzie Kracker, a University of Notre Dame senior and president of the universitys Militia Immaculata, which coordinates campus Marian Consecrations each semester, shared her joy to have taken part in the retreat alongside over 20 fellow students who delayed their spring break travel plans in order to attend. And this really is a case of saving the best for last, because a consecration to our Heavenly Father truly is the greater consecration, the one in which all others find their origin and end. Update from Fr. Mother Teresa of Calcutta, and Bl. Father Gaitleys approach helps you find your personal identity in Jesus Christ, who invites you to enter into his life of love and intimacy with his Father. When they come we pray for deliverance, knowing that deliverance may take the form of the grace needed to endure in faith. Those who have suffered, and have come to terms with its implications for faith, have found in their suffering a gift of sorts. I remember a man in his fifties being brought in one night near death. The end of Father Gaitleys consecration isnt a to-do list of things you need to get done, but an identity card that changes your perspective on everything you do. Michael is also the author of the bestselling books 33 Days to Morning Glory, Consoling the Heart of Jesus, and the new book 33 Days to Merciful Love. Michael Gaitley, Cardinal Sen O'Malley, and Fr. Both inspiring and illuminating, I highly recommend this book.". © 2015 Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception of the B.V.M. Benedict Groeschel, CFR, this do-it-yourself retreat combines the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius with the teachings of Sts. is that I like to find God in those unexpected places like in Napoleon Dynamite while on my skateboard, at the beach chasing a Frisbee or volleyball, or even when talking to modern-day hippies., As Im saying this, while Ive got movies on my mind, I think I just figured out one of the reasons Chariots of Fire is one of my all-time favorite movies: The main character, runner Eric Liddell, experienced God in the chapel, yes, but also when he would run. Gaitley, his parents, and for the. Who better to turn to for inspiration and intercession? Our spiritual leaders did that. I suggest that the happiest day of our lives is the day we complete the mission God has given to us., Father Gaitley also spoke at length about the importance of Marian Consecration and relying on Marys mediation at all times. The retreat was co-sponsored by the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend Office of Adult Faith Formation and Redeemer Radio. A Service of EWTN News, Inc. EWTN News, Inc. is the world's largest Catholic news organization, comprised . Help me to find the love of the Heart of Jesus hidden in the darkness.', and 'Come, Holy Spirit, living in Mary. He demonstrated how St. Maximilian Kolbe had become so conformed to the Immaculate that he was able throughout his ministry to provide a tender, motherly presence to Marys children who were most hurting, most suffering and most abandoned, in places that were ravaged by war, and which culminated in laying down his life for a stranger., Teresa Breckler, parishioner of St. Mary of the Assumption, Avilla, who recently returned from a pilgrimage to Poland, shared: Divine Mercy shows how much the hearts of our age are indeed crafted for this special time by Gods grace and the graces won by the martyrs that came before us. This is true, especially in the spiritual life. In Consoling the Heart of Jesus, you make the bold claim that your retreat in a book can give the reader the same spiritual benefit as a 30-day Ignatian retreat. St. John Paul II also shared that reading St. Louis de Montforts book was a turning point in his life. You can find the recommended dates to start and end the consecration here since the last day should fall on a Marian feast day. Groups will often begin other formational group studies and programs such as Symbolon: The Catholic Faith Explained, Lectio: Unveiling Scripture and Tradition, Beloved: Finding Happiness in Marriage, and more! With humor and ease, Fr. Fr. And, Eric explained, when I run, I feel his pleasure.. Thanks to their partnership in our mission, we reachmore than 20 million unique users per month! During His suffering on the cross, all He had to comfort Him was Marys motherly, loving presence. We started going to Mass, and I received my first holy Communion. I stacked the deck in favor of UCLA, especially because I figured yellow roses are much less common than red roses. See our studio in action and the people that make us great. Consoling the Heart of Jesus came out just over two years ago, and were about to begin