sudden rise in life vedic astrology

In 1973 Zanzeer became hit and gave him recognition as Angry Young Man of Indian Cinema. while invisible or unknown treasures and uncertain heritage also give immediate accomplishment and richness to . Vedic astrology has adequate tools to predict the life expectancy of a person. With this technique of prediction, the current (or future) sign positions of the planets in the zodiac are transposed to the natal chart, creating another set of factors that induce events in your life. Later he came back to India to work for his company and since early 2019 he is struggling. Below are her birth details the time of birth was revealed during trivia about her. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Jupiter is the planet of wisdom and benevolence. The Kudali or Horoscope based on the date of birth is the most accurate way to predict ones personality traits and how their future would pan out. Also, my moon is in 1st house in ALL divisional charts, does this mean that all my life the focus will be on me and always feeling like I need improvement? Moon is inimical to lagna lord Mercury and is afflicted by Mars, the greatest malefic for Virgo lagna, and Rahu. Per the rules of Vedic Astrology, there are certain houses (sectors) of the chart that are strongly associated with life changes. It really helped me clear all the doubts I have had for months. If Saturn transiting from fiery sign comes into an opposition with Jupiter or in conjunction with it then the situation of global recession can occur like it had happen in case of 1929, 1982, 1991 and 2009 economic crisis. The money, wealth, assets, property, luxury and a kingly life happens due to the previous Karma. Now when Jupiter is in 12th house From the 12th house Jupiter aspects the 4th, 6th, and 8th houses. Predicting Big Changes with Vedic Astrology, LIVING YOUR LIFE SKILLFULLY WITH VEDIC ASTROLOGY, Uranus Transiting In Aries: April 2017 May 2024, Astrology Patterns & Predictions for 2022, Astrology Patterns and Predictions for 2021, The Jupiter-Saturn Relationship in Vedic Astrology, The Nodes Change Signs: Rahu Enters Taurus; Ketu Enters Scorpio, Predictions for Saturn in Capricorn: January 2020 January 2023, Planetary Patterns and Astrology Predictions for 2020, Making Predictions with Vedic Astrologys Planetary Period System, The Importance of the Dispositor in Vedic Astrology, Using Astrology for Predicting the Stock Market, Effects of Retrograde Planets in Astrology, Relocation Astrology: Change your Destiny by Moving, Predicting Business Success with Astrology, Who Wins? Want to grow in your career? 8th house: stocks, hidden deals, others money, the dowry of partner, benefit from in-laws and regulations, budget through unreasonable, unjustified means, inheritance, 11th house: gathered prosperity, rising and falling money gains. Jupiter and Venus are placed in afflictions in any house in the natal chart, it becomes a reason for delay in marriage/problems . Rosanne Barr was an average working class, overweight, sarcastic and comedian mom. Another yoga which helps a person born in ordinary circumstances to rise in life due to destiny and hard work is Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga. Uranus moves very slowly, taking 84 years to make a complete circuit of the zodiac. The Lords of 2nd and 5th house exchange places. Posted in Career Astrology | Tagged Gambling and lottery In Astrology - Horoscope Analysis, Inheritance and Sudden, Lottery Winning Yoga In Horoscope Or Kundli, Prosperity, Shares Or Stocks Income In Astrology, Speculations, Sudden Rise In Life Financially In Vedic Astrology, Underground or Hidden treasures In Astrology, Unexpected Money 32 . There is strong Budha-Aditya Yoga formed by Mercury and exalted Sun in 2nd house. Factors To Measure Sudden Rise In Life Financially In Vedic Astrology: 2nd house: income source, the inflow of funds, Self-earned prosperity, worldly holdings; . speculations or for just about any sudden, Astrology and Success In Stock Market An Analysis, Jupiter Remedies In Astrology-Weak, Debilitated,Afflicted, Combust, Medical Profession/ Career In Astrology-Doctors Ultimate Guide, Moon Jupiter Combination/ Conjunction In 7th,8th,9th,10th,11th,12, Moon-Jupiter Conjunction/ Combination In 1st,2nd,3rd,4th,5th,6th, Taurus and Cancer