But there were no old plantations or slave quarters, and no signs to mark the battles of the Civil War since there had been no battles. Subscribers can purchase the slipcased edition by signing in to their accounts. But I learned too that the family prided itself on having been against slavery, and on having never owned a slave. Old Doc lives on a hill and can usually be found in his rocking chair. The one I want to tell about my grandfather concerns another man involved in the Zora Neale Hurston saga. . His name was Patrick Duval. And if my commentaries, such as they are, do make me vulnerable to all sorts of criticism, especially when judged by the principles of pure scholarship (principles I would be the first to preach), at least I cannot be faulted on what I say about my own autobiography. He lets the little infant plant fall free, and from now on the search is over. New York: Signet Classics, 1961. An Edna Earle is the narrator of Weltys novella, . What I want to single out is not his place in the community, which was central, but his difference from most of the adult white men I knew and observed. Lush, precise, and unpredictable in every line, The Wide Net is one of the greatest odes to the natural world ever written. I realized that the origins of these myths had to be traced and analyzed, not least of all to better understand their impact on American culture and history. The pounding is musical, given that Eudora Welty is playing the instrument, but it can be felt all through the story, from the ironic chord of the first three words all the way to the final throb of the last line. If we must look for hidden meanings, perhaps the symbolical would be a better avenue to explore than the historical. It was, however, filled with southerners. The storm in The Wide Net seems bent more on celebration than punishment, however. Soon, people begin to ask if the fish are for sale, and William Wallace sells them. In the title story, a man quarrels with his pregnant wife, leaves the house, and descends into a mysterious underwater kingdom where he meets The King of the Snakes, who forces him to confront the darker mysteries of nature. But the real proof of his character came at noon, when we all stopped to have lunch. But even children are sensitive to the boundary between the real and the fictional, and would hate to hear their father repeat the soliloquies of Hamlet from breakfast to bedtime even if he made a living as an actor. There I was shocked to learn I may have been born into a myth, despite myself. It is then, after they've eaten, that they see a giant snake that they call the King of the Snakes. in Marrs 103). If all this seems too good to be true, its only because I choose to stop. Walking down Orange Avenue he stopped in each of the three barber shops to tip his hat and say hello, and then picked up his daily cigar at the post office. The narration continues to speculate how (who knew?) When he surfaces he is still in shock: And when William Wallace came up it was in an agony from submersion, which seemed an agony of the blood and of the very heart, so woeful he looked (Welty. She continues several pages later: It is our inward journey that leads us through timeforward or back, seldom in a straight line, most often spiraling. This was not because it was dangerous, or unseemly; it was simply against the code. Full Time Paid Internship Job Summary: Be a part of an innovative team and culture The Physical and Post-Production Technology department is responsible for a wide array of technologies across Industrial Light & Magic, Lucasfilm, and various other Walt Disney groups. The town was a typical Florida collection of frame houses, shady streets, and sandy alleys held together by a compact center of brick banks, churches, cafes, shops, and one movie theater, on the western side of the river within walking distance of the ocean to the east. 2023 eNotes.com, Inc. All Rights Reserved. He possesses an old mans horde of lifelong certitudes. The story works on several levels and gives the viewer no clue as to whether it should be taken seriously at all. He loves to pontificate, and spends most of the day talking and giving advice. William Wallace will soon demonstrate a stronger will in a more heroic gesture than catching a rabbit. It was a huge success, a romantic tome so overwritten and full of adjectives that Eudora Welty in her autobiography says her mother told her it used to be recommended to take it out with a chair when watering the roses. The absence of history serves the same purpose, I believe, as the excessive abundance of symbol and myth the reader must negotiate before setting his sights on the inner spirit William Wallace possesses to exist all by himself. Jamieson takes a bit more twisting to unravel a historical connection. Myth may help shape an identity, but memory is the single vital source of selfhood, and the key, I believe, to William Wallace and The Wide Net. Despite the help of the search party, the willingness of the community to lend a hand, William Wallace must forget the outside world before he plunges into the inner, and by so doing, he recovers Hazel, who as Old Doc knows, has been there all the time. The river never seems the same, yet even when William Wallace forgets its name, its ageless identity is never in question: The winding river looked old sometimes, when it ran wrinkled and deep under high banks where the roots of trees hung down, and sometimes it seemed to be only a young