our seventh printing. Michael E. Gaitley shares his inspiration for 33 Days to Morning Glory in the introduction. He got a copy of it on CD and listened to it incessantly, finding himself particularly drawn to the very readings I always dreaded. But God hasn't given up on us. Sort By. The second part of Stage One focuses on the devotion to the Sacred Heart, following Fr. Just listening to the Gospel of John caused me to make all kinds of connections I never noticed before, and Father Gaitley helped me make sense of them. , published by Dynamic Dont get discouraged!. Michael Gaitley [MIC] has a genius for bringing together the spiritual and corporal works of mercy under the umbrella of 'The Five Scriptural Works of Mercy' that Jesus will use to judge us at the end of the world, Matthew 25:31-46. Later, the order St. Louis de Montfort founded, Company of Mary, adapted it into Preparation for Total Consecration. How did that happen? Sign up for our Premium service. This book expounds on the profound connection between Divine Mercy and Marian consecration. [P]eople today are hungry for love, for understanding love which is much greater and which is the only answer to loneliness and great poverty., Unfortunately, we may not always fully enter into the mysteries of Christ, because we don't persevere in praying the Rosary. Vatican II, Mercy, & You by Fr. Obviously, this is a big and much needed financial boost to our booming seminarian program. The stirring sequel to Father Michael Gaitley's 33 Days to Morning Glory -- published just in time for the Jubilee Year of Mercy! The Marians have done more than any other religious congregation to spread the message of Divine Mercy, and they are also fully devoted to Mary and to the Church. Michael E. Gaitley, MIC, is the author of the bestselling books Consoling the Heart of Jesus, 33 Days to Morning Glory, and The 'One Thing' Is Three. The author, Br. You are here: Home Featured Marian Father Michael Gaitley Spreads Divine Mercy Devotion. Finally, because Jesus wants to bring us home to the Father, we arrive at 33 Days to Greater Glory. Fr. Michael Gaitley, MIC.Fr. What time is it? Michael E. Gaitley, MIC, is director of Evangelization for the Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception and author of the bestselling books 33 Days to Morning Glory, Consoling the Heart of Jesus, and The Second Greatest Story Ever Told: Now is the Time of Mercy. He has two best-selling books in print and speaks at events around the country. So we go on a few walks together (the universitys version of dating), and during that time, the Lord is making it very clear to me that he wants me to be a priest. He also wrote Scruples and Sainthood and chose the mediations Endorsed by EWTN hosts Fr. from an Audible New Testament, and it transformed my experience of the Gospel of John. She could see that he saw it all, and yet he still loved her. He emphasized that Christians are able to participate in the divine life of the Trinity through the redemptive action of Christ, if we allow Him to encounter us in our brokenness and be reconciled to Him. author of the new book Fit for Heaven, published by Dynamic It is a profound truth of the Catholic faith that more depends on. With well over 1,000,000 copies in distribution, Fr. Michael is also the author of the bestselling books 33 Days to Morning Glory, Consoling the Heart of Jesus, and the new book 33 Days to Merciful Love. With well over 1,000,000 copies in distribution, Fr. If we are forgetful or distracted, he encouraged, Lets tell the Lord were sorry, trust in his mercy, make up the missed readings, and keep going., The 33 Days part of the consecrations title is clear, but what is the significance of Morning Glory? The Consoling the Heart of Jesus retreat is very flexible. One day, he taught them a lesson they would never forget: How to become a Saint. The future saint began by telling his listeners that sanctity isnt so hard. Mary is your mother. Gods response to Job reminded me of the night I described above, when after 20 years of unjust imprisonment, I stared out my foggy cell window at a faint star, and not just any of the billions of faint stars that might have shown themselves to me through a fog of dirty windows and a glare of prison lights. I told her I would work hard (and I do). 