Horoscope 2023 Yearly Prediction, Moon Mercury Combination/ Conjunction In 7th,8th,9th,10th,11th,12, Moon Mercury Conjunction/ Combination In 1st,2nd,3rd,4th,5th,6th, Mercury in 11th HouseCareer, Gains-Loss, Marriage, Friends, Aries Horoscope 2023 Love Life, Career, Marriage, Health, Divorce Or Separation In Astrology-Horoscope Prediction-Ultimate, Late Marriage/ Delay In Marriage In Horoscope and Remedies, Effects Of All Planets in Rohini Nakshatra in Horoscope/ Kundli, Ultimate Guide To Sun-Ketu Conjunction/ Yuti/ Combination/ Yoga, Ultimate Guide To Sun-Jupiter Conjunction/ Yuti/ Combination/Yoga, Ultimate Guide To Sun-Rahu Conjunction/ Yuti/ Combination/ Yoga. The period: Rahu Rahu Mars. Thank you for patiently reading and for your constructive feedback and insights. It is popular in Hindu culture and tradition from the 19th century according to Hindu belief. The Amatayakaraka Venus gives Jaimini aspect to the 12th house from Venus. They bring fast-paced shifts, shocking revelations, sudden endings, and swift new beginnings to people's lives. With the help of Vedic Astrologys predictive techniques, we can at least anticipate when we will have to face such transitions, as well as what form they will likely take, and thus be better able to prepare ourselves for when they occur. The Vimshottari Dasha, commonly referred to as the Planetary Period System, is a predictive formula that reveals the timeline of when karmas indicated in the birth chart will be activated. To see this page as it is meant to appear, please enable your Javascript! The next dasha is of Ketu-Venus which are in 2/12 axis but the good position of Venus in Rashi and Navamsha gives hopes of getting a job quickly. There are numerous planetary combinations in the Vedic astrology that brings wealth, money and prosperity all of a sudden. Venus in Sagittarius is reputed to give much name and fame. The challenging news is followed by the good news of the lottery win. He worked in the managerial position in Nairobi and Dubai. Money astrology plays an important role in one's life House of Money in Astrology. Whenever their time period starts one can expect some important event to happen upon the arrival. All planets occupying 2th / 6th / 8th / 12th indicators. The Chara dasha was of Gemini-Libra when he lost his job. The Atamakaraka is in the 12th house from Gemini and it is in the 8th house from Libra which is bad. Jupiter stays in a sign for whole year and thus exerts a significant impact on the lives of the people. To receive regular updates with your Free Horoscope, Exclusive Coupon Codes, Astrology Articles, Festival Updates, and Promotional Sale offers curated just for you! Problems in the family, marital conflicts, and sudden demise of someone close are all indications of a negative Ketu. Saturn and Jupiter had been in great conjunction on Dec 21, 2020, nearly after 400 years. Therefore, if you are wearing Hessonite gemstone, you should not wear Ruby or Pearl gemstones. This native is also facing the enigmatic transit of Saturn over his Janma Nakshtra which is Poorva Ashadha in Dhanu Rashi. Death Prediction for Gemini - Same as Cancer. Maraka (Sanskrit: ) in Hindu astrology refers to the planet or planets that cause death at the end of a particular life-span; if the assessed life-span is not over they cause accident, ill-health, poverty and misery during the course of their dasha or antra-dasha or in the period of the planet associating Many people have become crorepati due to the popular television program Koun Banega Karodpati hosted by legend Amitabh Bachchan. Ketu is well placed in the 9th house of luck and is with 10th lord Mercury but the aspect of 8th lord Mars has spoil this yoga. In 1987 (Venus-Saturn) he received Padma Shree and Arjuna Award. For instance, Uranus transiting over natal Venus the planet of Art, Love and Finance can give you artistic inspiration, or sudden infatuation, or an unexpected windfall. Getty Images. Your definitions look to be incorrect. Other Questions: Childbirth, Birth Rectification, etc. I had indicated about this in my article Global Economic Trends 2019 published in the January 2019 issue of this magazine at page number 50. my super ex girlfriend sex scene. If the planet Moon and Mars remain in the 5, If the planet Jupiter and Moon remains in the 2. Would you like sudden