life expectancy after vertebral artery dissection

3, in comparison to good outcome subgroups of D and I with mRS 02 and SS-QOL4.0. No further differences were found in the other domains. But its still a dangerous situation. (2) Broad neuroimaging of cervical arteries including cervical MRA was regularly applied to patients of all age groups and risk profiles whenever differential diagnosis of VAD appeared to be possible. You have two vertebral arteries that run along the back of your neck near your spine bones (vertebrae). On rare occasions, this can lead to stroke. Three initially included woman of ages 70, 71, and 77years had to be excluded secondarily because of concurrent diseases in form of preexisting idiopathic cerebellar syndrome, acute symptomatic anterior circulation brain infarction, and predominant arteriitis temporalis (first with ocular disorder, paresis of arm, ataxia, and dysarthria plus suspected brainstem infarction due to VAD; second with VAD and arm paresis; third with VAD and visual field disorder). The PTSS-14 was developed by Twigg et al. There was a high responder rate in follow-up assessments: follow-up data were obtained in 97% of patients in group D, 100% in group I, and 96% in group M. Secondary ischemia prevention by medication until follow-up was provided by platelet aggregation inhibitors in 76.5% patients of group D and 81.6% of group I and oral anticoagulants in 23.5% patients of group D and 18.4% of group I. Vascular events of importance occurred until follow-up time point as follows: In group D one recurrent stroke, one suspected stroke, one new stroke due to dissection of the internal carotid artery, and one transient ischemic attack. Use of a screening questionnaire for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) on a sample of UK ICU patients. Your chances of experiencing a stroke are low. 1999;53(8):183943. Aortic dissection is life-threatening. PubMed The following are key points to remember from this Viewpoint article on physical activity and exercise in patients with spontaneous coronary artery dissection (SCAD) and fibromuscular This can lead to serious complications, including arterial narrowing (stenosis), weakening/bulging (aneurysm) or tearing (dissection). (2013) [59] hypothesized that cervical artery dissection goes frequently undiagnosed, particularly in patients with subtle symptoms, which is true for VAD [3, 57], and dependently from the awareness of the responsible physician. Does the cerebellum contribute to specific aspects of attention? Coil Embolization for the Treatment of Ruptured Dissecting Vertebral Aneurysms. Stroke. Bonita R, Beaglehole R. Recovery of motor function after stroke. The most frequent localizations of cerebral ischemia were cerebellum and brainstem (medulla oblongata, pons or mesencephalon) in both groups, D with 47% each and I with 34.2 and 42.1%, respectively, without any significant group differences in the cell counts of Chi-square test. Rainer J. Strege. (2009) [40] reported that severe periventricular white matter disease was significantly associated with poor functional outcome at 3months after ischemic stroke, independently of other factors. Another 66years old patient with medulla oblongata infarction deceased due to nonspecific heart failure and was lost for follow-up; in group I one stroke and two myocardial infarcts occured; group M remained without any vascular event. The mRS is considered to be the worldwide most established functional outcome measure after stroke. 9500 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44195 |, Important Updates + Notice of Vendor Data Event, ( Events most commonly occur in the postpartum period Vertebral artery dissection (VAD) may cause cerebral ischemia and impair quality of life (QOL) despite of good functional outcome. Regensburger Wortflssigkeitstest. His troponin was elevated at 0.094ng/mL. 2008;28(6):171128. In the SSQOL-subgroup analysis of patients with good functional outcome (mRS score2) and good SS-QOL score (4.0) at follow-up were eight patients with arterial occlusion or subtotal occlusion versus five with or without stenosis. VAD affected the right side in 13 patients (38.2%), the left side in 18 patients (53%), and both sides in three patients (8.8%). Likewise, functional impairment measured by mRS at follow-up significantly correlated with reduced SS-QOL at follow-up in concordance with the results of the mixed cervical artery dissection series of Fischer et al. Stroke. A vertebral artery dissection is not what youd expect at 35 years young. In this