22 Items. He continued by emphasizing the power of the Mass as the most perfect response to all sin and suffering, specifically in the Concluding Doxology of the Eucharistic Prayer, during which the priest prays: Through Him, with Him, and in Him, O God, almighty Father, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, all glory and honor is Yours, forever and ever. Father Gaitley said that in this moment, the perfect sacrifice of Christs love becomes our own prayer and our own offering, when we unite ourselves to Him, allowing us to truly become perfect as our Heavenly Father is perfect. Furthermore, he explained, the Chaplet of Divine Mercy is such a powerful prayer because it allows us [to] enter into that supercharged moment of the Mass, which has the ability to change our lives and the whole world., To begin the second day of the retreat, Father Gaitley spoke about the spirituality of St. Thrse of Lisieux. He then enriches these Scriptural texts on mercy with the practical insights of St. Pope John Paul II, St. Faustina, and Pope Francis. If you enjoyed this article, subscribe to receive more great content just like it. (2) Keep trying: Keep trying to grow in holiness and do little things with great love. The second stage of the Hearts Afire program follows the book The 'One Thing' Is Three. I simply didnt understand them and Father Gaitley admits that he didnt either, until he heard Leonardo Defilippis. Join the Marian Missionaries of Divine Mercy, and the Diocese of Pittsburgh for an inspiring Mercy & Mary Retreat, featuring bestselling author of 33 Days to Morning Glory and acclaimed speaker Fr. Gaitley shared, If we want to become more fully Christ, then we need to belong more fully to Mary. Father Gaitley, popular for his books explaining the mystery of Gods Divine Mercy and how to become consecrated to Jesus through Mary in the example of great saints, encouraged those present to be missionaries of mercy by displaying trust, littleness, courage and compassion. On this day in 1670, St. Stanislaus Papczyski left the Piarist order and made his oblatio, his self-offering, to defend the Immaculate Conception. Jesus Christ is not just a book. He's Fr. Second in the series is 33 Days to Merciful Love, because Mary always leads us to Jesus, the Divine Mercy. I was also challenged and inspired by his call to not just seek Marys consolation as mother within our consecrations but also seek to console her pierced heart by giving her complete permission to use us as she wills!, Anja Renkes, who coordinates a local grassroots Divine Mercy prayer group and encourages pondering the wounds of Christ, shared how this talk on Marys identity further opened her heart. I discerned that God was calling me to religious life, so that ruled out becoming a diocesan priest. 33 Days to Morning Glory is an alternative to the customary preparation to Marian consecration. As for the second full book, 33 Days to Morning Glory, the demand has been huge. Fr. By going to her and remaining with her, we allow her to accomplish her mission in us. He even saw his spiritual life at the time through the eyes of this athletic dream, directing his prayers toward the hope of becoming taller. After the fall, theyre pulled apart: Reason becomes darkened such that it doesnt clearly see the good; the will becomes fickle and weak, and the passions become wild, unpredictable, and difficult to control., Father, behold the suffering of your Son, Jesus. On that day, Ill announce the program during the live EWTN broadcast from Stockbridge [at the Divine Mercy Shrine in Massachusetts]. So, behold, to your Sons suffering, I unite my own, and I ask you to save all those poor, unrepentant sinners who have no one else to pray for them. Third, Father Gaitley puts spiritual depths within reach. Fr. Gaitley chose this part of the title because it depicts the goal of Marian consecration: a new way of life in Christ. It is a fresh start; it marks the beginning of a gloriously new day, a new dawn, a brand new morning in ones spiritual journey., Fr. Second, we all need immersion in Scripture. Gaitley weaves a tapestry of wonder and beauty from the threads of the dramatic history of Poland, the transformative message of St. Faustina Kowalska. Men in judicial robes did that. Michael E. Gaitley, MIC, is based on St. Louis de Montforts original consecration. Thus, The "One Thing" is Three brings its readers a unique and powerful experience of the faith. We accept that, and pray for one another with that in mind.Some of our suffering is self-inflicted. Help me to find the love of the Heart of Jesus hidden in the darkness., Come, Holy Spirit, living in Mary. This background music is like the gentle hand of a mother on our shoulders, standing behind us, getting us to look at Jesus, contemplate his face, and love him through his mothers eyes, mind, and heart., Marian consecration basically means giving Mary our full permission (or as such permission as we can) to complete her motherly task in us, which is to form us into other Christs. The end of Father Gaitleys consecration isnt a to-do list of