why would cid want to talk to me uk

James: I think this bridge is a little too burned. Police duties include; protection of lives and properties, enforcing of criminal law, criminal investigations, traffic regulating, crowd control, public safety duties, civil defense, emergency management, search of missing persons, lost property and other duties concerned with public order. About. Me: This whole argument is not going to get less toxic if the two sides dont talk to each other. As implied by the name, uniformed Police wear uniforms, which differ in various countries around the world. What is the time frame for a person to report a crime? On one level its unfair that Jolyon Maugham is now infamous for the one action in his life that may have been undertaken for truly humane motives killing a hopelessly trapped and injured animal relatively painlessly. When I got angry at her and told her she was ruining my life, she didnt agree, but she listened, trying to understand my thinking. It depends on your definition of good, I suppose. So many people are passionate about the police force but they fail to understand certain things. Your child might be behind in their language skills if: There is plenty you can do to help your child and lots of expert help available if you are worried you know your own child best, so just remember to ask a professional if you are concerned. That would be rare in, say, the Daily Mail or the Telegraph. an addiction. They are also specially trained to get you to talk at length because when people do that they tend to give away much more information than they intend. You may also hear them referred to as counselling, talking treatments or psychological therapies. Evil, like rust, never sleeps. I know, I was there for several years until they just stamped out comments completely on articles where they expected us heathens to go against the script. I believe that a number of the clinicians from the Tavistock are to be consulted on the new services. What are you talking about? You dont owe anyone an apology over the Nazi businessMaugham started it with the allusion to Niemoller. The Guardians content in my assessment (I read it most days) is more on the gender-ideology side than gender critical. James: But if this ugly thing that happened means we cant work with you, then it feels unjust for you to be like: I approached these guys and they said they couldnt speak to me. The quoted exchange with the spokesman is quite outrageous, who on earth does he think he is? If it was as simple as that it would be fairly common sense but it is not. Am I misunderstanding you? The biggest difference between Tavistock and the Nazis is that the Nazis had bad intentions and the Tavistock docs had good intentions. I just noticed the author is a staff writer at the guardian so is probably well and truly in the grip of an ideaology, unless she just does it for the money.. And individuals born male will remain male for all their lives and cannot change to be female. Were not trying to extract a cost from you. Well, you can find good people in all sorts of unexpected places. 1. A parents offer of help, large or small, is often heard as a vote of no confidence in her childs ability to figure it out for herself. Some people from Gids will be involved at the regional specialist centres, but the young people will receive broader psychological assessments before they get there. And a lot of these clinicians arent really trying to do good; theyre trying to keep their practicing certificate, trying not to be criticized by the mob, trying to get published, trying to keep their job etc; and in trying to achieve these understandable but selfish goals they are willing to sacrifice your children and mine, which is a deeply unethical way for any health professional to behave (speaking as one). If you just dont understand why this is happening you really have been asleep for the last few decades. Hi, Julian, Whether that person consents to speaking with the police officer is obviously another matter. Looking Glass comment? Because Id once made a cheap crack about them on Twitter, they said, they would not talk to me. Me: If youre asking me to make a public apology in order to talk to one of your clinicians, I think that would just draw more attention to the tweet. This is the last police interview questions and answers you should learn. The idea that the closure of the Tavistock with the simultaneous opening of a lot of mini Tavistocks up and down the country is something to be celebrated is very premature. I admire those who are willing to sacrifice money, fame and reputation to truth immensely. Talking therapy works as well for children as it does for adults. Talk about your passion, commitment to serving your community/nation, how much you love the job and how determined you are to fight crime. Such intra-generational intimacy is, I know, a source of boomer pride. Summarize your experience, strengths and skills. The normal advice is to listen carefully to the question, answer the question and keep the answer short. James: I see that you did it within a context, and you have since deleted the tweet, but we have it. an eating disorder. The qualities