creek, shining with the colors of wildflowers (Welty, Collected Stories 178). Sweet-gum red, hickory yellow, dogwood red, sycamore yellow. Eudora Welty is a master of subjective impressionism, but there is not an escapist reflex in all her work. . Ed. 29A few of these stories were comic, but most of them dwelled on hardship and tragedy. It did not cost much to have a horse and a small motor boat. I learned that several young ancestors had been killed fighting for the Confederacy or had died soon after the war from disease. I should make it clear it was not the quality of the scholarship in what I read that puzzled me, but my consternation in not finding anything of my own life in the popular myths contained in the books. Corrections? They are just playing out a role for the simple joy of pretending, and will soon return to themselves. Weltys mother refused to have a copy in her house. 12Once William and Virgil have gathered everyone together, they take the wide net and all set out walking down the Old Natchez Trace. , and of the river Lethe which the original Virgil tells us must be imbibed by dead souls in order for them to be reborn. But more than anything, in rereading the story I realized that my own fading or forgotten memories about growing up in the South had somehow dictated my choice, and that the mythic failures, or inadequacies, of The Wide Net to match the intractable selfhood of the living individual clearly harmonized with my own experience. 90). Since in the South, as I had finally learned in Chapel Hill, history tends to breed myth as a kind of natural law, I needed at least to consider the question. It did not cost much to have a horse and a small motor boat. It is a timeless story of three courageous women, Aibileen Clark, Minny Jackson, and Eugenia "Skeeter" Phelan, who defy the status quo and begin writing a novel from the perspective of the black maids of the white families. There seemed to be a force in the family that drove it to act or speak out, with or without the common consensus. He walked on. But Hazel is no rabbit as Virgil makes clear: Anybody can freeze a rabbit, that wants to he says, and promptly chases the rabbit away: Was you out catching cotton-tails, or was you out catching your wife? (Welty, Collected Stories 172). After all, there were some brilliant minds at work on the subject, minds who could spot a stereotype or a caricature a hundred miles away, and there was much to learn. During the wars of Scottish independence in the thirteenth century, William Wallace was the great leader and hero, whom popular tradition in the mists of time has now elevated to mythical proportions. Life on the Mississippi. Finding an Edna Earle in The Wide Net is like finding a magnolia tree in Mississippi, and should not force us to go back to St Elmo, heaven forbid. Still, as Old Doc exclaims to William: Everybody knows Pearl River is named the Pearl River (Welty, Collected Stories 176). When William dives into the river, and emerges transformed, the myth-minded reader may then think once more of the Aeneid, and of the river Lethe which the original Virgil tells us must be imbibed by dead souls in order for them to be reborn. Print. Of course the well-trained reader races through the possibilities and may stop on his way to consider the myth of the golden bough in the Aeneid. But there were no old plantations or slave quarters, and no signs to mark the battles of the Civil War since there had been no battles. A reality that is, perhaps, a level or two beneath the conventional mode of realism. Still, casting around for something to say about the way the South (from within and without) seems to have been designed, destined, or doomed, to generate a mythic vision, or visions, often in contradiction with each other, my thoughts could not help going back to The Wide Net.. But I learned too that the family prided itself on having been against slavery, and on having never owned a slave. 42Myth may help shape an identity, but memory is the single vital source of selfhood, and the key, I believe, to William Wallace and The Wide Net. Despite the help of the search party, the willingness of the community to lend a hand, William Wallace must forget the outside world before he plunges into the inner, and by so doing, he recovers Hazel, who as Old Doc knows, has been there all the time. They have to go and get the wide net, though, and that belongs to a man called Doc. I learned that several young ancestors had been killed fighting for the Confederacy or had died soon after the war from disease. In fact, it is not a baptism at all. It was perfect for riding out on the sand dunes at night, and for taking friends to the honky-tonks to hear one of our classmates wail out his versions of the old standards of Hank Williams and the brand new songs of Jerry Lee Lewis. Apparently, there was one male survivor of the Battle of the Alamo in 1836. Job Description Summary: The Executive Assistant is responsible for the management of the Chamber's database and assisting the President & CEO with the day-to-day management of the Chamber office, including governance . online is the same, and will be the first date in the citation. Still, as Old Doc exclaims to William: Everybody knows Pearl River is named the Pearl River (Welty. The thing about this part of the country in the great days is that people like Aaron Burr, J.J. Audubon, Lorenzo Dow, and goodness knows who, were as thick as blackbirds in the pie, and once the pie