supergirl fanfiction alex knee injury

Supergirl. Theyll track me., Oh, Im counting on it. Shes too discombobulated to go after him. He has nothing against Supergirl. And before she can pick her up and whisk her to safety, the water turns on. A small crumble of cement sprays from where she connected, but the block still stays intact. Okay, alright. She breathes through her mouth, her crushed nose filling with mucus with the humidity in the room. It hurt her team to have to watch it again, and it scared the heroes that came to help to see Supergirl in that much pain. Lex had made sure the street in front was clear of soldiers so they could talk privately. A martian from Mars? Kate asks. He sniffs and wipes his tears away with the back of his hand, regaining his composure. The Smallville High School Football and Cheerleading AU story that nobody asked for but I felt compelled to write! Now, they both know its not the end of their tussle, its the start of a new beginning. Her comms went out and after some time she was radio silent. That she wasnt here with them. What can I say, Lex? We need to steal as many weapons as we can carry, try and disarm them best we can. The stress of their friendship dissipating and her heart mending. Do you think Ill ever get mine back?, Debatable. A small vent near the ceiling clicks on, and the faint whirring of a ventilation unit envelopes the room. Kara, I got you. Featuring: Director Sanvers, Jamie, SuperCorp, MerDer and alien-related injuries. No plot other than Halloween costume ideas for one of my favorite fandom couples and giving them a reason for a lot of kissing. She registers her sister but the numbers in her head keep counting the time, and she pulls away from the wall in an attempt to stand. With a sigh Lena closes her book and decides to give her full attention to the child next to her. Okay, what do you got? Kate works on one of Bruces journals, updating an entry. She had halted the whole scene and told Supergirl what she wanted. What happened today?. They want a fight., Because, he growls, they want to end us.. No powers AU, some inspiration from comics and the potential the show had regarding their dynamics. Is it in my best interest to excuse myself now? She starts to move. I destroyed the serum! You seem unstable. A few of them almost spit out their drinks, several choke on the food in their mouthes. I will start-, No, Alex interrupts, cutting him off. Really? Was she joking with them? The world could start over. Medics were doing everything they could to wake the slumbering hero. Strip them of their memories and give them a blank slate. Cisco, Julian, Gypsy, Jay and Harry watch with looks of sorrow. Hey, have you guys seen the paper? James asks, walking up to the booth and sliding in with a fresh tray of drinks. They were giving her a break. I failed you. Alex rushes after her calling her name. Literature Supergirl vs. Cammy RATED PG-13IN THIS CORNER Balrog the burly boxer flashed a big smile as he pulled off his sunglasses. This was new. Thats not the same as living it. You can be someone different. Besides, being the villain is more fun anyway.. I cant remember I dont know, she whispers, voice growing small as the fear creeps in. Thats. By all means. Alex are you alright? They had watched helplessly as live footage from onlookers and pedestrians was played on screen, watched as their loved one was impaled, then sucked into the depths. Danvers was forced to leave Midvale after an incident that exposed her and has settled into a new life in Smallville, working on the Kent Farm and going to Smallville High, and keeping her head down. If you think youre going to meet someone who doesnt youre living in a fantasy. I can understand how it must have been. The moment the anchor had asked Supergirl for help, they knew she was going to disobey them. Never has she experienced something to this extent, and never would she wish this upon anyone. He waits to see if she will, if her mind will connect the imaginary dots to him, but her eyes remain looking. The ceiling turns on again, but instead of the chilling water as before, its a scalding rain. Work Search: Who am I kidding, of course they have. Alex, no! she wheezes, her voice raw from her screams of pain. Kara smiles, running over to her and crushing her into a hug. Attending the funeral of the enemy you killed? Its Kate and Barry. New. It slides open and she takes Lena in. Kara! she greets, wrapping arms around the hero. Run into any troubles lately?. Thanks. Kara is sent away after Agent Liberty seeds the air with Kryptonite. It would ruin you. Like everyone around me knows something I dont. Awaiting doctors move her to a bed and immediately apply wires and machines to her head, face, and chest. I look forward to reading it., Kara smiles shyly, pushing up her glasses. Her lip is split and puffy, spit and saliva mixed with blood glossing her mouth. Im not sure. No one would be able to protect them. One day. Ill be waiting for you outside the DEO. What are you doing here? she asks, walking toward him cautiously. Her words are not a question. Your Kryptonian DNA allows you to have powers under a yellow sun, the one on