interview, Amy Wells talks candidly about her stroke and how life has changed for the better in the last 12 months Socials: Privacy This can happen by keeping your neck in a hyper-flexed position (looking upward) for extended periods. Get useful, helpful and relevant health + wellness information. (, Visitation, mask requirements and COVID-19 information. The data suggest that posttraumatic stress symptoms are of significant importance for the QOL after VAD. More importantly, however, our study showed also several limitations. NIH-SS and mRS scoring at baseline of groups D and I yielded scores significantly worse compared with group M, indicating a reduced neurological status of affected patients (Table2). The authors declare that they have no competing interests. Czechowsky et al. Likewise, mean values of pre-baseline total QOL were not significantly different. Stress revisited: a critical evaluation of the stress concept. Mean age was 52.5 9.6 years and 91% were women (57% were post-menopausal). 2013;80(6):78790. Third, psychological condition was not examined at baseline. (2009) [6]. Article Afterwards we developed a multivariate regression model using variables that have proven statistically significant at the univariate analysis at a significant level of 5% (p<0.05). The senior age of VAD patients may have several important implications for social life. 2008;52(2):2028. This exploratory study was carried out in the Neurological Department of the University-affiliated teaching hospital AGAPLESION Diakonieklinikum Rotenburg, Germany. It comprised standardized self-rating protocols for neurostatus (mRS), stroke specific QOL and posttraumatic stress symptoms, and in addition open questions for the clinical course. Fourth, maladaptive coping strategies were significant predictors for and associated with posttraumatic stress disorder in patients with cervical artery dissection in the study of Speck et al. Bruggimann L, Annoni JM, Staub F, von Steinbuchel N, Van der Linden M, Bogousslavsky J. Cerebrovasc Dis Extra. [43] who preoperatively examined patients with cerebellar hematomas or brain tumors by the same neuropsychological tests apart from not using LPS as we did. Measurements of acute cerebral infarction: a clinical examination scale. Gttingen: Hogrefe Verlag; 1983. The latter one was also used to determine the functional outcome at follow-up, filled out by the patient. This difference was not statistically significant (p<0.05). Brain. Psychosom Med. 2004;63(11):21325. When tics cause Differences in baseline or follow-up characteristics between the three groups (D, I, M) were analyzed with Chi-square tests for categorical and with Kruskal-Wallis-test (H-test) for metric variables. Google Scholar. Grond-Ginsbach C, Metso TM, Metso AJ, Pezzini A, Tatlisumak T, Hakimi M, et al. Neurorehabil Neural Repair. The prevalence of 73.6% VAD patients with ischemic stroke and 14.7% with TIA in our study corresponded well to 67% (114 patients) and 10% (17 patients), respectively, in a large European multicenter prospective study on patients with first-ever spontaneous VAD [3]. Vertebral artery dissection (VAD) is increasingly identified as a cause of ischemic stroke in young adults. Ewert T, Stucki G. Validity of the SS-QOL in Germany and in survivors of hemorrhagic or ischemic stroke. Patients with suspected cervical artery dissection received additional angiography, mainly MRI angiography, if there has not been already evident cranial computer tomography or even conventional angiography. Furthermore, some recently published data suggested for the first time a role of VAD-accompanied atherosclerosis as additional putative contributing factor to functional outcome at three months in posterior circulation stroke (PCS) patients [39]. Characteristics and outcomes of vertebrobasilar artery dissection with accompanied atherosclerosis. Corresponding to their multivariate analysis, the NIH-SS score on admission was also found to be an independent predictor of QOL at follow-up in our univariate regression analysis. Traenka C, Jung S, Gralla J, Kurmann R, Stippich C, Simonetti BG, et al. Vertebral artery dissection (VAD) is a rare cause of stroke in the general population; however, represents one of the more common causes of stroke in patients younger than 45 years of age. Craniocervical artery dissection is a potentially disabling yet probably underrecognized condition that often occurs in young and middle-aged adults. Although MMSE and MoCA significantly correlated to our cognitive composite score (CCS), further analysis of