things you need to get done, but an identity card that changes your perspective on everything you do. Youll find all the main ideas, prayers, and meditations compiled for easy reference. And so, also, with us., terrible indifference towards ones neighbor . But we are also not entirely at their mercy. What is the one thing you would tell someone about the message of Divine Mercy who may have never heard of it before? Master of Arts: Leadership for the New Evangelization, Graduate Certificate in Missionary Discipleship, Bible App for iOS, Kindle and Google Play. Click Download or Read Online Button to get Access Instant Loss: Eat . Why do we suffer? Finally, as a bonus, Fr. Be sure to get the full experience of Divine Mercy In The Second Greatest Story Ever Told with this special kit that includes the DVD box set (10 episodes on 5 DVDs) and the corresponding Guidebook.With his characteristic skill and lucid style, Fr. Seraphim Michalenko, the film uncovers the depth of the message St. Faustina received from Jesus. [P]eople today, The Prologue of Johns Gospel speaks of a power Jesus gives us, the power to become Children of God (1:12). In his opening remarks, Father Gaitley expressed: While we are living in a time of unprecedented evils, for that very reason God wants to give us even greater graces. But it stays rooted in that very human love of dad.. God often surprises us, and we find him in places where we least expect him. Fr. Also, many people are telling me that theyre finding the new version even more effective because it brings them to a deeper understanding of what the consecration actually means. Now he is set to be released, but he has nowhere to go except to a system of urban homeless shelters. Follow Michael E. Gaitley and explore their bibliography from Amazon.com's Michael E. Gaitley Author Page. magazine, and Catholic Mens Quarterly. Why? At first I balked at this I love my books on tape but when I embraced it, I found it a very powerful practice. After recovering from the assassination attempt on his life in 1981, the first place he went was to the Italian Shrine of Merciful Love and stated, It could be said that precisely this situation assigned the message of Divine Mercy to me as my special task before God. Then on April 30, 2000, the day of St. Faustinas canonization and the institution of Divine Mercy Sunday as an official liturgical feast, John Paul II said, today is the happiest day of my life. Why? We should keep praying it., Saint Maximilian used to give spiritual conferences to the new men in his religious community, the novices. Experience a breathtaking film journey that combines history, Scripture, prophecy and personal sacrifice to show Gods merciful desire for you. Now, my logic in writing Consoling the Heart of Jesus, which is ideally to be made during a weekend, is that since Father Lanteris death some 180 years ago, his secret weapons have become even more powerful. Michael Gaitley's unique preparation for Marian Consecration has helped countless people worldwide to formally entrust themselves to Mary. This is the stage of ongoing formation. At Auschwitz I saw in a new way the reality of evil and intense misery, yet at Kolbes cell and in this retreat, I have seen in a new way the reality of mercy., Mackenzie Kracker, a University of Notre Dame senior and president of the universitys Militia Immaculata, which coordinates campus Marian Consecrations each semester, shared her joy to have taken part in the retreat alongside over 20 fellow students who delayed their spring break travel plans in order to attend. I love that. Years ago in the mid-1970s when I was in college, I worked part-time as a CNA (certified nursing assistant) in the emergency room of an urban hospital and trauma unit. Mary holds our hand and comforts us as her children during our suffering.. So Does Father Michael Gaitleys new book. Michael Gaitley, MIC Jun 07 2022 Last summer, Fr. Thats the second-largest print run weve ever done at Marian Press. St. Thrses Little Way offers all souls, especially little souls, the power to overcome potential discouragements and attain the heights of perfection. You take care of it.145, 33 Days to Morning Glory: A Do-It-Yourself Retreat In Preparation for Marian Consecration, The One Thing Is Three: How the Most Holy Trinity Explains Everything, 33 Days to Merciful Love: A Do-It-Yourself Retreat in Preparation for Marian Consecration, 33 Days to Greater Glory: A Total Consecration to the Father through Jesus Based on the Gospel of John, The 'One Thing' Is Three: How the Most Holy Trinity Explains Everything, Consoling the Heart of Jesus: A Do-It-Yourself Retreat Inspired by the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius. Have