of a good police officer are; intelligence, integrity, fabulous communication skill, compassion, problem solving skills, top notch interpersonal skills, top moral character, dedication to humanity. Also, never forget to mention that you have integrity and totally honest. As we know these disorders significantly effect personality and in, Today ReviewSolicitors named Martin Cray & Co one of the top 3 solicitors in Brighton crediting our perfect 5-star rating. After all, they will have learnt a lot from the Tavistocks mistakes and now have a chance to continue its work on a much wider scale. I also question whether those who stood by and watched colleagues actively participating in such practices could really be classified as good people? Before you leave, not found what you are looking forneed us to call you back when you have more time? Were not trying to extract a cost from you. Anyway most people are subject to some ideology or other and in this case HF is fighting against her tribe, which is harder to do than just along with it, and may cost her her pay check someday. It is often the case that people are invited into the police station for a . Snarky. Of course it will. As long as their motivation is good we ought to overlook the harm theyre doing. I think whoever cannot see the Guardian is ideaologically driven is in the grip of the Guardians ideaology and reads it to have their beliefs reinforced- a nice cosy feeling. I interpret it as poem intended to make the reader question themselves rather than judge others. The issue is not clear-cut and it would be a lot easier if people on both sides of the debate would acknowledge that. To my relief and delight, when the mood struck during those college years, she often gushed a fount of information that afforded a vivid snapshot of her life and concerns. I dont think its healthy to have books that just present one side, but here we are. They should be treated as sex offenders. Fine, dont talk to the crappy journalist who made some cheap Nazi crack on social media, but why didnt Gids do long-term tests on puberty blockers? Page last reviewed: 1 November 2022 You can remain silent, as anything you say will be used against you in a court of law. You said: "The Nazis performed medical experiments on children whereas the judges are trying to stop that.". John: Sure. James: The thing is, quite a few of our clinicians saw a comment you made on 5 December where you mentioned the Nazis and our clinicians in the same tweet I dont think I understand your point(s). What if the order was against the law? Theyre trying to do good but actually doing evil. Mention that you have always wanted to be in a profession , where 2 days arent the same. Please tell me the books he preferred to write. Me: If youre asking me to make a public apology in order to talk to one of your clinicians, I think that would just draw more attention to the tweet. Who are they to play G*d over childrens lives? In her letter last month to the NHS advocating for a complete overhaul in this countrys treatment of gender dysphoric children and young people, Dr Cass wrote that there has been very limited research on the short, medium or longer-term impact of puberty blockers on neurocognitive development. What you need to do is essentially spelled out for you. Police officers may do this for a number of reasons; lets look at some of the possibilities; The Police and Criminal Evidence Act provide police officers with powers to arrest. My attempt to muzzle my instinctive questions is the most difficult act of love I have ever undertaken. I associate the poem with all the Germans who witnessed the persecution of the Jews and either stayed silent, colluded or participated in the persecution. At a restaurant, the owner recognizes you as a police officer that patrols the neighborhood. Your child might be behind in their language skills if: they do not seem to respond to sounds. I wasnt surprised that people at the Tavistock & Portman didnt like me. Her last three summers home familiarized me with the kinds of questions I best steer clear of, but that doesnt make it easy. You shouldnt sound happy at the prospect. I hope that helps. Me: This whole argument is not going to get less toxic if the two sides dont talk to each other. Why has the author chosen to publish here rather than in the Guardian? I have had extensive experience of doctors in my life. Talking therapies are commonlyused alongside medicines. CID requires certain qualities and commitment, as officers of the department need to show an aptitude or know-how for this kind of work. John: Well, you never apologised for that or said: Maybe they shouldnt be linked to Nazis. So thats your last word about clinicians. I owe this reference to Paul Weindling, of the Wellcome Institute. When this happens it can be a tremendous shock, whatever the circumstances. Bye. Regional centres will keep different data if they keep data at all and failings will be attributed to one or two centres (lessons will be learned etc) rather than the ideology as a whole. Is she not in the grip of feminism? They arent good allies and can always be turned against one. James: Sure. I guess you are saying that the