windfall of money and gains in life? If you need to find out the impact of planets and the sun, Vedic astrology helps you understand it better. It was his Mercury-Mars dasha in Vimshottari (June 2016 to June 2017) when he lost his job in the mid of 2017. As per astronomy, Saturn is the second-largest planet in the solar system after Jupiter. So, they both have demonic tendencies. These get activated when the Dasha (planetary period) embarks. I am in Moon-moon period now until October, Saturn is transiting my ascendant. Your welcome! Jupiter is in 10th from Moon and aspected by Lagna Lord Venus and 9th lord Mercury, which gave him mass following for a noble cause. Death Prediction for Scorpio - Poison or drug overdose. Teachings say, that Rahu and Ketu being chaya grahas or shadow planets work as amplifiers to the inherent yogas that exist. , 2023 , , - . Activation of first house through dasha and transit can give rise to overall life. Rahu: The shadow planet is considered as one most mysterious and secretive planets out of the all 9 planets.If Rahu is present in the benefic house, it will help you to gain in all possible ways and you will never be under debts. Winning a lottery is no childs work. After forcing the then President to resign Saddam Hussain became President in 1979 (Venus-Jupiter), and ruled as socialist revolutionary with a firm hand, and modernized Iraq first with the help of Soviet Union and the of USA. But after demonetization many of these private coaching institutes in India suffered losses and he has to lose his job. On a Sunday night in June, the twenty-nine-year-old astrologer Aliza Kelly was preparing to broadcast an Astrology 101 live stream from her apartment, on the Upper East Side of Manhattan. Posted in Career Astrology Tagged Gambling and lottery In Astrology - Horoscope Analysis, Inheritance and Sudden, Lottery Winning Yoga In Horoscope Or Kundli, Prosperity, Shares Or Stocks Income In Astrology, Speculations, Sudden Rise In Life Financially In Vedic Astrology, Underground or Hidden treasures In Astrology, Unexpected Money 24 . Eighth House in Astrology is also known as "House of Longevity" or "Ayu Bhava" It represents the one's longevity or span of life in this world.This house is also considered as the house of death. For instance, if your 8th house ruler is Jupiter, the planet of Prosperity, and it resides in your 11th house of Gains, and is associated with the planet ruling your Ascendant, you may be in for a big inheritance. With the beginning of Ketu dasa from January, 2007, which is posited in Lagna in Rahu Nakshatra and unfavourable transit, he got in the midst of controversies. A nice write up ! This will happen in 2022 only and until then there is a danger that millions of people around the world will lose their jobs and there will be bad effects on many businesses. He has not got his salary since last 9 months and recently his company owner became insolvent and asked him to leave the job without paying his dues. According to astrology, the death date or the death prediction can be made by the date of birth. A lunar eclipse has fallen on his natal Moon in Sagittarius on the 16/17Th of July this year which compounded his troubles. However, when Mars in 8th house is by nature, it gives immense benefits to the natives. Venus placed in the 8th house in Rashi and in 12th in Navamsha has to give him a job loss in the condition of current economic slowdown. The mindset will be more toward looking for stability and effortless operation. Now this great conjunction of Saturn-Jupiter taking place in Sagittarius and then in Capricorn sign is going to bring a major economic and food price crisis around the world in year 2020. 