neurocognitive domain deficits by neuropsychological test battery yielded only some trends of mean group values, without statistical significance. PubMed Deutsche Adaptation der revidierten Fassung der Wechsler Memory Scale. The clinical application of the biopsychosocial model., DOI: In an exploratory study, 34 consecutive patients with first-ever spontaneous VAD were prospectively examined in comparison to 38 patients with cerebral ischemia without dissection and 25 stroke mimics as control groups. Grabowska-Fudala B, Jaracz K, Gorna K, Miechowicz I, Wojtasz I, Jaracz J, et al. (2002) [5], mean age 50years, (2) posttraumatic stress symptoms as significant predictor for reduced SS-QOL Speck et al. SS-QOL scores at follow-up varied among subgroups as demonstrated in a subgroup analysis stratified for good functional outcome (mRS 02) plus good quality of life (SS-QOL4.0) versus good functional outcome (mRS 02) plus bad quality of life (SS-QOL3.9). Most patients achieved good QOL (SS-QOL4.0) at 6months follow-up in group I (68.4%) and even better in group M (87.5%) in contrast with group D (46.9%) (Table2). The second data collection was achieved by written standardized, structured questionnaire at follow-up (time point t2) 6months after the initial event. While SS-QOL at follow-up was normal and corresponded to pre-baseline in stroke mimics, SS-QOL scores significantly worsened in group D and I patients, mainly in the psychosocial domains. An artery tear, also called a dissection, occurs when layers of the interior arterial walls separate. The cumulative survival rate among all types of stroke in this study was found to be 48% at five years. typical type and onset of symptoms. Both conditions fit if someone is suffering from a spontaneous artery dissection as well as subarachnoid hemorrhage in contrast to ischemic stroke caused by vascular risk factors which can be treated. Radtke FM, Franck M, Drews T, Weiss-Gerlach E, Twigg E, Harbeck-Seu A, et al. Testbatterie zur Aufmerksamkeitsprfung (TAP) Version 2.2. It provides seven scoring levels as follows: (0) no symptoms at all, (1) no significant disability despite symptoms, (2) slight disability, (3) moderate disability, (4) moderately severe disability, (5) severe disability, and (6) dead. (2009) [6] prospectively found 3793455days after event 30% patients with impaired SS-QOL scoring among 66% with favorable functional outcome (mRS01) in a mixed series including patients with VAD and patients with ICAD. Brain and intelligence: a quantitative study of the frontal lobes. Strauss E, Sherman EMS, Spreen O. Czechowsky D, Hill MD. Spontaneous vertebral While UK-PTSS-14 was initially applied to patients after intensive care unit (ICU) discharge, Radtke et al. The risk of dying can be as high as 1% to 3% per hour until the patient gets treatment. 2013;94(12):253541. Cerebrovasc Dis. 1997;19(1):612. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2011;134(Pt 12):367286. Cleveland Clinic is a non-profit academic medical center. The health-related quality of life regarding the week before baseline and at follow-up was assessed by the German version [22] of the Stroke Specific Quality Of Life Scale (SS-QOL) [7]. The datasets used and analysed during the current study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request. The vertebral arteries have many small branches. 2016;87(5):52630. Old benefit as much as young patients with stroke from high-intensity neurorehabilitation: cohort analysis. They deliver oxygen-rich blood to your brain and spine. A dissection is a tear in one or more tissue layers that make up your vertebral artery. WebCervical artery dissections typically heal very well, returning the vessel to normal. National Institute of Health Stroke Scale, Posttrauamtic stress syndrome 14-questions inventory. WebThe vertebral arteries are part of the circulatory system. Ahl et al. N Engl J Med. They most probably reflected stroke lesion-associated cognitive impairments whereas stroke mimics without any lesions did show normal scores. As the key finding, our subgroup analysis of these VAD patients showed significantly higher levels of posttraumatic stress symptoms (p=0.002) and of pre-baseline anxiety symptoms (p=0.006) being associated with patients with good functional outcome (mRS02) and bad QOL compared to those with good functional outcome (mRS 02) and good QOL. Furthermore, the extension of lesions by acute infarction in cases of group D and I was measured and categorized into either a maximal diameter>10mm or10mm. Regarding premorbid psychological profiles, no