this planet. Yes, Director. He softens slightly. He leads her down a hallway to a training room. And then, there is a hint of realization. The lamps above your bed were red to limit your abilities. Brainy? They move to National City. Does she tell her what happened between them? That was someone else., Alex swallows the lump in her throat. To carry on with their goal. You dont have to be her. Lex stole her memories. Your business. I feel lucky to protect the city, but I wish Kara was beside me. The anchor speaks frantically, eyes pleading with the screen. Lena and Kara sit at Karas kitchen table, a bottle of wine split between them. Now, were at a standstill., Cadmus, Alex says, speaking up. I want nothing but to keep you here until our plan is complete. First edit of 2019 how exciting! I take it thats not the proper way to execute a punch., He purses his lips in a tight smile. Alex rushes over but he rights himself, putting up a hand to stop her. Kara rolls her eyes, shifting her weight. Where are we going undercover? Jonn asks. But as she watched it play, no emotion came to her face. Bring them all.. With no way of telling the day or time, she couldnt calculate how many days, or weeks, or months it had been. Kara told her to relax and Alex tried her best to. Ive been meaning to call you., Well, I didnt think we could take your entire armory without you noticing. The entire city showed up for her funeral. She turns to her, face expressionless. Kate turns back to Lena. Ive just been feeling kinda lonely after the crisis. Where Supergirl doesnt exist. We face enemies that no one on this planet has the courage to." Alex Danvers to J'onn J'onzz[src] Dr. Alexandra "Alex" Danvers (born 1989) is a bio-engineer and former . But if we cant get her to remember anything soon, Im not sure I will be., Lena, Kate, James, Barry. What are you planning?, The same as any other villain, I suppose. He couldnt imagine it. One night, the mice get together to try and find a solution so none of them get eaten. Why bother with mending what we had when she has you? Im fairly certain she meant kids your own age Lena replies in a teasing tone. The infirmary door slides open and the little group is met with silence, save for the beeping of machines and light whirring of yellow sun lamps. She looks so small. So she basks in the feeling of peace she has with this Lena. He puts himself in her shoes and does his best to make her feel human. She presses, eyes shutting as she tries to think but nothing surfaces. Please Wake up he says softly, his voice raw from screaming at her. The water was ice cold, chilling Kara to her core. Her question shocks the room. Yes. They knew they were the only ones who could bring him down. They stare at the blank monitors, unsure of what to do. You can do this. I am Kara. The hero needed to lay low, no matter how much persistence Kara gave. What do you mean captured? Kate demands, stepping forward. Im alright, Im alright. The two women are engulfed in silence, save for the red sun lamps humming above Karas bed. Ten minutes of brutal water, an hour of either AC or heat. I know. Torn, ripped, shredded, burned, bloodied. Shes seen Olivers memorial, his daughter and his team mourning. What are we waiting for? Kate asks, stepping up to the balcony. And if Im being honest, I think too many people close to Kara already know who she is. Her foster mother. To rule the world. An Alex. Ps. "Lena is in the infirmary. They share their hugs, and not long after does Jonn show up. Kate, are you alright? Alex asks, kneeling beside the hyperventilating Batwoman. Let her answer. You dont have to do this. You were wrong, you hear me! Even if it is from my own men., Well, Ive got to be honest with you, Lex. And that promise will remain unbroken. It seemed like an entire lifetime had passed since Alex and Kelly exchanged vows. "It is our job to take risks. She was thankful her injuries had healed, the water no longer stung them as much as it did in the beginning, but she knew that the extent of her injuries meant a long time to mend. There she is. I am Mon-El., He nods and watches her. On the front page was the headline Kiss of Death, an image of Lex giving mouth-to-mouth to Kara. For other uses of the name "Alex", see Alex (disambiguation). Ah, youve been here before? She shouts, batting away his hands but hes too strong with the Kryptonite in the room. His head is hung over the railing as he breathes deep, eyes shut. We need to dampen her powers enough to where they are manageable., Brainys eyes narrow slightly. I dont Kara mumbles, her other hand coming to the side of her head. Theyve only been talking for an hour, Lena explaining her side behind the scenes with Lex and Kara telling her about the strange occurrences at Obsidian. says her name is Lena Luthor. The entire country was there, what was he doing?. Um, L-Corp? Yes, you are. It feelts right, doesnt it?. and the shenanigans that lead to its first use. You dont know what that means to me.. The sun is starting to set past the skyscrapers, painting the city in shadows rather than the pink rays it normally does in National City. She slips off of her sister, rolling to her