5th, 7th and 9th aspects. Click Here to get a detailed Consultation from Top Astrologer. Venus is also Navamasa Lagna lord and exalted. Never take anything free of cost nor offer any of your services free of . In Chara dasha he was under Pisces-Pisces period from May 2019 to May 2020. Popularity of a person means his being well known for his special qualities and achievements among the people of his city, state or country, and even beyond the frontiers of his country. As per Vedic Astrology, if the planet Rahu is posited in 10th house in Jupiters sign it can give the excellent result of exalted Lagna and 10th lord Jupiter posited in 5th house. In his horoscope the 8th lord Venus is in the 10th house of career. On the other hand, there are plethoras of people who have been moving pillar to post to get wealth and prosperity in vain. Venus affliction in male horoscope and Mars affliction in female horoscope creates problems in married life. After facing troubled life in childhood and youth during Mercury and ketu dasas, Saddam Hussain participated in a successful military coup in 1969 (Venus-Venus) and became Deputy to the new President. Your self-esteem is vigilant in your conversations that you do with others. He has created this Vedic Astrology blog to share his published articles in various news papers and astrology journals. This article illustrates how there is a likely influence of a strong Jupiter for an individual to have a career in Law related fields. InstaAstro FREE Death Calculator app is a Vedic astrology death prediction astrology free calculator that will give you your minutes to live life to the fullest by giving you your death date info. We always wonder if we ever had the chances to gain wealth suddenly in our life. The person will have good hold of creative arts, will be a good debater and very intellectual. The effects of the nodal return will differ depending on what dasha the individual is running at the time. Below is the birth chart from Astrodatabank. --it's the power of Gaj-Kesari Navamsa (the chart for gifts, skills and good fortune) and in dasamsa( chart for career rise and fame and authority).both charts Jup-Mo in mutual aspect, 12345678910 1112. If placed favorably in the chart the events will be auspicious otherwise the events can be very bad as well. This can give either sudden Success for the rest of our Life. A growing number of people, particularly millennial women, are turning to astrology to help them judge relationship compatibility, understand friendship dynamics and make life decisions. If Jupiter is badly placed, then this leads to unpopularity in social life and religious activities. The presence of Rahu in 10th from Lagna is always indicative of some notable work by the native. The first house (rising sign) indicates Self. The fixed signs are the ones that are most immovable. A strong malefic planet, like Mars or Saturn, will stand against any adversity. Nov 21, 2022, 2:52 PM UTC prince william county development projects adopt me auto accept script battery operated heated hummingbird feeder new rochelle ymca pool schedule siberian mouse department 56 retired pieces value. The answer is twofold: (1) Jupiter's weakness in Capricorn does not prevent its two strengths from providing great benefit to President Obama. Sudden, Unexpected Money, Prosperity Gain in Astrology and Lottery Luck: In Horoscope/ Kundli/ Birth Chart: Nowadays, a lot of people desire to earn a lot of wealth and prosperity in their life, for the fulfillment of their desires. The Atamakaraka Moon and Amatayakaraka Mars falling in the 12th house from Pisces brought this loss of job for him. Its definitely a five star consultation for me. Whether this turns out to be life changing depends on whether or not there are other simultaneous negative influences in play. Certain static inherent placements in the chart do provide clues. The events . Modi government is selling cheap generic medicines through Pradhan Mantri Jan Aushadhi Yojana stores which has helped millions of poor. 4th lord Moon and 9th lord Jupiter are debilitated. Home FORUM HOME STUDENT SECTION - Technical Questions about Vedic Astrology Planets, Houses, Signs, etc. When the Moon in a person's horoscope is attached with the malefic planets and is . There's a myriad of problems in our life, with some ranging from mild ones that have made a home for themselves in the back of our mind, to the ones who have earned the top spot in our list. In such a situation, Astrology may answer . Mahahtma Gandhi was born in Libra Lagna with its lord there forms Malavya Pancha Mahapurusha Yoga. Spread the love . This article illustrates how there is a likely influence of the Sun for an individual to have a carer in Government Service. In the online horoscope of Md. The conjunction of Mercury with poetic Venus in 2nd house made him a successful poet, painter and philosopher. His non-violent struggle made him world famous. You can consult him for a horoscope