is opened, they are going to begin to sing (qtd. 178). [] Any day now the change will come. When he returned to his house, he found Hazel was not there, and she'd left a note saying that she had gone to drown herself in the river and that he'd be sorry for his behavior. I was fifteen years old, and was the only white in the group of workers. I do not want to leave the impression that my grandfather was in any sense a rebel or an outsider. As a matter of fact, he was a pillar of the community. Print. He has coedited (with Patrick Samway) four anthologies of Southern literature: Stories of the Modern South (Penguin), Stories of the Old South (Penguin), A Modern Southern Reader (Peachtree) and A New Reader of the Old South (Peachtree). When he escaped he went back to his native state of Georgia and lived to a ripe old age. When Mother Nature, with majestic abandon, unleashes a storm for the ages (or the makers of myths) to show who will always rule the roost, William Wallace is not deterred or disturbed. Knowing Eudora Weltys love of Ireland and the Irish, the echo is surely deliberate. When we went to the movies on Saturday night, we would never hesitate to stop outside the county jail across the street from the Sunrise Theater. Summary Themes Questions & Answers Analysis Characters Quotes Start Free Trial . Beginning as a folktale of the barely possible innocence of a perennial boy with a cow-lick, at a loss and turning in circles, the story right in the middle changes skin, and the boy and the narrative miraculously transform themselves into a one-of-a-kind human triumph. No wonder Eudora Welty was ready to lash out if anyone else showed the same dimwittedness as the reviewer in. The Chamber also achieved 4-star accreditation in 2018, an honor achieved by only 204 of the 7,022 chambers in the country. Still, the shock of my initial consternation never left me, thus my impulse to turn back to Eudora Welty and my memory of The Wide Net and its mysteries when I was invited to talk about the great myths of the South. Then he announced Boys, look right here, the Judge is his granddaddy. Then he announced Boys, look right here, the Judge is his granddaddy. What interests me more as the years go on is the life story of the individual southerner. I think my grandfathers reputation helped me too in an experience that will stay with me as long as I live. 180). Once every now and then I rode my horse to school where there was a rail fence and where the teachers allowed us to eat our lunch sitting down by the horses. Saying so, I freely admit my pirouetting into The Wide Net does take some special pleading. Backus, locally known as Beanie. Even as I write, the memories come flooding, but two or three should be enough to make my case. They stamped the ground and pawed each other, more like horses than men. The narration speculates on what he experiences in the solitude of the river bottom: So far down and all alone, had he found Hazel? 46I have talked about William Wallace and The Wide Net, but I have said little about the assigned subject, the myth of the South. A more distant past was hidden behind the Spanish place names and the faces of the Seminole Indians who worked as cowboys on the ranches. One day on a summer trip to Homerville, my mother took me to a field in the countryside and showed me two old tombstones under a tree. Engraved in large letters beneath the names was the single word: Murdered. These were the graves of her maternal grandparents who had been viciously axed to death by two men looking for easy prey and a few dollars. The Wide Net has been one of my favorite stories for at least forty years. Just as William Wallace is beset on all sides by a welter of signs, until he forgets the name of the Pearl River and takes his dive to the bottom, the reader is mystified by the dazzling parade of mythical allusions until he too reaches the same place. Wrapped in Rainbows: The Life of Zora Neale Hurston. But even children are sensitive to the boundary between the real and the fictional, and would hate to hear their father repeat the soliloquies of Hamlet from breakfast to bedtime even if he made a living as an actor. There is Old Doc, the local wise man who owns the net. Print. I was not surprised he had been a good friend of Hurston, but I never found any reference to him in the standard biographies. He had never been given much credit for his act, though in the recent biography of Hurston, by Valerie Boyd, written long after my visit home, he is singled out for praise (436). Harmondsworth: Penguin Classics, 1990. Beginning as a folktale of the barely possible innocence of a perennial boy with a cow-lick, at a loss and turning in circles, the story right in the middle changes skin, and the boy and the narrative miraculously transform themselves into a one-of-a-kind human triumph. Start your 48-hour free trial to get access to more than 30,000 additional guides and more than 350,000 Homework Help questions answered by our experts. Downtown black and white mingled and spoke with each other every day. The white families, like my own, had migrated there from their farms in South Georgia in the hope of improving their prospects. They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors. Mendelian randomization (MR) harnesses genetic variants as instrumental variables (IVs) to study the causal effect of exposure on outcome using summary statistics from genome-wide association studies. The name of Edna Earle comes from the heroine of the most popular novel in the South after the Civil War, St Elmo by Augusta Jane Evans. 