significant group differences of the mean values of scoring systems (HADS-A/D) for symptoms of anxiety or depression in the week before baseline were found. Because previous studies have shown no crucial role of neurovascular risk factors or sociodemographic factors for QOL of VAD patients, we focused our analysis of potential contributing factors for QOL on previously less investigated neurological, neurocognitive and psychological variables with special respect to the biopsychosocial model [12]. Hemorrhagic stroke was found to result in a lower survival rate or lower level of functionality than ischemic stroke. Wahlund LO, Barkhof F, Fazekas F, Bronge L, Augustin M, Sjogren M, et al. Turm von London Deutsche Version. Current recommendations for patients with FMD are to avoid resistance training during the first 8-12 weeks after acute carotid or vertebral artery dissections. Apart from (1) the computer-based test battery for alertness, divided and selective attention (TAP) [24], all other tests were paper and pencil tests: (2) Trail Making Test (TMT A and B) for combined attention and executive function [25], (3) the Tower of London (TL-D) for executive function [26], (4) mental rotation (LPS 7) for visual-spatial function [27], (5) the Five-Point Test (5PT) for spatial-cognitive function [28], (6) the Regensburger Wortflssigkeitstest (RWT) for verbal fluency [29], (7) Verbal Learning and Memory Test (VLMT) [30], (8) Block tapping (BT) for the visual digit span [31] and (9) the Finger Tapping Test (FTT) for the hand motor function [32]. (2002) [5] obtained 0.33.8years after VAD follow-up data in 21 surviving patients who were retrospectively contacted. 1977;86(2):10326. Gottwald B, Mihajlovic Z, Wilde B, Mehdorn HM. Last reviewed by a Cleveland Clinic medical professional on 08/07/2022. They finally hypothesized that the rate of incidence must be equal throughout life. Accurate and prompt diagnosis of this condition is crucial because timely and appropriate therapy can significantly reduce the risk of stroke and long-term sequelae. Coping with chronic neurological impairment: a contrastive analysis of Parkinson's disease and stroke. Summary A 22-year-old male with no previous history of cardiovascular disease presented after a high-speed rollover motor vehicle collision. Vertebral artery dissection: presenting findings and predictors of outcome. The hospital anxiety and depression scale. Costanzo ME, Leaman S, Jovanovic T, Norrholm SD, Rizzo AA, Taylor P, et al. Lower scores of both global screening systems, MMSE and MoCA, were independent negative predictors for QOL at follow-up in univariate regression analysis. 1988;19(12):1497500. Impairments in neurocognitive screening tests (MMSE, MoCA) correlated weakly with neurological impairments as measured by NIH-SS. (2004) [45]. The elevated levels of stress symptoms after VAD in our study may be interpreted as maladaptive psychological state/condition. Schievink WI. Other published data remained inconsistent. Article In earlier stages, you might not notice symptoms. Even if WML predominated in groups D and I compared to stroke mimics, they showed no significant inter-group difference. statement and Depending from the availability of imaging techniques such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) angiography as well as the awareness of physicians VAD has been increasingly diagnosed in recent years. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. Herzogenrath: Vera Fimm; 2009. Most dissections heal on their own. Google Scholar. 3rd ed. The study protocol was approved by the Local Ethics Committee of the University of Bremen. (1987) [33] and Wahlund et al. The subgroup of patients with good functional outcome (mRS score2) and bad SS-QOL score (3.9) comprised ten patients with arterial occlusion or subtotal occlusion versus three with or without stenosis. 2017;88(14):131320. In recent years, however, patient-centered outcome measures such as quality of life (QOL) gained increasing importance. Monitoring typically includes magnetic resonance angiography every three to six months. Neurology. Thus, reduced neurocognition and neurostatus at baseline and increased scoring levels for stress symptoms at follow-up were predictive for reduced quality of life at follow-up in patients with VAD in this regression model. Acta Psychiatr Scand. WebIf 3-month ultrasound follow up or MRA showed complete recanalization of the vertebral artery, antithrombotic therapy was stopped. 