reading and any other kind of astrological guidance. A lot of people consult astrologers with the question, will I win a jackpot in the lottery? Many people mostly remain worried about the fate of their love life. For discussion on planets, houses, signs, nakshatras, etc. This is another example of spectacular rise in life and ignominious end because of planetary positions, combinations and conjunctions in the online horoscope. To know how long the individual will enjoy materialistic benefits then Venus the planet of luxury and all worldly pleasure to should be read. These get activated when the Dasha (planetary period) embarks. If your answer was yes to the question, please read on. Answer (1 of 6): Unexpected, Surprising Fortune, Happiness Gain In Astrology lottery, commodities, gaming, speculation are difficult techniques but very valuable for sudden advantages. Saturn and Mars aspecting each other in 1st and 7th house or 5th and 11th house in the female horoscope may lead to problems . This article illustrates the importance of using multiple Dasha systems to time events in a natives life. Although, it looks like I am telling you a cooked up story, it is seen the people have unexpected wealth, prosperity, social status and gains. Accurate Free Horoscope Prediction by Date of Birth. Eighth house in Indian astrology also associates with sudden profits and losses, defamation/rise to fame, dark side life, hidden resources and legacies to inheritances. But, with evolving technologies, our path to attain the truth has deviated too! Generally, strong Lagna Lord Jupiter should not cause death, but it is in the Nakshatra of Mercury which is a powerful marka both by ownership of 7th house and its location in 2nd house. Receive regular updates, Free Horoscope, Exclusive Coupon Codes, & Astrology Articles curated just for you! He lost his job during his Ketu-Ketu dasha in Vimshottari (from 19 April 2019 to 16 September 2019). Venus, 2nd and 9th lord, is the most benefic planet for Virgo Lagna and Mercury is Lagna Lord. Due to his attack on Kuwait, which is an ally of USA, in 1991 (Sun-Rahu, was located in Lagna and 8th house) his relations with USA deteriorated. If Arudha Lagna falls in Kendra or Trine or Upchaya from Lagna then the person will prosper. In traditional Vedic Astrology, Saturn is considered the Great Malefic, i.e., capable of causing extremely unpleasant events. Male (Manager in Pharmaceutical company lost job), Longitude: 78 E 01 and Latitude: 27 N 11, Balance of Dasha in Vimshottari: Jupiter 15 years 0 months 0 days. This article illustrates astrological parameters that contribute to someone pursuing a career as an Architect. This planet is called 'Shani' in Vedic astrology. Full Life Purpose Prediction in Astrology :- Analysis of your birth chart with 15 steps for your Life Purpose Prediction steps are given in this article. In modern astrology, Uranus is the planet that is most associated with Big Change. Leo ascendant with 12th lord in 8th house provides development of Vipareeta Raja yoga which leads to unexpected massive prosperity gain. While Western astrology focuses on the psychology of the individual and their experience of life events, Vedic or Hindu . In this article, I would like explain if you are fated to get sudden wealth, gains, and unexpected prosperity in life. He made his mark in Anand which was released in 1972. In older times, it was a means to socially collect sums of money to fulfill state objectives: building state finances, helping the poor, funding wars etc. He has to face a condition of crisis in career of teaching during his Mercury-Rahu dasha at times when coaching institutes in India are facing tough situation. Powered by phpBB Forum Software phpBB Limited. Lottery and astrology have had some relation over a long period of time. Find the right path & achieve success. Saturn and Rahu are two planets which can give sudden results or ups and downs. Yet, they are both essential celestial bodies and have been termed planets by our ancient scholars. Vedic astrology is rooted in Hindu spiritual beliefs. Read more. Ltd., All Rights Reserved. Are you spending countless nights lying awake thinking if you choose the right company or is your labour worth the money that you are earning?! Published on Mar 01, 2023 12:11 AM IST. Am doing self study , an interest triggered about 4 yrs back ! Mega Millions is one such Lottery entity. CASE STUDY: ROSANNE BARR.sudden rise in life? Rahu Mahadasha Result and Effect of Rahu Dasha for 18 Years, Ketu Mahadasha Results, Impacts and hardships of Ketu Dasha for 7 Years, Guru Chandal Yoga A Toxic Combination of Guru and Rahu in Your Kundli, Moon Mahadasha Result and Effect of Chandra Dasha Period, 26 Most Important Yogas in Vedic Astrology (Both Benefic And Malefic), How to offer water to Sun God (Lord Surya), Mercury Mahadasha Results and Effects of Vimshottari Budh Period for 17 Years, Scorpio Ascendant Personality, Traits And Character, Sagittarius Ascendant Characteristics, Personality And Traits Of Sagittarius Rising Sign, Venus Mahadasha results and effects of Vimshottari Shukra dasha for 20 years, If the lord the ascendant is posited in the 2, The conjunction of the Moon and Mars in the 11, If the planet Jupiter becomes the lord of the 9, The mutual planetary exchange between the 6, One gets ancestral property if the lord of the ascendant and 2, The relation between the lord of the Lagna and 4, If the ascendant lord is an auspicious planet and is posited in the 2. A question I had , can we expect major changes in a chart .If transit rahu ketu mo e over natal rahu ketu. It brought down the sale of branded medicines which resulted in losses for the company in which this native was working since 1986. Such people get blessed with sudden wealth, gains and unexpected prosperity. But these arent the only situations. Male (A high ranking IT manager lost job), Balance of Dasha in Vimshottari: Venus 8 years 10 months 26 days. Step 1> Bhrigu Bindu (BB):- It is the degree midpoint of the Moon and Rahu, and is a very important point in delineation. Now I will discuss some of my findings about astrological combination giving a sudden crisis in career which are applicable in natal horoscopes. SIGN UP TO NEWSLETTER A solar or lunar eclipse falling over the Janma lagna, natal Sun and/or natal Moon can bring crisis in career of a highly placed professional if he is undergoing a dasha of natural malefic planets or Dusthana lords. The lords of 5th and 11th houses exchange houses. Usually when Saturn transits over your Ascendant Degree, or Saturn opposes your natal Sun, you can prepare yourself for what will likely be a rough time. See the lordship of Mercury it is 8th and 11th lord from the lagna. This article illustrates why there are very few genuinely good practicing Astrologers. Remedies for Ketu in Vedic Astrology Sudden wealth can be a blessing in the form of gifts, awards, rewards, wills, legacy, lottery, gambling, stocks, scholarship, hidden treasures, underground wealth like gold and gems, speculation, speculation and sudden wealth from abandoned places etc. He got such big fame and popularity all because of his planetary combinations and conjunctions placed in his online horoscope. Lords of 11th and 2nd positioned in 4th house, with a benefice. The twelfth house is a house of losses in terms of loss of money, health or energy. Most of the time our lives remain the same; but occasionally theres a big shift. Lagna lord Saturn aspecting Lagna and 10th house gave him success through hard work, name, fame and wealth. Jacki and her husband , a couple from Pico Rivera, CA, won 266 Millions dollars in the Mega Millions lottery on 5 May 2010. You are quite in the dark what to do in the future since your current financial status is bleak. Blog - Astrology may give valuable insights into someone's love life. In the online horoscope of Md. The lords of 11th and 6th and Saturn are in the 11th house, the indigenous wins in a dice game or credit cards through underhand methods and by puzzling or mesmerizing his competitors. If it also gets 8th house connection then the person becomes completely deserted financially. Another way that planets create change in our lives is through Transits. If the Sun and Mercury are in conjunction, one will be unsteady in wealth matters (Ibidl5-4). This Virgo lagna horoscope is of a highly placed IT professional who went to Singapore after July 2008 when he was running under Mercury-Sun dasha in Vimshottari in his horoscope. In the horoscope having conjunction of 10 th lord with 8 th house lord or 12 th house lord there is a danger of job loss during the dasha of 