7William Wallace Jamieson, the first words of the story, and a name I will return to, is a young man who has been married to his wife, Hazel, for a year. It had blossomed overnight during the boom years of the twenties. Grady is already a sort of father to Brucie. The Great Wide Sea (2008), a novel by M. H. Herlong, follows sixteen-year-old Ben Byron, who mourns the loss of his mother with his younger brothers, Gerry and Dylan, while spending a year at sea.As Ben processes his grief, he clashes with his father, until he mysteriously vanishes from the boat one morning. Creative Commons - Attribution - Pas d'Utilisation Commerciale - Pas de Modification 4.0 International - CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/, Voir la notice dans le catalogue OpenEdition, Plan du site Crdits Flux de syndication, Politique de confidentialit Gestion des cookies, Nous adhrons OpenEdition Journals dit avec Lodel Accs rserv, Vous allez tre redirig vers OpenEdition Search, Special Issue: Representation and Rewriting of Myths in Southern Short Fiction, Converging Toward the Human: Myth and Theory in "The Wide Net" (and me), It might seem odd to find me turning to Eudora Weltys story The Wide Net the day I learned I had been invited to respond to the theme of Southern myth (the all-purpose, made-to-order, sempiternel Southern myth). The never forgetting is another gift of becoming oneself, the power of memory. References to babies, for example, can be found everywhere, from the little man on the toy-like train, to the baby alligator, all the way to the corn shuck doll waiting by itself on the bench back in Dover. eNotes Editorial. [] Magnolia and live-oak never die. Summary. She is one of Hazels cousins. 8The group that William finally collects is a motley one, all male, but they are of a kind. The roses needed a lot of water. They talked sometimes about a black giant named Foots. 41Just as William Wallace is beset on all sides by a welter of signs, until he forgets the name of the Pearl River and takes his dive to the bottom, the reader is mystified by the dazzling parade of mythical allusions until he too reaches the same place. review but they say those things just because I happen to live in the southbut nobody else had better say I am unhuman (qtd. Beanie deserves his own story. After all, for William it is only October and the baby will not be born until April (fall and rebirth go hand in hand in this story). He surely died the poorest judge in all of Florida, but he did leave me his gold Hamilton watch which had been given him when he retired from working on the railroad as a young man in Georgia. Updates? I should make it clear it was not the quality of the scholarship in what I read that puzzled me, but my consternation in not finding anything of my own life in the popular myths contained in the books. William Wallace knows now that Hazel holds the secret mystery that will continue to make him more of his own man, and he is willing to follow her lead as long as it takes: He climbed to his feet too and stood beside her trying to look where she looked. Summary of the net Rating: 6,6/10 562reviews The "net" is a term that refers to the internet, which is a global network of interconnected computers and servers that allows people to communicate and access information from all around the world. Hazel is pregnant, and William is baffled by her changing attitude (she would not speak and her eyes glowed). Wives and girlfriends would be gathered under the windows, and the banter and singing between them and the men in jail are impossible to exaggerate. in Marrs 70-71). Delta Wedding in 1946. Here is the same confused hodgepodge of myth and fable we can find in The Wide Net. They are the wonderful fictions out of which an adult life finally emerges, but never forgets. Now that I have tried to do justice to my rereading of the story, which was, and is, my main purpose throughout these reflections, there should be no objection if I back up a bit and mention a few of the memories I carried with me when I entered the new world of the Old South at the university. It was the county seat, so there were a few imposing public buildings. He surely died the poorest judge in all of Florida, but he did leave me his gold Hamilton watch which had been given him when he retired from working on the railroad as a young man in Georgia. The story recounts how Sister, the intelligent and ironic narrator, comes to fall out with her family over incidents arising from her younger sister Stella-Rondo's sudden reappearance in their small southern town, minus her husband and with a two-year-old "adopted" child in tow. He returns to his wife better capable of living a meaningful, fulfilling life. Foots was in charge. Robert Fitzgerald. The group that William finally collects is a motley one, all male, but they are of a kind. To begin with, the southern world I grew up in, a small coastal town in Florida in the years after WWII, was not all that representative of the South. As I have already mentioned, my grandfather lies at the heart of these memories. 5I do not mean to suggest that I find anything of myself in William Wallace, nor in his search for Hazel. As a matter of fact, he was a pillar of the community. William Wallace has done the real catching, unless of course, it has been Hazel herself. Geographically, I had lived outside as a boy in the steamy heat of southern Florida. County judges are elected, and he never lost an election because there was never any opposition. 