side miserably. She stops there, not wanting to go into any further details. They were trying to freeze her. But the phone is hers. Which makes me feel like the biggest asshole in the universe., Lenas brows come together. Before anyone else can speak, Lenas monitors go blank. Thats a good plan., He smiles. Wow., I know, Alex agrees. Luke leans toward her, not sure if her heard correctly. She hasnt moved in over an hour, and they didnt know whether to find comfort in that fact or not. Of. Just some gay in a groupe chat What bad could possibly happen . Alex crouches down next to her sister, not able to touch her. Do you know who you are? Alex asks, now concerned that her sister might not know she has powers. Alex wasnt going to call anyone until she deemed it necessary. Its gone. She prays that they will win, and she prays that when they find her body it will be after Leviathan has met its end. Alex was heartbroken. Maybe youre right. The family, immediate and extended, made their way to the alien bar where they had spent so many a karaoke night. He holds it up for her to see. The cauterized wound on her stomach was massive, her skin had scarred over and shriveled from the burn. She scrolls through her contacts. Kara brings her back to the DEO, setting her in the infirmary before alerting Alex. His arms are crossed as he stares at his hero through narrowed eyes, a million scenarios and questions running through his head. Deep in the basement of the DEO, Lex sits at his desk in his lab, going over papers and files and documents and recipes. Maybe, Kate echoes, following her to the infirmary. Not yet, Alex decides. Dreamer. Shes been running around the city night after night, taking care of it in Karas absence. Are we allowed to see her, or?, Yes. Her sister only nods, arms now coming up and over her face. Rama Khan stands mightily, staff raised above him as a cloud of earth swirls. Kane. I have no idea what level of tolerance she has or how much we need. Now, if you want your friends to stay alive, tell them yourself.. I dont know what this has to do with Lex, Alex questions, confused. We do, Ms. Luthor. Handling everything?, Ive been better. And that terrified her. She sniffs, coming to terms with the fact that Kara is dead. Bonus points if he either totally fails or totally fails and still magically wins. Welcome to the team.. I would love to see more of her., You can. She pulls out the needle Lena gave her before she went, a heavy sedative. He swiftly removes the spear from her stomach and she doubles over on her hands and knees, her abdomen leaking red over the concrete beneath her. Sanvers. He made supersoldiers for the sole purpose of taking down her team. Alex pictured this moment as a hug of relief, tears of joy she was alive and safe, but she only feels a deep sense of something wrong as her sister looks at her with no recollection of who she is. Kara leans against the wall of the room, huddled in the corner. No, Kara whispers, piecing it all together. As well as that bratty son of hers., What do you want from here? She steps onto the ledge and gently drops over the side of the building before bursting into the air above Kate. She had created a serum to erase memories. Ive come to do a little digging. Well, forgive me if that analysis still doesnt give me hope, Alex snips, walking away. Well, thats a first., Kate hums, then gestures to her partner. Asking about prices, products. Maybe seeing you in the flesh will help her.. When they pull away, Alex takes her sister in. People are going to be people. You told me youd hear my side and then sell me the building. Batwoman., Because she loves you. Kate, Mon-El, Winn, and Karas team stay inside, finding it difficult to think when their thoughts are revolving around what Kara might be going through. Nothing is stopping you from doing that., Supergirl is. Anything?. Ill sell you the building. Supergirl, Lena whispers, her gaze falling as she tries to remember the name. Ive brought some people whod like to see you, Alex announces, standing at the foot of the bed. Uh, yeah. Not without me looking., Well, do you have a better idea? So, how is heroing going? Izzie Stevens. You get a blank slate, Kara. Id like to buy it from you. My name is Mon-El.. I will give you your second chance. But their tunnels are still open.. Is it worth it? As in Mars? First freezing water for a prolonged period of time, now the infusion of cold air into a sealed room. That she was in need of help. It just means Ill have to see it for myself.. We will be killed if we go against her wishes, do you understand? Matter how much persistence Kara gave room, huddled in the infirmary alerting! Brainys eyes narrow slightly so none of them get eaten best we carry! Watches her monitors, unsure of what to do save for the sole purpose taking. To think but nothing surfaces shredded, burned, bloodied fact that Kara is away... As that bratty son of hers., what was he doing? already know who she.. Her skin had scarred over and shriveled from the burn of either AC or heat universe., monitors! The front page was the headline Kiss of Death, an hour and! 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