Gids people are indeed Mengelians, hence comparable to the original Nazis, if you put Mengel in the middle of the syllogism. I want to say a couple of things about this conversation. and then those members of the public and journalists are blacklisted and censored because the Sacred Cow the NHS must be protected at all costs. So I am a mean girl. Name calling. This department in the police force is involved in surveillance of local drug dealers and raids on premises to make arrests. Always agreeable to see a Guardianista personally confronted with the inevitable consequences of their chosen ideological outlook. These were all unbiased, non-ideological doctors I spoke to; in many cases, they had once worked at Gids. This could beafter a relative or friendhas died, after finding out you have a serious illness, if you're struggling with infertility, or ifyou have lost your job. A few hours later, I received a message telling me that a man, who Ill call James and who worked in the communications department of the Tavistock, was willing to speak with me that afternoon. Pleased, I called him at the set time and took notes, as I always do for work. theyre making a lot of speech sounds that no-one understands. No concept of it being a vehicle for delivery, the means to and end, because the end has long been forgotten by the left. Often clients come to see us facing prosecution and having decided not to take legal advice in interview. I see no reason why one cant point out that Dr Mengele was a doctor or what he did to people in the name of science whether he was a Nazi or not. The outcry about the Catholic Church in Ireland needed the collapse of the church and it losing its influence first, and only then did the kicking commence. And this lady was fully on board with that script. People with long-term health conditions are more vulnerable to depression, and talking therapies have been proven to help. Me: So lets talk. James: Yes, Jo Maugham said something, then [Times columnist] Janice Turner said something, then you replied to that. For full functionality of this site it is necessary to enable JavaScript. Answer this question by showing that you are willing to collaborate and compromise with your colleagues. I still, sometimes, glance the Opinion section. Were not interested in saying publicly: You used these terms about our clinicians, who are incredibly hard-working, caring people. The discourse around this subject is so toxic, and we do believe in transparency and want journalists to describe how we work. I doubt she really needs to , but it would be nice as this misspelling does grate when reading. We are aware of situations where clients have been invited in for a friendly chat and are taken by complete surprise when, on arrival, they are ushered into an interview room a recording is started and a formal interview under caution begins. She won that case, but it was quashed on appeal. By their light, Hitler and Stalin and Mao were just trying to do good. I also tend to shudder when I see The Guardian in a writers CV but judge not as (theoretically) there can be exceptions to the groupthink at that woke factory. If you dont want to talk, thats cool. The Guardian makes Pravda look like free press. It's an opportunity to look at your problems in a different way with someone who'll respect you and your opinions. They will tell you that they want to get at the truth or get it sorted out but in reality, their job is to get you to say things which will then be set out as evidence. Just because they suspect you may have committed an offence doesnt mean they can prove you actually have done anything wrong. The Police force is often defined as being separate from the military and other organizations involved in the defense of the state against foreign aggressors. If you are following all of these bits of advice and your child is still not progressing, you may need a referral to a speech and language therapist. But I do think its a subject worth exploring. Serious Organized Crime Agency (SOCA): 20 Police Interview Questions and Answers You Should Learn. Well, I did not get better, and, in fact, he ended up getting struck off for serious misconduct. Law enforcement agents are also bound by the law. Hadley F has long been gender-critical, which is the opposite to the prevailing thinking at the Guardian. That you say its unfair for me to say you wouldnt speak to me, but thats whats happening? Thats a very valid point. A good police officer is responsible for maintaining law and order in a state. I know, because Ive met some of them. Like so many of the things Ive tweeted in my life, I regret what I said to Janice Turner about medical treatments but not because it was incorrect. Bye. By signing up you agree to receive email communications from Burton Copeland. If necessary anyone found guilty of abuse or even reckless conduct should be barred from the medical profession. John: Its an interesting point, but ummm smoking Nazis). If you have, you are firmly rejected, and usually given a telling off to boot. Please do not think that just because you are certain that you have done nothing wrong that you are not in a vulnerable situation. It depends on your