16What is missing in my account of rereading the story is my misremembering the total absence of southern history, a conspicuous absence. The grown-up Doyles and Malones are fixed in their undefined identities forever. 179). As Welty adds in her autobiography, there were Edna Earles all over the South. They have to go and get the wide net,. New York: A Lisa Drew Book, 2004. See production, box office & company info. Now us got scales, Sam cried out. I grew up during segregation, but the racism was subdued, and codified down to a syllable and a glance. His name was Patrick Duval. He himself would have been too modest to mention it. What I remember most about growing up was the joy of being outside for most of the day in a sort of tropical paradise. Geographically, I had lived outside as a boy in the steamy heat of southern Florida. 25I began this paper with a confession. LOA books are distributed worldwide by Penguin Random House. As for me, being known as his grandson allowed me, and my two cousins who lived in his house, special status among the blacks, and a carelessness about crossing the color line. 36There is one more story about my grandfather that I need to relate. And after a few minutes she took him by the hand and led him into the house, smiling as if she were smiling down on him (Welty, What is missing in my account of rereading the story is my misremembering the total absence of southern history, a conspicuous absence. What touched me more, and what I remember best now, were the lives around me while growing up. I had suspected something like this as a boy, but now it was confirmed. The father of the white boys is rumored to have drowned in the Pearl River, and the father of the black boys had been struck by lightning and, as Robbie cries out during a storm, was dead three days, dead as that-there axe (Welty. He is holding fast to a little green ribbon of plant, root and all (Welty, Collected Stories 181). Internet, a system architecture that has revolutionized communications and methods of commerce by allowing various computer networks around the world to interconnect. ISBN: 978-1-88301155-0 976 pages. Portail de ressources lectroniques en sciences humaines et sociales, Flannerys Ghost: Paradigms of the Holy Ghost in Three Stories by Flannery OConnor, The Journal of the Short Story in English: presentation, Joycean Drama and the Remaking of Yeats's Irish Theatre in Ivy Day in the Committee Room", Catalogue des 609 revues. 179). Sunlight was scarce and each turn of the river took one deeper into a ripe darkness smelling of frog spawn and wild magnolia. She ends. Instead of one of the more conventional pieties, here was a crying out to both God and man against injustice. There is Old Doc, the local wise man who owns the net. I had no memory that Welty had tried to dramatize or imply a single overreaching southern identity, cultural, historical, or otherwise. (qtd. 176). It was the county seat, so there were a few imposing public buildings. Faced with the most serious crisis of his young life, William at least has the resourcefulness to ask help from one of his friends from the night out, Virgil Thomas, and they set out to borrow the wide net from Old Doc, and to gather other members of the community to help drag the river. I was fifteen years old, and was the only white in the group of workers. The packet switching technology was essential to the development of . Later in the story a violent storm with a blast of wind covers the entire search party with wet leaves. The last date is today's Engraved in large letters beneath the names was the single word: Murdered. These were the graves of her maternal grandparents who had been viciously axed to death by two men looking for easy prey and a few dollars. And finally, on the last page, memory is evoked again, this time in words to be engraved in stone: Of course the greatest confluence of all is that which makes up the human memorythe individual human memory. When he wakes up he affirms his new sense of power and potency by tying a catfish to his belt and launching into a wild Dionysian dance. 38I do not want to leave the impression that my grandfather was in any sense a rebel or an outsider. The second half of the story is rich in events, but the outcome is never in doubt. The Pearl River is the prime example in The Wide Net and therefore the source of selfhood that will save William Wallace. Harmondsworth: Penguin Classics, 1990. He had never been given much credit for his act, though in the recent biography of Hurston, by Valerie Boyd, written long after my visit home, he is singled out for praise (436). But these Georgia tales were of the kind that Eudora Welty describes as old and complete in Asphodel, one of the short stories in. I like to think too, along these same lines, that the comic folklore of the first half of the story makes his solitary dive in the Pearl River, and his transformation, more unpredictable, and thus more human. The Wide Net, short-story collection by Eudora Welty, published in 1943. The town was a typical Florida collection of frame houses, shady streets, and sandy alleys held together by a compact center of brick banks, churches, cafes, shops, and one movie theater, on the western side of the river within walking distance of the ocean to the east.

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