you found people to be appreciative of this new format? Welcome back. Seeing that face must have melted this womans heart and filled her with insight as she realized that he was indeed the prophet like Moses. Youre right. The sin of our first parents, Adam and Eve, has distorted the way we see God. Then I say, Okay, well, lets take it slow.. Mercy has only one source, and it is not evil. So, if you've been thinking about entrusting yourself to Mary for the first time or if you're simply looking to deepen and renew your devotion to her, 33 Days to Morning Glory is the right book to read and the perfect retreat to make. Includes practical helps an in appendices. It was the best decision that someone else ever made for me. .css-tadcwa:hover{-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;}Tom Hoopes - @media screen and (max-width: 767px){.css-1xovt06 .date-separator{display:none;}.css-1xovt06 .date-updated{display:block;width:100%;}}published on 02/24/20. I listened to Defilippis and John from an Audible New Testament, and it transformed my experience of the Gospel of John. Even if youve never heard of Consoling the Heart of Jesus, this companion guide will explain to you in a clear, step-by-step way what consoling the Heart of Jesus is all about. Gaitley has also included his popular and easy-to-use novena of consecration to St. Joseph, Nine Days to Joseph, which helps us enter more fully into the Fatherhood of God. God's School of Trust, which began in the Old Testament, continued through Christ's work in_ the New Testament. Did you grow up in a devout family, and did you appreciate the Divine Mercy early on? Now Is the Time of Mercy! He was 100 pounds overweight, a pack of Camel cigarettes protruded from his breast pocket, and a flask of whiskey in another pocket shattered before I could get to it. May the Lord fill the hearts of all who make this inspired retreat.". Each person in attendance received a copy of the Marian Missionaries manual for instructions on participation in their spirituality and living out the Divine Mercy message with courage and compassion. In times of unprecedented evil, God wants to give unprecedented grace. This year, were really excited to offer a whole new section there on how to celebrate Divine Mercy Sunday, which we hope will be a great resource for pastors and their assistants as they prepare for celebrating the feast. Michael Gaitley, MIC, author of 33 Days to Morning Glory, recommends periodically renewing your consecration to Mary.Below is the prayer of consecration you may like to use. Terminal cancer, natural disasters, financial ruin. Heres how God answered Jobs protest about suffering: The story of Job and his suffering never intended to explain the why of suffering, or to justify Gods allowance of it. .css-pelz90{font-weight:400;}Lent transports Catholics to Jesus side as he prepares to glorify the Father on the cross. From Fr. Father Gaitley stands at the ambo to deliver the homily during Mass at the Mercy and Mary Retreat. Seraphim Michalenko, MIC. God did not sacrifice priests on the altar of insurance and contingency lawyers. Help me to give myself entirely to Jesus through Mary., (1) Recognize the darkness: Recognize the darkness of our littleness and brokenness. You Just Dont! Well, we do discard our fallen fathers, and it is wrong, and shameful, and deeply hurtful to the life of the Church. Add to Cart. Divine Mercy In the Second Greatest Story Ever Told is a dramatic 10-session journey featuring best-selling author and popular speaker Fr. December 11 is the anniversary of the founding of the Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception. Thank you! books dedicated to Marian consecration, consecration to Divine Mercy, and now consecration to the Father. Father Gaitleys emphasis on Mary bringing us to Jesus pierced heart, the fountain of Mercy through our consecrations was so beautiful! This powerful resource was created to lead you deeper into the story of Divine Mercy.Beautifully and thoughtfully crafted, filled with stimulating graphics and imagery, this personal study guide leads you deeper into the history, the faith, and passion surrounding Divine Mercy. Divine Mercy with Fr. Based on the book, 33 Days to Merciful Love, by Fr. Heres an example: Sometimes I enjoy peppering conversations with lines from the movie Napoleon Dynamite, which I think is sweet. Many people dismiss it as just a dumb movie for teens. Michael Gaitley, MIC.Fr. I remember us always having a lot of people at the house for parties. At first I balked at this I love my books on tape but when I embraced it, I found it a very powerful practice. Shop now. I love the high poetry of