88.2% of patients with dissection (group D) experienced acute cerebral ischemia. Likewise, there was no statistical group difference of the mean values of the total quality of life score measured by SS-QOL. While there were in groups D and I compared to group M frequent impairments in both global screening tests (MMSE, MoCA) and in single cognitive function tests of the neuropsychological test battery (Additionalfile1) and also in the resulting cognitive composite score (CCS), this difference reached statistical significance only in the MoCA assessment for group D compared to group M (Table2). Measuring quality of life in a way that is meaningful to stroke patients. 2005;53(4):6959. Physical Activity and Exercise in Patients With Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection and Fibromuscular Dysplasia. Multimodal assessment was performed for clinical, neurological, cognitive, psychological and radiological data at baseline and for QOL, functional outcome, and stress symptoms by questionnaire at six months follow-up. Procedures for vertebral artery dissection include: Most people make a full recovery. Coming to a Cleveland Clinic location?Hillcrest Cancer Center check-in changesCole Eye entrance closingVisitation, mask requirements and COVID-19 information, Notice of Intelligent Business Solutions data eventLearn more. Vertebral artery dissection is a rare cause of stroke in older adults. It was only asked for affective symptoms of anxiety and depression pre-baseline and at follow-up there has been only exploration for stress symptoms but not for symptoms of anxiety and depression. It combines magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with angiography to capture detailed images of your vertebral arteries. Their series comprised physically less affected patients, two-third after ICAD and one-third after VAD, with ischemic stroke in form of mainly small lesions in about one-third of cases only. The Neurological Institute is a leader in treating and researching the most complex neurological disorders and advancing innovations in neurology. 8. Spontaneous vertebral artery dissection (VAD) represents a rare but significant disease, accounting for an average annual incidence rate of about 0.97 to 1.5 I was unable to return to work for three months. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. 2012;13:164. Tang WK, Lau CG, Mok V, Ungvari GS, Wong KS. Table4 shows univariate linear regression analysis demonstrating that neurocognition scores at baseline (MMSE, MoCA, CCS), neurostatus at baseline (NIH-SS score on admission, mRS score) and stress symptoms at follow-up (PTSS-14 score) were predictors of quality of life at follow-up. Spearmans rank correlation analysis yielded a highly significant correlation (p<0.001) between all three cognitive scoring systems (MMSE, MoCA, and CCS). According to modern stress concepts, situations that in particular include unpredictability and uncontrollability can trigger stress [54]. 2009;40(2):5306. Differences in reduced neurostatus at baseline (NIH-SS on admission)(p=0.042) in subgroup D (mRS 02) SS-QOL3.9 vs. SS-QOL4.0 and higher grade of white matter lesions (WML)(p=0.042) in subgroup I (mRS 02) SS-QOL3.9 vs. SS-QOL4.0 were not significant after correction of cumulative alpha-error. Article They carry blood to the brain and spinal cord, which are part of the nervous system. To diagnose VAD may be difficult because of the wide range of symptoms, from isolated local signs to posterior circulation stroke. Google Scholar. 2006;67(10):180912. 1983;67(6):36170. The stroke happened about a month after she was diagnosed with EDS. 2001;32(6):131822. Source Reference: Markus H, et al "Antiplatelet therapy vs anticoagulation therapy in cervical artery dissection: the Cervical Artery Dissection in Stroke Study They found 81% with good functional outcome (mRS02) but only 66.6% with good SS-QOL scoring. Up to 25% of stroke cases in this age group are due to vertebral artery dissection. Kissela B, Lindsell CJ, Kleindorfer D, Alwell K, Moomaw CJ, Woo D, et al. Activities and other situations that can lead to vertebral artery dissection include: Cervical artery dissection includes tears in the arteries of your neck. Brott T, Adams HP Jr, Olinger CP, Marler JR, Barsan WG, Biller J, et al. Because data on the potential impact of infarct volume to outcome and QOL in VAD patients have been lacking so far, we used at least a very arbitrary method for semiquantitative evaluation of the extension of infarct lesions and were not able to ascertain any statistical association. 2011;92(5):7928. 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