definition of good, I suppose. It wasnt that suddenly, out of the blue, so many girls were actually trans boys; rather, theyd found a new way to express a hatred of their bodies This could be the new anorexia, one doctor said to me. But Nazis are not so rhetorically protected. Swap the word patients for readers and you could be talking about The Guardian, Hadley. I interpreted the poem First they came for as being about not speaking out when you see people being treated badly because it doesnt effect you or you fear becoming a victim if you do. It should reassure you to know that lots of children struggle with speech and language and that it doesn't always mean there is a deeper issue. How can it be moral to decide a child will be turned into a simulacrum of the opposite sex at the cost of the permanent loss of their future sexual and reproductive function? I think that makes her NOT a follower of this ideology. John: But if this ugly thing that happened means we cant work with you, then it feels unjust for you to be like: I approached these guys and they said they couldnt speak to me. I have zero tolerate for any sort of corruption. If your baby is born prematurely, their milestones will be assessed from their due date, not from when they were actually born. The problem is socialism. Indeed. James: Its an interesting point, but ummm Would you have realised that had the article not said so? And they similarly acted for the greater good of humanity as they thought and believed..! The following is a summary of the conversation that ensued: Me: Im writing a book about unhappy teenage girls and Id love to talk to someone at the Tavistock about it. Why do police officers do this, when they clearly suspect the individual of committing an offence? After more than 20 years of this, Im pretty well-accustomed to the rigamarole. I want advice, I told her bluntly. Why did it take them so long to keep records on the long-term outcomes of its patients? What are the qualities of a good police officer? For that let the record show I apologise. I am trying to stay on my side of the line. The therapist will give you time to talk, cry, shout or just think. As to clear-cut issues, what is clear-cut is that individuals born female will remain female for all their lives and cannot change to be male. Overwhelmingly this would be young men and boys between the ages of 12 and 25. Were not interested in saying publicly: You used these terms about our clinicians, who are incredibly hard-working, caring people. The discourse around this subject is so toxic, and we do believe in transparency and want journalists to describe how we work. Hadley Freemanis a staff writer at The Guardian. The Guardians content in my assessment (I read it most days) is more on the gender-ideology side than gender critical. As John rightly said, I have been very open about my scepticism about gender ideology, particularly in its application to children and young people. There are a few other points you need to consider. Tho are editors not employed for these articles? If anyone would offer me any money or other related stuff, I will take strict measures or actions against the person. A parent's question, no matter its intent, is often interpreted as "a reflection of the parent's anxiety" about his child's future. So if someone says, transgenderism isnt real, then trans advocates involved in institutions like Gids, take a more full throttle approach to any presenting candidate, where grey areas and complex presentations are glossed over. Normally, I would agree with you, but the idea of grown adults permanently removing sexual organs from children going through a turbulent period of adolescence strikes a deep chord in me. Anyone working for a regime that sets out to mutilate children is not a good person. It not only feels unnatural, It feels unloving. Though I have an obstructed view, I cannot ignore what I am able to see: the comings and goings, what shes doing, what shes not. And carrying over your reference, there were apparently good people who supported the Na**s too. Strongly stay away from criticizing your department or fellow officers. Ideally,a coupleshould go to counselling together, but if your partner refuses to join you, counselling can help you sort out lots of things on your own. Her last book, House of Glass, was published by 4th Estate in 2020. Wrong! Focussing on the language mutilations of Stonewall and its barbaric accomplices and their refusal to debate is fine as far as it goes but the wider picture must be understood, too. IF that werent so, but it was only numbers of dead that count, then the Nazis dont even come close to Stalin and Mao. But this is not the case,and talking therapy can improve your enjoyment of life if you're feeling low. They were either too afraid or too indifferent to speak up. But I do think its a subject worth exploring. The whole Tavistock thing hasnt blown up the way it should have, has it? I dont think its helpful to think of these things/people as evil. Even those in the grip of an ideaology can recognise the flaws in a competing ideaolog: In fact are probably more sensitive to the flaws in a competing ideaology. a phobia. Harassment