'Dusthana' lords (6 th , 8 th and 12 th lords). PAID READINGS SECTION - Personal Questions About Your Chart. With both in the 3rd house, with the 3rd house lord Moon, the likelihood is for Big Changes/ Gain in your local conditions, through your own efforts, and/or your relationship with 3rd house people, i.e, sibling, close relative, neighbor. Jupiter is in its enemy sign Virgo is weak as it is involve with so many hard malefic planets Ketu, Mars and a retrograde Saturn which is not helpful. Wealth in an individual's life is indicated by how strong the Dhanya Yogas are. Your Life span - Longevity reading. Therefore, despite the appearance of a favorable situation, the other planets in the natal chart, as well as any transits affecting natal planets during the Jupiter sub-period, also have to be taken into account. These major economic crisis had come around the opposition or conjunction of Saturn-Jupiter. Don't waste time and money by not planning your trip properly today . Jupiter has 3 special aspects, i.e. Lords of 6th and 11th combine in 12th house signifies a reduction in speculation. I just want a beneficial change in my life, feeling stuck. In the online horoscope of Amitabh Bachchan, Lagna lord Saturn is in Kendra in friendly sign owned by Yogakarka Venus. Hidden treasure, sudden gains, wealth and prosperity in your chart according to Vedic astrology. The mixture of the strong 6th and 11th lords is always good for gambling and lottery. What or who it will be is determined by an analysis of the planet, its position, its house rulership, what it represents in the divisional charts, etc. It affects the person with its influence at different houses of the zodiac. The aspect of Jupiter on Lagna and presence of Mercury in Lagna is capable of giving a person keenness of mind and a humanitarian approach. The fate and fortune does not support all. A quick wakeup call to her husband, then a check of numbers was all it took to determine that they held the winning ticket. What can you expect from Moon mahadasha (Moon is 8th house ruler, sitting in the ascendant with Saturn, Neptune, Uranus)? The last 10 days of March will promise stability in gains from investment and losses from aggressive decisions. Gaj Kesari Yog. As a result he was shot dead by a Hindu fanatic on 30.01.1948 during Jupiter dasa-Venus bhukti. Also see his Navamsha chart where Mercury is in the 6th house of struggle and anter dasha lord Rahu get the bad aspect of 8th lord Venus. He lost his job recently in July 2019 when he was under an enigmatic Venus-Saturn (July 2018 to September 2021) period in Vimshottari. Lords of 2nd and 4th are positioned in 9th house, with a benefice. The dashas of 5th and 8th houses lords can also give job losses which I have discuss above. Whenever i have gone to other astrologers, they usually say generic stuff about me and my future but your prediction was to the point. Airy sign in Lagna and Moon in 9th has given him excellent thinking mind. The person having Gaj Kesari Yog is blessed with all the luxurious life comforms, he will occupy a high position in his profession. The commencement of Rahu dasa in 1921 brought Gandhiji into active independence struggle and he made a call for Swarajya (self-rule). In this case: On the challenging side, 8th lord Saturn is debilitated. Primary houses for massive wealth in astrology are the 2nd and 11th houses. Astrology, for so long seen as the territory of New Agers still stuck in the '70s, is having a moment. The eighth house of Vedic astrology horoscope shows sudden occurrences and unseen stuff. The benefices planets profession 5th and 8th houses. The nodal return is often interpreted as the beginning of a new cycle of the dispensation of fate. The Lagna need to find out the impact of planets and is online. Lord in 8th house connection then the person having Gaj Kesari sudden rise in life vedic astrology blessed! Been in great conjunction on Dec 21, 2020, nearly after years... Just for you anything free of person with its lord there forms Malavya Pancha Yoga... Uranus is the planet of luxury and all worldly pleasure to should be read other Questions: Childbirth birth... Or unknown treasures and uncertain heritage also give immediate accomplishment and richness to to time events in a chart transit. 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