The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us, and its great stories the Woman at the Well, the Man Born Blind, and the Woman Caught in Adultery. Fr. Weve already sold nearly 15,000 copies in just over three months. Gaitley weaves a tapestry of wonder and beauty from the threads of the dramatic history of Poland, the transformative message of St. Faustina Kowalska. The programs official release date is Divine Mercy Sunday. Fr. This article was originally published at the National Catholic Register and is reprinted with permission from the author. Michael Gaitley [MIC] has a genius for bringing together the spiritual and corporal works of mercy under the umbrella of 'The Five Scriptural Works of Mercy' that Jesus will use to judge us at the end of the world, Matthew 25:31-46. In order to be as recollected as possible for the retreat (and because I often didnt have my reading done until later at night) I gave up alcohol. From Fr. The response has been overwhelming. We allow her to form us into other Christs, into great saints. So consider renewing your devotion to Mary by participating in this 33-day consecration. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. Because I got a religious and priestly vocation out of it, Im able to help lots of people and I even got the girl back, so to speak, though in a way I didnt expect. In the retreat, you pray, Father, purify my heart of the noise and the ways of the world, that I may always hear your word of love for me: You are my Beloved. I am eternally grateful to this book for helping me experience that joy. Sometimes doubt is strong enough to derail faith for years to come, but that merely compounds the tragedy of suffering.The second response is compassion. We have no control over the forces of evil, nor can we fully evade them by any means known to us. So, I guess the way Im zany (and devout?) They are so grateful to have this easier to use and updated version. The image of the Father from the Gospel of John is one of shocking humility and self-giving, which are two virtues that arent always immediately associated with fatherhood, Father Gaitley said. Roku . Its the result of a simple equation, which he wrote on the blackboard: W + w = S. The capital W stands for Gods Will. Purchase your copy of Divine Mercy in the Second Greatest Story Ever Told on Catholic Market. Father Michael Gaitley explains how to manifest the heart of Divine Mercy in our lives. Michael Gaitley, MIC, has saved the best for last! Fourth, it all adds up to helping you be a better son or daughter of God. Vatican, Columbia (of the Knights of Columbus), The Latin Mass The great spiritual message of the poetic book of Job does not so much reflect the character of Job, but rather the character of God. In what way might you be zany? Blanche prays for me a ton. How many printings have there been, and how many copies have sold so far? Father Gaitley serves as the primary formator for these young people, and he encouraged those interested in learning more to visit in person or online at http://marianmissionaries.org/. When I was about 7, my mom got back into her Catholic faith and dragged us kids with her. Gaitley Marian Missionaries of Divine Mercy 12.6K subscribers Subscribe 893 16K views 5 months ago Thank you for your prayers for Fr. Now is the time to make John Paul's story your own. I know that you also want me to be a saint and that it's your God-given mission to form me into one. Oops! The story goes that he would basically tell people, Look, if you dont have time to make the whole 30-day Ignatian retreat, then give me just eight days, and you will have everything you need to become a saint, a great saint and quickly. Father Lanteri had such confidence in his retreats because of what I call his two secret weapons, namely, Divine Mercy and Mary. 1014 Madison Avenue in the pres Nee of a Large number of invited gusts . So, I tell Blanche it will never, never, never work out between us because Jesus wants me to be a priest. She sends me a note the next day saying, Dear Mike, I keep you in my prayers every day, and if God wants you to become a priest, I will be the happiest woman in the world. Devout family? That is my answer. There is a cause far greater than ourselves, and we - and what we suffer and endure - are instruments in the service of that cause. They will also be invited to help spread the message of Divine Mercy, which will include being asked to consider helping their parish launch a solemn Divine Mercy Sunday celebration. Based on the demand and unique offers Ive received to help with the distribution, the second print run order, which Ive just sent in, is for 90,000 books.

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