is any behavior intended to disturb or upset a person or group of people. You can often make the referral yourself, but it is always good to check first with your childs health professional, GP or nursery practitioner. Me: Fine, so shall I say No comment from you? See the NICE guidelines on depression in children and young people. Eject me from my bed? Or even Anglican. Bell has since detransitioned and says she should never have been given blockers so young. You will be offered health visitor checks for your baby until they are two so their development can be tracked. Again, in our experience of speaking with persons who have continued to be interviewed without advice, they often feel that it is too late,Im here now.the interview has started.. And the idea that somehow these regional centres will not be influenced by this radical leftist gender ideology is for the birds. If you are ever in a situation where you are being forced/coerced by your supervisor to look away from the law or directly break a law, you must be alert about it and try to understand the reason behind it. By even using the term gender critical, I feel I and others are submitting to trans ideaology. Premature babies will be offered extra health checks to keep an eye on their development and so that support can be provided where necessary. This is another police interview questions and answers you should learn. After all, all you need to do is tell the truth, right? Im still trying to learn more, but that is not going to happen if public services are keeping secret files of peoples tweets and were told No, that bridge is burned. Me: Fine, youre not available to comment. Weirdly, by accepting Johns interpretation and backing down on her word choice, Hadley validates the original Nazisand in a sense, protects them. If you dont talk to me, I cant present your side. Me: Do you often keep tweets? The press officer checks if you have ever written anything negative about that celebrity. I have a very sexy foot operation booked in for next January. Good people worked at Gids. The Clinic was bringing the NHS under scrutiny and this had to be stopped, before it got out of hand and other skeletons fell out of cupboards. Its been heartening to learn that I am not the only parent walking on eggshells strewn by a returning Millennial. ( This is the part where you lay emphasis on your level of integrity). She genuinely wanted her patients to recover, so she was willing to listen to all sides, because it wasnt about her it was about what was best for those who were ill. Good people worked at Gids. A prolific sperm donor has now fathered 70 children - and says it's like "charity work". You can unsubscribe at any time. Who says regional microGids will be any better? Clearly if an officer calls to your house and asks you to come into the police station they are already aware of your identity so an arrest would not be necessary. So thats all right then. We have socialist healthcare, education, police, civil service, local government all created and crept in via the back door. Your IP: I love Graham Green, was introduced to him in H School in the states. WHAT I DO: I help small & independent schools increase revenue, retention, and enrollment by identifying and implementing innovative marketing and development strategies. There are a number of special units and departments in the police force, such as; The Criminal Investigative Department (CID) deals with investigations into extremely serious crimes, such as murder. But you have been quite outspoken about gender identity issues. These will look at height, weight and physical development as well as speech and language, to see if everything's OK. Outside of these checks, you can keep an eye on their development and, that they are reaching certain milestones. Not everyone knows that the Rockefeller Foundation funded Dr Mengele until Hitler declared war on the US. They were not going to get a response. If you or a loved one has been arrested, please do not hesitate to contact our 24-hour emergency number on 07395855445 to secure privately funded specialist representation at the police station. Moreover, there are specialist operations in the police force, with branches and a wide range of functions including; anti-terrorism, convert operations & intelligence, diplomatic protection, firearms, national identification, photographic & graphics, royal protection and special branch. SOCA or the Serious Organised Crime Agency , which was created in April 2006 was formed from the amalgamation of the National Crime Squad (NCS), National Criminal Intelligence Service (NCIS), that part of HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC). All of which makes it look as though you are the one in the grip of a rigid ideology of course, we are all in the grip of ideologies, to a lesser or greater extent. anxiety. SRA No. Seriously, is that what you think? In English law the burden of proof is on the prosecution, they have to prove that you are guilty; it is not for you to prove that you are innocent. Sometimes talking treatments are held in groups or couples, such as relationship counselling. 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